.: Meri :.

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  • Hermitcraft is awesome!
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    Reactions: .: Meri :.
    .: Meri :.
    .: Meri :.
    eyy nice to see another Hermitcraft fan! what Hermits do you watch? 👀
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    Reactions: Drawdler
    Mostly Grian since my boyfriend is also a fan and we watch together, some Mumbo, some Pearl, some Iskall, and sometimes Etho or Scar. Honestly tho I’d enjoy watching any, I gotta check out Skizz more because I really like his vibe on the server
    .: Meri :.
    .: Meri :.
    oh nice, my family and I actually got into it through Grian! this season we've been mostly keeping up with him and Gem, Scar, Joel, and Cleo—we haven't seen a lot of Skizz's episodes, but we know him from watching Impulse's Phasmophobia streams sometimes and he's very chill!
    Long time no chat eh? just passing by to say whelp i think now im really super deep into the otome rabbit hole and collar x malice is my all time fav since its like psycho pass imo.
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    Reactions: .: Meri :.
    .: Meri :.
    .: Meri :.
    aaaaa nice!! I never played CxM but I'm glad to hear you've enjoyed it! ^^ with otome lately I've mainly been focused on Jack Jeanne, planning to play Radiant Tale soon too!
    There's even an anime of it but its only really for Japan theather's atm.

    Jack Jeanne i remember finishing ages ago i eventually moved on to others like norn9 or piofore to name a few.
    LUV your Leif eggie!!!
    • Love
    Reactions: .: Meri :.
    Right!!! I have definitely used keepable eggs ever since they’ve allow us to use them! He really is super cute! I used all of my decor that I made for my this year’s one to just sit around on my shelves because I loved my little mushroom so much!
    .: Meri :.
    .: Meri :.
    Yeah having to throw away my dragon egg from last year was the final straw for me ahahah ;w; Your egg and all the little decorations with it are gorgeous btw!!
    Awe! Thank u!!! Yeah, I wish they would’ve allowed craft eggs a bazillion years ago when all this started because I would love to basically just have all of my TBT eggs around Easter every year!!!
    Congrats on winning trivia Meri! I wanted to let you know your NL town is stunning! I loved all the goodies scattered around to play with and your house is downright gorgeous!
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    Reactions: .: Meri :.
    .: Meri :.
    .: Meri :.
    Ahh thank you so much!! ;v; I actually just got to visit your DA today too, you did an incredible job with it! The storytelling with Floyd's convenience store was super well executed!!
    It looks like both of us are winners of the ACNL trivia event. Great job getting the highest score on the second round!
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