Flight Rising General Thread [Registration: 8/15 - 8/20]

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Hi, what was the recommended amount that you sell food points for in the AH? I have always autosold but I need treasure for the festival ( and I can't stop buying glimmer babies).lol

I always search it in the AH and undercut by a bit, but apparently that makes me a bad person haha, but it always sells!!
O yea its thundercrack tomorrow.

If anyone wants me to buy them discounted skins/accents lemme know. I'll buy em for you as long as you send meh the money :]
idk what to name her oops, I love her design even though I don't like Pink
oh well

Overview On How Festivals Work

Each Flight has their own elemental festival during the last week of a designated month. July is Lightning's month, with the Thundercrack Carnivale!

During Festivals, you collect Festival Currency, which you can trade for exclusive festival apparel and familiars at the Festive Favors booth. You can either fight in the coliseum for the currency (monsters of the same element and also neutral element monsters have a chance of dropping currency), or find it by gathering in the same region as the festival. This festival is Lightning's, so use your gathering turns in Lightning and fight Lightning monsters! : D Lightning's currency is the Charged Sprocket.

This festival, the best farming locations look like they'll be the Arena, Golem Workshop, and Forgotten Cave.

The Festive Favors booth sells 1 Flight Emblem, 1 Familiar, 1 Themed Apparel that is part of a set, and 1 Unique Apparel item specific to that flight festival. They cost between 35 and 65 currency each.

The Emblems and Crowns (this year's themed apparel) will cycle back in the future and be obtainable again, but the Apparel worth 65 currency and the Familiar will retire, never to be released again.

There will also be 6 skins and 6 accents for sale in the Marketplace that will only be available during the festival and will retire afterwards. They're 35k each, but you can get them for cheaper (29,750) by having someone from Lightning buy them for you. We have a few TBTers in Lightning here, so I encourage people to ask them to buy skins/accents with the discount. Don't forget to leave your buyer a little tip!

Skins and accents are difficult to snipe from the Marketplace on the first few days of the festival. Around the middle of the week they're much easier to buy since the rush has died down. On the every last day, especially as it gets closer and closer to rollover, the Marketplace will turn into a mad frenzy of people trying to buy their skins and accents last minute. So buy your skins and accents during the middle of the week and save yourself the stress.

In the Coliseum and also via Digging, you can find 6 different chests, each containing one of the accents/skins. Don't open them. D: They're usually worth more sold unopened than the skin inside is worth, especially around the end of the week, because of their value as a collectible item.

HERE is a magnificent guide to which coliseum venues are best to farm in for festival currency! It's not fully up to date right now because no one is sure which chests will drop from which monsters until the festival actually starts, but check back on it on Sunday and it should be more or less complete by then!

Festivals run from Sunday at 12:30AM server time until Saturday at rollover (midnight server time). So remember to use up all your festival currency and buy the skins and accents you want before then!

Ways To Profit From Festivals

- Sell your currency early in the week. Festivals start on Sundays and end on Saturdays at rollover. At the beginning of the week, currency can sell for around 2k each, sometimes more in the very early morning on Sunday. It usually drops around the middle of the week and ends up around 500-600t each at the end. So you can either just outright sell the currency and forego the festival items, or sell them at the beginning of the week and buy them back for cheaper at the end of the week. I usually find around 1 currency for every minute spent farming in the coliseum, so that ends up being 60/hour. Imagine 60k+ per hour in profits.

- Buy apparel/skins/accents to hoard for later. They retire after the festival, so no more will ever be released. Takes some time for them to go up in value, but it's a good investment.

- Buy extra apparel and familiars from the Festive Favors shop. Even if you don't like them, they will be retired and retired items have a strong tendency to go up in value over time.

- Sell your Coli drops. After spending so many hours in the Coli, you're bound to end up with a bunch of loot to sell. : D Even the small stuff is worth a lot in large quantities, especially now that Alchemy has bumped up the prices on so many formerly cheap items. Food sells for around 20t per point on the forums (not per food item, per point), and much higher than that in stacks in the AH.

- Train fodder dragons to exalt at the same time as farming for currency. You'll be in the Coli anyway, so why not?

- Keep an eye on the prices of festival chests. There are occasionally one or two chests that are somehow rarer than the rest, and are worth more because of this. On the last day or two of the festival, they will often skyrocket in price because collectors who haven't found them yet are desperate to complete their collections and buy them.

- Trade festival currency for other retired items. During festivals, the Item Sales board is full of people willing to trade their old, retired items for festival currency. It's a once a month chance to be able to work through some of your wishlist items for something that drops in the coliseum pretty regularly, so take advantage of it if there's something you've been wanting! Try to secure a trade in the early part of the week before the value of the currency goes down in order to get a better deal for yourself.

That just about covers the basics. Ask me more questions if you've got them!
I'm serious, walls of text are my specialty. I have a degree in them.

Quick Links

- Festival Coliseum Guide

Haven't finished leveling a team yet?
- Culex's Guide
- Kiena's Guide - Which also has info on mage/healer builds that might be handy for farming in the Golem Workshop


Absolutely! Check out the Golem Gauntlet from last year. It was the Thundercrack Festivale's apparel item from 2014, and was sold for 65 festival currency. It's sitting at a cool 970k, lowest in the AH at the time of this writing.

If it's easy to earn 65 currency in an hour or so, you can consider that 970k for an hour's worth of work back them. An hour's worth of work back then is worth waaay more than an hour's worth of work right now. Essentially you're letting time push the value up for you, and it's the easiest way to make money.
Get another item, for sure.

Let's say you have 65 currency, and the decision to save it or buy another piece of apparel. If festival currency goes for around 2k the morning of the first festival day, you can expect to get roughly 130k for 65 currency.

On the other hand, last year's apparel item, the Golem Gauntlet, is now worth over 900k. The Electrified Sash (worth 30 or 35 currency last year) is sitting around 275k.

So go get another item. It'll probably be worth more than any currency you have left over by next year.
Sure you can! I usually find around 130 or so festival currency in a week's worth of Gathering, which is aaaalmost enough to get one of each Festive Favors item, minus the Emblem, which I personally never see the need to buy. You can buy festival currency from other users in order to make up the rest of the amount you need/want.
They have a discount of over 5k per skin/accent. A full set of all 12 skins/accents costs 420k without the discount, but only 357k with the discount. That's 63k per set. You could get two more skins for that much.
ayy thanks :D

looking forward now i have three 25 ones :D ~~

gonna be fun now that i can participate proper as well c; was away for the june one so blah..
I just got 45k in less than 10 seconds.

The swips swap thing needs a diamond ring atm and luckily I got one from scavenging this morning.

Put it in the auction house for 5k less than the highest, sold when I refreshed the page.

Omi. Im just hoping I dont get banned again tomorrow.

I hope they dont ban everyone who had to remake an acc ;u;
This is around the time I got banned last time
Omi. Im just hoping I dont get banned again tomorrow.

I hope they dont ban everyone who had to remake an acc ;u;
This is around the time I got banned last time

Idk, they probably would had in time for the window thing like Kaydee :c

also lol kira how many do _you_ have
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