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Splatoon How do feel about squidbaggers?

What's your take on squidbaggers

  • What do you think of squidbaggers?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Toxic and unnecessary

    Votes: 21 60.0%
  • Funny. I do it back

    Votes: 12 34.3%
  • block them I dont need that ***

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • other

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • I'm one of them. Fight me!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I find it pretty toxic and unnecessary personally. I try not to let it bug me too much but sometimes it gets to me. I just about never do it myself other than the one or two times someone was being overly obnoxious and killing me a ton of times while constantly squidbagging. If I manage to get lucky and get them in return then I’ll do it back to them.

I never do it to other players who don’t do it even if they are a much better player and kill me a lot. I respect people who are good players and nice about it, but not players that that go “haha I got you loser!” Which is what squidbagging is like to me.
Probably the most annoying type of players, especially if they constantly doing it the whole playtime. I mean, if you playing with friends and doing it for fun, then okay. But if you play in a lobby full of strangers and think you have to troll everyone or have to show off about it that you splatted yet again someone... Like, please stop, it's just irritating and not funny at all. I had to deal with this a bunch of times and just try to ignore such people as best as I can. It's not worth giving them any attention and makes you just angry if you think about it too much.
indifferent. doesn't really bother me one way or another and i'll be honest...i'm guilty of doing it when i rage over a player splatting me constantly and i finally splat them. ;-; but i know its seen as rude by alot of players and that's really the only time it ever happens for me.

for me if it's during regular old matches it doesn't bother me and i can ignore it. when they're doing it constantly every time they splat you, then yeah they're being obnoxious and need to quit, but being squidbagged just a couple times isn't gonna kill me. i really don't think people should do it at all during ranked or splatfest cause that's where people are trying to get their ranks up and its rude.

oh gosh this is an unpopular opinion don't hate me
if its just you and your friends playing and one of them does it i think its funny, cos liek friendship. I havent actually had it happen to me with strangers before, weve done just a bunch of us doing it in a circle but never one after ive been splatted. honestly, if it happens i probably wouldnt care to much, cos im more focused on reloading
its annoying when they do it everytime they kill you like,,?? if they only do it once idrc and i let it go
Honestly I'm not very good and I die a lot, so it can get annoying if they do it every time they splat me like ten times in a row. Normally though I find it funny and if I happen to splat that player I make sure to do it right back to them, especially if it's in turf war. If it's in ranked then it gets old quick.
its just annoying and a kinda waste of time. I generally just ignore them
i think it’s kind of annoying when someone does it. however i usually kill them and squid bag back, just to get even, don’t come at me i never start it though.
it can get a little old if the other user does it more than once, but otherwise it’s fine.
parties on the other hand, i appreciate. on the rare occasion when it happens, i usually join in. it’s fun until someone decides to break it up and kill everyone 😅
(note that this is in turf war, not ranked or leagues)
i think it’s kind of annoying when someone does it. however i usually kill them and squid bag back, just to get even, don’t come at me i never start it though.
it can get a little old if the other user does it more than once, but otherwise it’s fine.
parties on the other hand, i appreciate. on the rare occasion when it happens, i usually join in. it’s fun until someone decides to break it up and kill everyone 😅
(note that this is in turf war, not ranked or leagues)
I use turf war as practice for ranked mode, so I'm often trying to accomplish the goal and rarely join in squidbagging parties, but sometimes it is fun when it doesn't happen 5/7 matches. I like when they jump off a ledge and say ouch idk it's funny ☺
I just started playing Splatoon 2 not too long ago and if I splat someone who is being a huge tryhard or is seemingly targeting me, then I'll squidbag them for fun, it's not meant to make them super angry. At the same time, if I get squidbagged I just laugh, I've only had it happen once so far however
The problem isn't them, it's you for letting it bother you. I feel if a video game (any part of it, the difficulty, the online play etc.) can get you that worked up then don't play. Online gameplay (especially shooters) has one of the most toxic environments. Period. As the old saying goes, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

...and yeah as @ForgottenT said, if I can get you worked up to a point where you start playing poorly, I'm going to exploit it.

Honestly, people who get so worked up end up ruining things...because they're the complainers that companies will listen to. Why do you think Sonic doesn't have 'You're too slow!' as a taunt in Smash anymore?
I hope l read this correctly but it sounds like you guys are talking about the taunting.

It is pretty annoying especially when the player was just lucky, meaning they barely did anything but was able to kill you when you're already about to die. Like that part is just lame because I'm laughing at them instead because how dumb they are. Now for me I barely do it because it's a waste of your time, must focus on turf and splat whoever is in your way. I only do squidbagging sometimes to players so l can keep them distracted from trying to splat my teammates who die so easily. Depends if that enemy is the main cause preventing my teammates from turfing that is making us losing 90% of the time during the game but l don't do any taunt or stick it in their face. (not sure if it counts then)

But yeah people usually squid bag at me and I really don't care. I just hope eventually it won't be a thing anymore.
With friends, it's a must, especially if we're in person or on a discord call or something. I do it almost any time I target a friend when they're on the other team, but not excessively. But with friends it's all in good spirits.

With randoms, honestly squidbagging is just like any other taunt, like teabagging in Smash, and honestly, I see it as something akin to traditional sports: harmless if not done excessively. Using hockey, since my family loves it: if a player scores, he'll usually skate around, get some high fives/shoulder bumps from teammates, and the game continues. That's the type of squidbagging I don't mind. Hey, you managed to take me down, you can celebrate. But if someone excessively squidbags the entire time until I respawn, that person is hurting their own team by squidbagging and not continuing the game. And in the same way, if I get someone, I'll squidbag a few times, then get back to the game. I don't mean to be toxic or make the opponent upset, I'm just celebrating my accomplishment. And if someone takes it the wrong way, it's their problem. I don't hold grudges, and even if I did, I wouldn't be able to remember their name anyway because of my dyslexia, lol. But usually if the other team is down bad (a player DC'ed or is afk, or if they're just losing by a huge margin), I don't squidbag. And if someone is blatantly farming kills, I don't squidbag either. So I suppose I'm pretty neutral. Except for Salmon Run. If you don't squidbag/do something silly after clearing a round in Salmon Run, you're just not a fun person lol.
I haven’t played Splatoon much. I’ve only played the very first one and haven’t picked one up since because it’s not really a game that interests me. I don’t like taunting or showboating though. Reading through the posts here, squidbagging seems to be taunting of some sort. I don’t really care for it and it’s not something I’d do. I’d totally do it in retaliation, though, because that’s how I am, lmao.
I get squidbagged a lot as a sniper, usually when I cancel their special and they get me back with it or something. I don't squidbag back though unless I know them. Squidbagging doesn't really bother or tilt me but I absolutely hate it when my team mates do it to others, especially in ranked. The pain I feel when a team mate is busy squidbagging and then die when we could have pushed, lol. I also had some random friend squid bag me constantly when joining my room, I assume to let me know I was on their friendlist, but I never realise it's them until a few games in because they always change their IGN. I usually wave at my friends so I thought this was weird lol. I do sometimes squidbag my friends for the lols, but we're chatting and messing around on discord so it's not out of no where.
With friends and my cousins, I don't mind since we're just being silly
But online, if they do it more than once, I will solely target that person and go as far as to even taunt them. Almost all of the time they avoid me, cowards lol
Seriously though, freaking annoying.
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