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  • Idk if you still want one, but I saw a thread where you said you wanted a Sweet Balloon between March 12 and 16, and I have one dated March 14 at 3:25 PM.
    i actually don't remember what i wanted it for lol, im no longer looking TT but thank you!
    I hope your doing super good friendo! Its been so long but YOU STILL SLAY. I SAW YOUR POST ON WEDNESDAY ABT WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE AND… I dont know how you do it but the outfits always LOOK SO CUTE! Keep being you friendo and LIVE IT UPPP 💚🌟💖😉🎉🤩🐸
    • Love
    Reactions: Kitsuragi
    THANK YOU GRAHHHH every day has to be a slay, it's what keeps me on this earth 😔🙏🙇
    Val WAT how did I miss your birthday heck I think I was going to message you on Discord that day and did an idiot doom spiral Dx

    Your aesthetics on here lately are so epic!!!
    • Celebrate
    Reactions: Kitsuragi
    AHHH it happens tbh my birthday was crazy hectic anyways so no worries!!! THANK U i try so hard to be cool
    I totally missed your birthday huh ;-; it's SUPER lame to even mention it now but I hope you had a lovely time 🥺👉👈💖 I also wanted to ask for weeks already what IS THIS SORCERY =?? your signatuer??? it's changing but only when I refresh the page? HOW? Is this a gif? I'ms o confused. I also laugh every time it changes, I love all these snippets.
    • Throw Beans
    Reactions: Kitsuragi
    AH THANK U nw about it being late or whatever, life finds a way hehe

    it's multiple images, i just use a signature rotator :3 someone here a few years back used one and i always kept it in the back of my mind but never used one until recently haha
    OOO I didn't know that was something that existed! cool!
    Happy belated birthday!! 💗 I'm glad you had a good birthday this year, that's really nice to know! I hope you have a great 2024 as well. 💕
    • Love
    Reactions: Kitsuragi
    thank you so much!! i hope you have a great 2024 also!! ^_^ 💗🎉
    happy birthdayyyyy!!! i know life is really weird for you rn, but i hope you’re able to have a good day today, full of love and all of your favourite things!! you deserve it 💜 sending love!!
    • Love
    Reactions: Kitsuragi
    AWW thank you so so much ; _ ; that means a lot to me!
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    omg thank you everyone T_T I'll write personalized thank yous when i get a minute tonight ive been running all day LOL
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