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TBT's Twelfth Annual Easter Egg Hunt (Answers Posted!)

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Mar 30, 2013
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Heart Dust
Tasty Cake
Red Tulip
Pear (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Yellow Candy
Easter Bunny

Welcome to The Bell Tree's Twelfth Annual Easter Egg Hunt! It is I, your esteemed host Zipper T. Bunny, returning to you this year with an eggstraordinary and eggsclusive eggsample of your eggspected eggcitingly eggcellent egg hunt. How eggceedingly eggzhausting! Indeed, this forum egg hunt may be a bit... eggcessive. When word came to me that our next hunt would take place during The Bell Tree's twentieth year of existence, I knew the proud members of this establishment, you long and loyal fans of the one and only Zipper T. Bunny, would expect to be rewarded with the greatest and most astonishing eggs of all time.

I securely buttoned my overalls and started a great quest across the world! Through the highest of grasslands and the longest of meadows, into the deepest of burrows and the darkest of forests, I searched, I labored, and I collected... the most beautifully and delicately designed eggs this universe has to offer. I packed them into my egg basket... yes, my one egg basket. I should have brought one in each paw! This, I realized only in hindsight.

While hopping home with this heaping pile of treasures, I came into sudden contact with a mysterious being. The blank look on their face was enough to send me into a panic, not to mention those horrifying claws! Oh, the claws! And the fangs on this creature! I may be the one and only Zipper T. Bunny, but I am still beholden to my natural rabbit instincts. I hopped so rapidly away that my precious eggs came crashing out of their basket. They were ruined, and perhaps so was the egg hunt itself. Tragedy!

In reflection, I quickly realized the folly of my reaction. Who is it for me to respond so harshly to this misunderstood creature because of an unconventional appearance? After all, I know firsthand how hard it can be to see how people look at you... Or experience how they react to your sudden arrival... Or hear what they whisper about the look in your eyes! The creature I saw didn't even have eyes, so cut me some slack! Regardless, these reflections changed something in me. The tragedy that initially defeated my spirits, in the end, emboldened them. An opportunity to make something even better!

I knew that whatever would come from this was too great for even the legendary Zipper T. Bunny to accomplish alone. With no eggs for our hunt, I turned to my friend Cornimer for advice. He came up with a brilliant idea, one worthy of yours truly, Zipper T. Bunny. All of the Easter eggs from previous years will be made available again! As I learned on this journey, you should never put all of your eggs in one basket. For this reason, Cornimer and I have each brought our own. Each of you must choose which basket you'll pick from!

As for the mysterious creature that sent me into a panic, I can only wonder where it ended up or if it will make another appearance...

If this is your first egg hunt on The Bell Tree, your objective is to follow the clues listed in the "Clues" table below. Clicking a found egg will give you egg currency. Some can be found in various places across The Bell Tree, while others require you to submit a correct word. Some should be solved privately, while others can be solved as a community, publicly in this thread. More about this will be explained in the egg types section below. Once you receive egg currency, you can spend it in the shop on any of the many Easter egg collectibles offered this year! One person will even win the Golden Easter Egg collectible.

The first batch of eggs was released Friday, March 29th at 7:00 PM EDT. More will continue to be released throughout Saturday and Sunday. You have until Monday, April 1st at 10:00 PM EDT to find as many eggs as you can. After that point, they will no longer be redeemable and the answers will be posted so you can check how you did!

While we will not disqualify participants who privately work together on solo clues, we ask that you be respectful to those who wish to work alone. Don't beg for help or spoil answers publicly. Working alone may also be beneficial because of bonuses, which allow you to receive extra currency and, if you're this year's lucky egg hunt winner, the coveted Golden Easter Egg! These will be distributed after the event ends:
1 of only 75 or fewer people to redeem an egg (doesn't apply to community clues)+1 egg currency
First person to find an egg+2 egg currency
First person to find the most eggsGolden Easter Egg

This year's egg hunt has a special twist. You'll only be able to purchase one-half of the available collectibles, but which half is entirely up to you. Will you join the Party Animals to pick from Zipper's Party Basket? Or will you join the Nature Nuts to pick from Cornimer's Nature Basket? You can select which basket you'd like to pick your eggs from with the "Easter Egg Basket" setting in preferences. Choose wisely because you can't change your decision!


Disco Ball Easter Egg201820 Eggs
Dreamy Easter Egg201916 Eggs
Nightmare Easter Egg201916 Eggs
Pastel Disco Ball Easter Egg201912 Eggs
Prismatic Easter Egg202112 Eggs
Dark Easter Egg20168 Eggs
Dragonscale Easter Egg20218 Eggs
Glitched Easter Egg20238 Eggs
Waluigi Easter Egg20158 Eggs
Yoshi Easter Egg20148 Eggs
Happy Ditto Easter Egg20194 Eggs
My Melody Easter Egg20214 Eggs
Poptart Easter Egg20174 Eggs
Splat Easter Egg20224 Eggs
Sweetheart Easter Egg20234 Eggs
Candy Easter Egg20163 Eggs
Easter Egg20143 Eggs
Paradise Planning Easter Egg20223 Eggs
Pikachu Easter Egg20163 Eggs
Turquoise Squid Easter Egg20213 Eggs


Galaxy Easter Egg201720 Eggs
Aurora Easter Egg201816 Eggs
Frost Easter Egg201816 Eggs
Spring Bloom Easter Egg202212 Eggs
Zen Easter Egg201712 Eggs
Chao Easter Egg20178 Eggs
Crescent Moon Easter Egg20238 Eggs
Eevee Easter Egg20188 Eggs
Stardust Easter Egg20238 Eggs
Togepi Easter Egg20148 Eggs
Blue Junimo Easter Egg20224 Eggs
Kirby Easter Egg20174 Eggs
Leaf Ticket Easter Egg20184 Eggs
Red Pikmin Easter Egg20194 Eggs
Sakura Easter Egg20164 Eggs
Baby Chick Easter Egg20233 Eggs
Daisy Easter Egg20213 Eggs
Fossil Easter Egg20223 Eggs
Froggy Easter Egg20233 Eggs
Ladybug Easter Egg20223 Eggs

All of these collectibles are rereleases from our previous egg hunts. However, one special egg has been polished! Introducing the newly updated Golden Easter Egg!



Pay careful attention to the egg types because they describe how to solve each egg! Each batch has two solo clues, one community clue, and one puzzle.
  • Solo Clue: This is a typical clue that will give you an idea of where you might find the egg around TBT. It will often (but not always) appear as a link or small egg graphic, which you can click to receive your egg currency. They don't all look the same. While many may be located in forum threads, this is not always the case. Solo clues are meant to be worked on individually or privately, so do not publicly share or ask for information that helps solve them.
  • Community Clue: A community clue is like a solo clue in that it's hidden somewhere on TBT. However, community clues can be discussed and solved by the entire community, directly in this thread. When publicly discussing these clues, be sure to clarify the egg number in your post so other users know which one you're talking about. After finding the egg, please don't link to answers directly, but feel free to share hints. These clues are typically more difficult, so the whole community can work together to solve them!
  • Puzzle: For these eggs, you must submit a specific code, number, or word to receive them. Use the clue to work out your best guess and submit it by making a thread in the Puzzle Guess Submission board (click here). Input your guess and egg # into the fields. The thread's title and body can be anything. You may post up to three guesses per clue. Make a new thread for each one, but do not post more than three per clue. Currency will distributed for correct answers on Monday night, so you won't know if you submitted the correct answer until the very end. Misspellings will not be accepted, but certain translations and similar variations may be accepted. Do not publicly share or ask for information that helps solve puzzle clues.


EggFirst SightingTypeClue
Egg 1Mar 29th 8PM EDTSoloDid you look forward to this?
Egg 2Mar 29th 8PM EDTCommunityTada!
Egg 3Mar 29th 8PM EDTSoloLions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!
Egg 4Mar 29th 8PM EDTPuzzleKeeping you up to date on all the latest news, 24/8
Egg 5Mar 30th 10AM EDTSoloThis paper is old and weathered, much like the subject matter within it.
Egg 6Mar 30th 10AM EDTCommunityStarted 5 years ago, ending on the lucky 8th sounds good.
Egg 7Mar 30th 10AM EDTSoloI'm cute on the outside, but evil on the inside.
Egg 8Mar 30th 10AM EDTPuzzleIn pursuit of silver, many were exposed to this alphabetical soup of an acronym.
Egg 9Mar 30th 2PM EDTSoloWhen fact meets fiction, your prayers will be answered.
Egg 10Mar 30th 2PM EDTCommunityI show off my brawn; yellow, strong and fine,
But when I appear in the night's design,
A feline startled by my sudden sight,
Who am I, causing a fright?
Egg 11Mar 30th 2PM EDTSoloTheropods and youngsters shared view on fashion.
Egg 12Mar 30th 2PM EDTPuzzleYou've known her for more than a decade, she just turned 3 this year.
Egg 13Mar 30th 6PM EDTSoloThe breakout star of the summer.
Egg 14Mar 30th 6PM EDTCommunityTesting, testing, testing testing. I____D ###### is linked to the details.
Egg 15Mar 30th 6PM EDTSoloThis astronomer's self-titled invention is perplexing and cold - but only sometimes!
Egg 16Mar 30th 6PM EDTPuzzleAn affinity for alliteration led to an appalling appellation.
Egg 17Mar 31st 9AM EDTSoloCanada Post is closed.
Egg 18Mar 31st 9AM EDTCommunityThe silence is lost, but the wails of agony are revived.
Egg 19Mar 31st 9AM EDTSoloHelpful, but not useful. Pay 5 credits to see this egg.
Egg 20Mar 31st 9AM EDTPuzzleWhat's all this nonsense with eggs and balloons? I'd prefer to spend my day in the bathhouse.
Egg 21Mar 31st 12PM EDTSoloThis celestial malfunction wishes to remain as such; no need for a change!
Egg 22Mar 31st 12PM EDTCommunityAim for the rich! Keep the 1% on top.
Egg 23Mar 31st 12PM EDTSoloAlphabetized on a palindrome, a sweet filling is mentioned.
Egg 24Mar 31st 12PM EDTPuzzleA phrase you'll hear uttered a lot this year, accompanied by gifts of china.
Egg 25Mar 31st 3PM EDTSoloBack to where it all began.
Egg 26Mar 31st 3PM EDTCommunitySHAKE!!
Egg 27Mar 31st 3PM EDTSolo99.8% of the pie is good! The rest? Judges want to send the food back.
Egg 28Mar 31st 3PM EDTPuzzleDeciduously delicious, yet this face has no place.


EggFirst SightingTypeClueAnswerClue WriterFirst Found By# of Eggs Found
Egg 1Mar 29th 7PM EDTSoloDid you look forward to this?In the What special things are you looking forward to in March? thread where ~Kilza~ said he was looking forward to this Easter Egg hunt.Mistreildaringred_147
Egg 2Mar 29th 7PM EDTCommunityTada!This could be looking at the page that shows which members had reacted to an individual post. If someone had used the Celebrate react on that post, you could click on this tab to find the egg.MistreilAnanas Dragon197
Egg 3Mar 29th 7PM EDTSoloLions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!These animals are all associated with the names of professional sports teams, meaning you could find this egg in The Sports Thread.~Kilza~Ravenkitty22150
Egg 4Mar 29th 7PM EDTPuzzleKeeping you up to date on all the latest news, 24/8CEPHALOBOT: Cephalobot is the bot we use on Discord that sends direct notifications from TBT to your Discord messages.~Kilza~aericell96
Egg 5Mar 30th 10AM EDTSoloThis paper is old and weathered, much like the subject matter within it.In the IRC Beginner's Guide thread in the Bulletin Board. It's the oldest thread and IRC is no longer considered a relevant chat platform.ObliviaIonicKarma167
Egg 6Mar 30th 10AM EDTCommunityStarted 5 years ago, ending on the lucky 8th sounds good.This egg could be found in digimon's shop thread in the Re-Tail board. Their store opened 5 years ago (2019) and it closes on April 8th. Their friend code also ends in 8888, a lucky number.Mistreildigimon176
Egg 7Mar 30th 10AM EDTSoloI'm cute on the outside, but evil on the inside.This could be found on the Pink Toy Hammer shop page. This collectible has the ID number of 666.JustinYou got mail!129
Egg 8Mar 30th 10AM EDTPuzzleIn pursuit of silver, many were exposed to this alphabetical soup of an acronym.DEEEFLLSSS:
During the StreetPass Silver event, many spam threads were created in Brewster's Cafe with the same theme of ______ exposure. If you run a title search in the board for "exposure", you get this list of thread names:

Exposure exposure
Stitch Exposure
Expo exposure?
Lead exposure
disease exposure
Silver exposure.
sun exposure?
Ear Exposure
feet exposure?
leg exposure?

If you alphabetised these thread titles you would get the acronym DEEEFLLSSS.
Egg 9Mar 30th 2PM EDTSoloWhen fact meets fiction, your prayers will be answered.In this post where .: Meri :. posted a photo of a praying mantis they found in real life.LadyDestaniKoi Karp136
Egg 10Mar 30th 2PM EDTCommunityI show off my brawn; yellow, strong and fine,
But when I appear in the night's design,
A feline startled by my sudden sight,
Who am I, causing a fright?
This poem relates to this post, where KittenNoir was startled by Zipzipzip appearing in the site banner in the middle of the night.LaudineXara162
Egg 11Mar 30th 2PM EDTSoloTheropods and youngsters shared view on fashion.In this post written by Millysaurusrexjr, where she quoted Youngster Joey's iconic line about shorts from Pokémon Gold and Silver. Nefariousa potato154
Egg 12Mar 30th 2PM EDTPuzzleYou've known her for more than a decade, she just turned 3 this year.LUNA: Luna was introduced in Animal Crossing: New Leaf and has her birthday on February 29th. 2024 was the third time we could celebrate her birthday since she was introduced.NefariousSnek118
Egg 13Mar 30th 6PM EDTSoloThe breakout star of the summerIn the About Me section on Whale Shark's page. Whale Shark was the mascot for the winning team, the International Space Cetaceans, in Space Camp TBT 2023.~Kilza~JemAC137
Egg 14Mar 30th 6PM EDTCommunityTesting, testing, testing testing. I____D ###### is linked to the details.On your Account Details page there is a "NH - Island Thread ID" field. Underneath this box is a description of how to use it, containing an example URL containing ".../test.51708". If you copied and pasted this URL into your browser it will have taken you to this thread in our Island Journals board where the site owner made four test posts.pandapplesXara192
Egg 15Mar 30th 6PM EDTSoloThis astronomer's self-titled invention is perplexing, and cold, but only sometimes!In this post in the What Did You Learn Today thread containing a photograph of a Galileo thermometer, invented by the astronomer Galileo Galilei.ChrisSaylor141
Egg 16Mar 30th 6PM EDTPuzzleAn affinity for alliteration led to an appalling appellation.THPARKLINGTHERMOSPHERE: Mistreil's determination for alliteration for all of the backdrops in our Season of Giving 2023 event led to this name.LadyDestaniDoo83
Egg 17Mar 31st 9AM EDTSoloCanada Post is closed.If you went to the Animal Crossing amiibo card post office board and filtered the threads by "Canada", you would come across this thread titled Closed.MistreilJemAC148
Egg 18Mar 31st 9AM EDTCommunityThe silence is lost, but the wails of agony are revived.This egg could be found in the Game Soundtracks thread. Many of the videos posted in this thread have since been taken down, yet the soundtrack for the notoriously difficult game The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth was still available. It also refers back to a 2015 egg hunt that is infamous for having never been legitimately found.~Kilza~Aznoth159
Egg 19Mar 31st 9AM EDTSoloHelpful, but not useful. Pay 5 credits to see this egg.At the bottom of the BB Codes page in our Help section. You could find it in the box explaining how to use the now defunct Charge feature.pandapplesForeverfox141
Egg 20Mar 31st 9AM EDTPuzzleWhat's all this nonsense with eggs and balloons? I'd prefer to spend my day in the bathhouse.KLAUS: Klaus' birthday is March 31st. In Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer, he would request that you design him an ancient bathhouse.ChrisBungoTheElf43
Egg 21Mar 31st 12PM EDTSoloThis celestial malfunction wishes to remain as such; no need for a change!In this post from StarlitGlitch in which they state they've never changed nor wanted to change their username.Oblivia.: Meri :.122
Egg 22Mar 31st 12PM EDTCommunityAim for the rich! Keep the 1% on top.You could find this egg by going to our wealthiest user, Jingle's, profile and trying to donate him TBT bells.LadyDestaniaurora.177
Egg 23Mar 31st 12PM EDTSoloAlphabetized on a palindrome, a sweet filling is mentioned.In this post in the A-Z of TBT members thread. Post 383 and references nougat, a sweet filling in candy and other sweets.ObliviaBungoTheElf125
Egg 24Mar 31st 12PM EDTPuzzleA phrase you'll hear uttered a lot this year, accompanied by gifts of china.HAPPYANNIVERSARY: it is TBT's twentieth anniversary this year. The standard gift for a twentieth anniversary is fine china.ChrisAurita83
Egg 25Mar 31st 3PM EDTSoloBack to where it all began.This egg was found in the The Bell Tree Code Store thread, which is the earliest non-announcement thread still in existence on TBT.~Kilza~Asarena149
Egg 26Mar 31st 3PM EDTCommunitySHAKE!!You could find this egg by shaking the tree in our Town Tree Tributes thread. This was a nod to our recently completed event, Farewell to New Leaf.MistreilXara178
Egg 27Mar 31st 3PM EDTSolo99.8% of the pie is good! The rest? Judges want to send the food back.You could find this egg by clicking on any user's profile, going to the Feedback tab, and then clicking the Feedback stats link. It was located above the pie chart showing that 99.8% of feedback left on TBT between September 2013 and March 2024 has been positive.pandapplesaurora.127
Egg 28Mar 31st 3PM EDTPuzzleDeciduously delicious, yet this face has no place.ORANGES: Zipper-ified fruit appeared on the tree during the second day of the egg hunt. The only primary fruit that didn't get this treatment was oranges.JeremyBungoTheElf68
Egg 29Apr 1st 1PM EDTCommunity (Bonus)A looming presence disrupts the campfire.To redeem this egg you needed to click on the main artwork in the The Woods Expedition 2: The Bone Chilling Bell Hunt thread. Here, a spectral Wix looms over Lucky and Coco's campfire.ObliviaBetsySundrop183

For the third year in a row, we have a two-way tie!
Last year we felt a little bad that Kilza would win from a tie for the second year in a row. Fortunately, we won't have that problem this year and our tiebreaking rules have determined a single winner.

P.S. Even if a future egg hunt ends in a tie with another person who won in the past, we will not reward it to multiple people. We will only have one winner for every egg hunt going forward. 2023 was the exception.
BungoTheElf and Xara. Both were the first to find three eggs. Good job! One user found their first-place eggs in less time, which makes them the winner.
Who is it?
BungoTheElf! Congratulations! Redemption after the 2022 tie!


Special thanks to everyone who helped put this event together!

Clues: Chris, Jeremy, Justin, Mistreil, Oblivia, pandapples, ~Kilza~, LadyDestani, Laudine, Nefarious
Thread coordinator: Jeremy
Clues coordinator: Chris
Shop coordinator: Jeremy
Banners: Mistreil
New Golden Easter Egg: Mistreil
Zipper abominations: Laudine
Setup and other planning: Jeremy, Oblivia, Justin, Chris
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On the one hand, it's unfortunate I won't get the chance to three-peat. On the other hand, I'm glad I don't have to stress about trying to three-peat and can enjoy watching the chaos unfold instead. 😇

Happy egg hunting to you all! 🥳

Why are there ZERO new eggs this year? Give me a good reason!
Post automatically merged:

Well, other than that I'm glad to get some eggs I missed out on, so I'm team cornimer.
Definitely Team Nature Nuts. Would be pretty cool to acquire the Galaxy Egg but I'm already stumped by these first four clues, rip.

Really love the change to the Golden Easter Egg design. It makes me want it even more...which is tragic because I'll never earn one.

Anywho, looking forward to seeing all the clues unveiled and see how I ultimately do.
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