Cold or hot showers?

Which type of shower do you prefer?

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Mysterious mango
May 6, 2017
June Birthstone (Pearl)
Which one do you prefer. For me I prefer to take cold showers in the summer and hot showers in the winter. however on some occasions I like to take cold showers in the winter because it's very invigorating.
Which one do you prefer. For me I prefer to take cold showers in the summer and hot showers in the winter. however on some occasions I like to take cold showers in the winter because it's very invigorating.

I regularly take shower twice a day, in the morning to wake me up and because I have terrible bed hair and the other at night before bed. I like hot showers but I take cold showers after I exercise to cool my body down or during hot days. It depends on the weather and situations for me :unsure:
During the summer I'll take hot showers and after I'm done bathing, I'll turn off the hot water and let the cold water run long enough for me to cool down a bit, it really makes me feel energized and awake. Although, I'll never ever do this during the winter, wouldn't even consider turning on the cold water if it wasn't to regulate the hot water.
I take hot showers regardless of the weather. I don’t mind cold showers, but would prefer for the water to be warm when becoming clean.
it kind of depends - if i’m hot then i’ll take a cold shower but otherwise i usually just take a warm shower since i can’t handle super hot temperatures aha
I'd use the bath tub liberally if I wasn't roommates with 3 boys. That tub is filthy and I don't want to clean it all the time 😭
Most of the time I like cold showers. At my dorm I would usually take cold showers (or warm leaning more towards cold) regardless of the weather since we had the heater on during winter anyway. If I'm at my house and it's cold or if I'm sick I take hot/warmer showers.
In any other situation I take a hot shower I stand under really cold water for like 3 seconds at the very end before I step out
Hot showers around 46-50c / 115-122f
I certainly hope nobody only takes baths, that's not hygenic at all, you need to rinse yourself off after, and preferably before too.
Kinda both? I mean, the start of my showers are pretty hot because I enjoy the feeling of the hot water against my back, neck, and shoulders. Sometimes, I even increase the heat as I get used to it...well, I used to in my old place where I didn't have to pay for water and could enjoy a long shower. But, yeah. Where the cold comes in is after each step. After the first hair and body wash, I turn down the heat. Then second hair and body wash, the heat goes down again. Then conditioner and body scrub, the last rinse is with barely any heat. I think I feel better coming out of a cold shower than a hot one.

Hey, since we're talking you know if the sulfate thing is true? Like, is sulfate-free shampoo actually better for hair? I'm wondering because I think I'm gonna try it out the next time I buy shampoo.
Kinda both? I mean, the start of my showers are pretty hot because I enjoy the feeling of the hot water against my back, neck, and shoulders. Sometimes, I even increase the heat as I get used to it...well, I used to in my old place where I didn't have to pay for water and could enjoy a long shower. But, yeah. Where the cold comes in is after each step. After the first hair and body wash, I turn down the heat. Then second hair and body wash, the heat goes down again. Then conditioner and body scrub, the last rinse is with barely any heat. I think I feel better coming out of a cold shower than a hot one.

Hey, since we're talking you know if the sulfate thing is true? Like, is sulfate-free shampoo actually better for hair? I'm wondering because I think I'm gonna try it out the next time I buy shampoo.
I've used shampoos with sulfate and as a male I never noticed the difference between sulfate and non-sulfate shampoo, but looking it up the only bad thing i found was that it strips your scalp of natural oils, thus making it "dry and brittle".
Hey, since we're talking you know if the sulfate thing is true? Like, is sulfate-free shampoo actually better for hair? I'm wondering because I think I'm gonna try it out the next time I buy shampoo.

If you have dry/fine hair, or have dry/sensitive skin (especially on your scalp or face), then it's possible that sulfates are too harsh for you. They were also thought to have been linked to cancer but that turned out to be false.
I've used shampoos with sulfate and as a male I never noticed the difference between sulfate and non-sulfate shampoo, but looking it up the only bad thing i found was that it strips your scalp of natural oils, thus making it "dry and brittle".
If you have dry/fine hair, or have dry/sensitive skin (especially on your scalp or face), then it's possible that sulfates are too harsh for you. They were also thought to have been linked to cancer but that turned out to be false.
After, doing some mild research, it seems like it's a toss up. Like, as you said FishHead, some people just don't see a difference. Then there's some that actually feel that their hair jives better with shampoos that have sulfates. Others find that sulfates weigh down and damage their hair to the point of ruining their curls. They say that the stripping of their hair that sulfates do make the hair weaker and more prone to tangles. For some, sulfates irritate the scalp from stinging/itching to excess shedding.

Some people like to say that no one should be using sulfates. They mention that sulfates is the same chemical used in cleaning products for cars and the home. Dr. Sajjad Khan, a hair restoration surgery expert, says that there are two main types of sulfates found in shampoos: sulfate l (lauryl and laureth) and sulfate c (coceth). Sulfate l is a harsh detergent, while sulfate c is a mild. He says that sulfates are important for hair health because sulfate-free products cannot remove oil build up as effectively as products with the chemical. Now, he is trying to sell his "premium" shampoo that has this sulfate c in it, so it might be best to take that into consideration when he says that sulfates are important.

Still, some people have said that it is the constant use of sulfates that does the real damage, which makes sense since we have concluded that it is a detergent that does rid the hair of oils. Obviously this means that a continuous ridding of oils will result in damaged hair since this is a harsh process. To combat this, people have said that it is best to only use sulfates maybe once to twice a month while sticking with sulfate-free for the average wash.

This has made me more curious to experiment with sulfate-free stuff. Definitely when I was told about the irritation that sulfate product can cause. I wonder if maybe I have sensitive skin like you said Vrisnem. Maybe sulfate-free will be a good step forward to getting my curls back.

Jeez. This is too long. College discussion boards have ruined me.
I love hot showers. lol If it's warm I just finish with a little bit cool water but the actual shower is warm.
depends on my mood tbh.
which usually depends on the weather.

it's a very complex process of turning the shower knob and getting a surprise temperature
I prefer to start my showers hot, and near the end I lower the temperature cause it feels quite nice c: