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How Do You Like Your Eggs?

"How Do You Want Your Eggs?"

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The real question is what is my least favorite? (Hard boiled, but even then, still tasty-- especially in deviled eggs).
I love a good English Scramble (French style is too runny and American is a tad too dry). I love the mouth feel of the curds.

I voted for sunny side up, because I have fond memories of a street cart in SEA that served them with a banh mi baguette. That yolk with a little soy sauce is a heavenly salt / umami bomb. Now I'm hungry at midnight...
Omlettes, scrambled, hard boiled, deviled (if that counts) and I think fried. Idk what it's called, but it's when the egg can still be wet and drippy in the middle (and cooked to a proper internal temperature) but soft and solid on the outside. I love eggs, esp with cheese and hotsauce on it.
soft boiled so i can cut the yolk and spread it in the rice or bread or whatever else i'm eating with it
I love basically every style of eggs, except for eggs with a hard-cooked yolk, and scrambled eggs that are too runny.
If it’s plain, I really only like fried egg whites. The yolk never really seemed appealing to me. I will eat the entire egg if it’s mixed together and in an omelette or on a sandwich, though. I’ve never tried them scrambled.
I used to like hard-boiled eggs, but only the white. I don’t really eat them anymore though.
I mostly eat omelettes or fried eggs (and scrambled eggs if I mess up my omelette lol). I like my omelettes fluffy, and for my fried eggs I tend to fry both sides of the egg, I like the top of the yolk to be cooked whilst the middle is still runny inside 😋
In certain meals, I love eggs runny like sunny side up or poached, paired with things such as rice, sausage/bacon, kimchi or toast! I do love runny yolk 90% of the time.

Other meals I prefer eggs hard boiled such as in salads/sandwiches or for ease of transportation (like camping).

Eggs overall are so versatile and as a poor college student who recently graduated, they're a lifesaver for varied and healthy meals!
Depends really. I like eggs in general but they go great different ways in different things.

I love soft boiled in my ramen. I like a poached egg on my ramen stir fry. I love hard boiled in thit kho. For american style breakfast and if I have toast, I like sunny side up only if I make it at home...otherwise at restaurants I'll do over easy because I don't think most places do sunny well. I like tamagoyaki from time to time especially with a nice bowl of miso. Omeletes are good too but I probably do the least because it's hard for me to finish since they're pretty filling.

So I guess...all of the above. :x
Hard-boiled and chopped up in tiny bits, only way I can eat them cause the white gets such a soggy rubber consistence ;x
I like scrambled eggs the most, especially when they're fluffy and soft. I also like hard-boiled eggs and omelettes. I like sunny side up eggs too, but I don't like the yolk because the smell sticks to my mouth and I also hate it when the egg yolk is runny. That's why I often make over hard eggs and I flip them so the yolk is hard.
This is going to sound silly but I don’t like eggy eggs 😆 if we are talking about just eggs then an omelette or frittata. If it includes anything made with eggs then I want cake 🍰😊
I basically like all varieties of eggs except sunny side up and over easy. the yolk is much too runny and nasty imo.
I don't have a preference as long as it's cooked. And I don't want the yolk left runny. No sunny side up/over easy. Yuck.

I lived in Japan for a few years and the Japanese have certain dishes that include raw egg. Sometimes raw egg is also used as a sort of dipping sauce for noodles. No. Just no. I can't handle the slimy texture of uncooked eggs, especially the yolk.
I sometimes eat vegan and have fake eggs, like tofu scramble. But on the rare occasions I do eat real eggs, I like scrambled or in an omelet. One of my favorite hearty breakfasts to have when eating out is a vegetarian skillet with scrambled eggs, hash browns, and veggies. Yum.
Deviled is my absolute fave so by simpler extent hard boiled. I often eat hard boiled eggs in the morning at work as they are easy to prepare ahead of time so I just have to simply crack them open.

I also don't mind omelets the added goodies inside always add a nice additional flavor. After that I suppose scrambled is ok on occasion.
Over-easy with a nice, crispy fried bottom is perfection. The top of the yolk is cooked into a white instead of the clumpy, clear coating. The bottom has a nice crunch to it, and the yolk is still runny for yummy bread dipping
I voted for hard boiled and sunny side up, wish I could change my vote. I recently developed some kind of intolerance, I can still eat products made with eggs like cake and I can also still eat them hard-boiled, but every time I eat eggs cooked any other way it makes me sick to my stomach.

it's so weird how something like that can develop out of nowhere. although tbf I kinda stopped liking eggs (other than hardboiled) like a year ago lol.