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  • Your imposter patch lineup is awesome, I love it! This patch started my second row. 😊
    ty! master ball is surprisingly effective at blending in lmao

    also, I wonder how many people sans jeremy and probably justin could do a full 10 patches lineup rn. missed out on the 2013 fair one, due to joining a few weeks too late, but that was the only one I missed. so anyone that was also around for it would have that extreme level of flex (and then come next fair, the inability to display all patches at the same time anymore rip)
    I really can’t think of anyone else who’d be able to. It seems like everyone that I think might be able to has missed a patch event somewhere. Even if you missed the 2013 fair by a couple weeks, it’s definitely still quite a flex indeed! 🤩
    You're on a roll with the shinies~!
    Here's hoping I can add some more soon.
    Your lineup is stellar ✨💖
    • Love
    Reactions: LambdaDelta
    the core idea was simlly to get the double qudarant of disco/galaxy and their cheaper alts and to have a variety of stuff to put in the center of them, but there's certainly a bunch more beyond that too I've noticed

    overall, gonna be fun (though if they ever rereleased the stardust and pastel disco at the same time again, I may have to swap my current newest for even newer, just to widen those options even further)

    (til: profile posts cant exceed 720 characters)
    I think it’s great, I totally picked up on that with the lesser value variants! I debated wanting a 2024 nightmare and disco, but I couldn’t afford to want those, and I have the 2023 nightmare and 2021 disco, so I at least already had some newer ones. Plus I didn’t have what you mentioned, a ton of years stuff to go between (at least that I’d want to use). Getting the new galaxy was legit though.
    yeah, I can respect that

    though hey, in your case, you got some really rare dates. which in some instances, can be even better
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