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Did you get help on the Easter egg hunt?

Did you get help on the Easter egg hunt?

  • Yes, I asked for help from another member

  • No I went on a solo mission!

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Yes, but I tried/am still trying as long as possible to figure it out on my own. I honestly feel really guilty about it; I am extremely grateful to everyone that has helped me. I just wish I could have helped them and others more ><.

I feel like this egg hunt was the most challenging in some ways of the two that I was here to participate for even with the rule change.
I did get help. I wasn't sure whether or not I would be able to get any help since I wasn't in any sort of PM group, Discord server, etc., but when I saw people in the thread willing to help on clues I was struggling with, I decided to take advantage of it rather than let myself struggle with the clues for hours. I did try to help out the other person if possible, and I have paid that help forward by helping out other people who were struggling with some of the eggs. Of the non-community ones, I ended up receiving help on 13/21 of them, which I don't regret. It made this weekend a lot less stressful.
I have found a couple on my own, but the majority is from the help of other users. I originally planned on doing the egg hunt myself, but I under-estimated how difficult it would be, so I caved in and asked for help. If there was no collaboration allowed, I'd be so screwed. XD
I love the changes theyve made and yes, I did ask for help. Id never complete every riddle like this on my own, and I appreciate that staff changed the rules around a bit to allow us to help one another. Some clues I found on my own instantly, others through hours of thinking, and others I wouldve never thought to check or had no idea of said page existing if I didn't ask for help!
I wanted to try to do as much as I could on my own at the beginning, minus the community clues which I gladly referenced the main thread for since I wouldn't have found most of those on my own. I think I did fairly well with the solo clues and puzzles in the first few batches (except Egg 8, we won't speak of Egg 8). But when I started feeling stressed tonight after not finding any new eggs after a few hours of searching, I gave in and asked for help. We have such a wonderful community and so many people were offering assistance and I'm also happy to help anyone if I can.

I do think this was a lot more stress-free than Egg Hunts in the past thanks to everyone being so willing to share answers and hints. But I still wonder how things will pan out with nearly everyone having enough egg currency for whatever collectibles they want and the limited restocks.
I would ask for help but I don't know how to PM or DM anyone...
I would ask for help but I don't know how to PM or DM anyone...
You just have to click the username and start a conversation. Keep in mind some people can have it so only people they follow message them, but it isn’t common.

I was initially opposed to having a community team effort for the Easter hunt. I have done well on previous Easter events, so I thought solo might be better.

I’m so glad it it was not solo though!
I’ve had a very busy week, and honestly, everyone has been so helpful. I’m so grateful for everyone who helped!
Yes! My team/co-op team was amazing. I really, really liked these changes and this was more fun than I've had on previous egg hunt.

The best part- Instead of me sitting by myself, frustrated, trying the same things over and over again to find an egg, feeling utter despair and hopelessness.... there is a real sense of comraderie in sharing the agony of egg #6 with the entire group.
I got some help from others and I feel a bit guilty lol I found most eggs myself but overlooked 2 eggs and the last batch was just too much for me! ;o; The math egg was also straight from hell. Thanks to all my eggcellent helpers <3

It also took a lot of stress away! You still can try it alone but instead of never find some eggs like in the previous years you now can actually get help!
Did the rule change or it was just not enforced? Not sure they were expecting most of the players would be working in teams :LOL:
I guess that will change next year.

I worked solo for the solo ones. It so weird to see most of ppl having plenty of eggs compared to other years.
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yep i would just pop into the gc if i needed an egg bc my friends are smarter than me 😩

shoutout to my homies you know who you are ilysm yall have big hot brains
I did! I pretty much always tried to solve them on my own at first, but if I was really struggling with one, I didn't mind asking for help on it. I also joined a DM group which was a big help! Being able to bounce puzzle solution ideas off each other was really reassuring, and with my math skills there's no way I would've been able to solve #8 on my own. 😅 I actually really liked this event format; it saved me a lot of stress and helped me pace myself to get through almost all the clues!
I'm also really happy that I could help some other people out—I wish I could be helping out more actually, but I'm always nervous about reaching out to others first. ;v;
I did it solo. Unfortunately, that resulted in me only being able to solve a single non-puzzle clue by myself, which turned out to be a community clue anyway (egg 2). The only solo egg I've found is egg 13, which I found by complete accident while searching for egg 6 (no luck there either). However, thanks to the community clues and the 3 puzzles that I got correct, I at least have enough eggs for the one I want (which is sold out at the moment :( ) so I'm fine with where I'm at. At this point I've already accepted that I won't be solving any clues on my own and I guess I'd be open to receiving hints for virtually every single solo egg at this point so I can grab another egg from the shop, but at the same time it doesn't matter too much to me anymore anyway.
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I both got and gave help

tbh, I'm rather glad the staff are more lax this year, since I'm not really at present time able to just mindlessly burn through thousands of locations to maybe or maybe not find a single egg

maybe next year I'll be able to, but there was too much going on this year for me
I haven't had the chance to put as much time into this event as I was hoping, but I've tried to still do everything myself, other than the community clues.
I got a lot of help.
I gave the first batch a try myself and got a couple, but time wise and frustration wise I just wouldn't have managed, or continued to particpate solo.

Huge thanks to @xara and @Jhine7
You guys rock 💗