2 years later, how often are you currently playing New Horizons?

How often are you currently playing New Horizons?

  • Daily

    Votes: 127 23.1%
  • Multiple times a week

    Votes: 89 16.2%
  • Once a week or so

    Votes: 40 7.3%
  • I check in once in a while

    Votes: 81 14.8%
  • I haven't played in a while but I'll play it again at some point

    Votes: 161 29.3%
  • I stopped playing forever ago and won't play it again

    Votes: 28 5.1%
  • I haven't played New Horizons

    Votes: 23 4.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


The 🎮 Moderator
Squirtle Squad
Jul 17, 2015
Space Whale Plush
Galaxy Swirl
Space Whale Plush
S.S. Dolphin
Red Star Fragment
Golden Easter Egg
Enchanted Bloom
Golden Easter Egg
Red Star Fragment
Today marks the 2 year anniversary of Animal Crossing: New Horizons being released, so I figured it'd be fun to see how often people are still playing the game these days, especially since it's been 4 and a half months since the last major update (v2.0) came out.

For me, I'm still playing the game daily. I got the game the same day it was released, and I've managed to play it 730 days in a row and counting since then, having put 1915+ hours into it. I'll keep playing it daily for the foreseeable future, as I am aiming for what amounts to 100% completion of the game, so I've still got a fair amount of things left to get done.
Been playing since the game launched. Still playing every day.

I enjoy checking in on my islanders. There are still little funny moments that crack me up. I like finding an unexpected visitor at the Roost sometimes. Even repetitive events are photo opportunities for me because I like taking pictures. I'm using the new camera mode more these days. I'll keep playing as long as I'm having fun. ☺️
As I did with nl and ww, I tend to not play for a couple months, then suddenly get back into it and play almost every day for a while, working on my town, before I go back to taking a break.
I play a few times a week and if I'm inspired to build something then it'll be most nights for an hour or so.
I pretty much never play anymore. There are just so many other games I want to give my time to right now. But it's not goodbye forever. I fully intend on going back eventually. Just not any time in the near future.
Holy, almost forgot it's been 2 years since this game released. That was quick :oops:

I voted multiple times a week. It used to be daily but life gets in the way lols. I still do like to make time to play though because I find it relaxing and as much as there is a lot of negativity going on around this game all the time, it's still one of my favourites. But I also play a lot of Pokemon, so gotta find that balance.
I voted daily, because right now I'm playing daily, but that's likely to end once I come close to finishing my island. I played daily/a few times a week for up to 4-5 months when it first came out, then took a year hiatus and have only now returned lol. I'm glad a never attempted to finish my island before 2.0 came out as I'd most likely want to redo so much of it with all the new stuff that's been released.
I check in every once in awhile. How long that "awhile" is differs greatly from time to time. I can take a two week break from the game and come back to it, or even a several month long break from the game and come back to it. Currently I haven't played since December. I plan on playing again soon, however, and want to play more of the DLC as well as redesign the southwestern portion of my island. I don't know when that will be, however, because I have a ton of other interests taking up my spare time, and my weekdays are more busy now with work.
man, i can’t believe its been 2 years already. happy anniversary, new horizons! 🎉

i’ve had the game since release day, but sadly i don’t play as much as i used to. i’ve just been feeling pretty burnt out, i guess? i haven’t played consistently since november, i’m 2 months behind in-game and it’s taking me forever to get caught up. i try to play once a day or at least once every other day or so, but that’s turned into me playing like, once a week these past few months. i’m trying my best to get back into it, though! 😅
Once in a while at this point.. I was gonna move in some new villagers but my amiibos never arrived in the mail, so yeahhhh

I still have to finish the DLC, which I'm still excited about since I've purposely been taking it slow!
to be honest, i haven't played since Feb 28, 2022
i've basically finished all of the island....

i still haven't finished my other characters houses... *the cafe*, though... but i just can't be bothered...

& i'm playing pokemon sword & shield right now :>
I haven't touched it in months unfortunately. My life became hectic around September 2021 when I was accepted onto a postgrad programme and hasn't calmed down yet.
I play it as sporadically as I did when it launched. It varies from days, weeks, and even months. Designing is fun and all, but wasn't the main reason I picked this game up. I expected a little more variety, but my gameplay had to focus solely on terraforming/designing to play the game at its fullest potential and that's not really my cup of tea.
I play daily, though some days are just a "lick and a promise". I like checking in, even if I don't have the time or energy to do much.

I started my island on the first day and have only missed 2 days of play. I'm still evolving things, so I don't see myself putting it down.
I'm at the point where I'll check in every once in a while. I did get a lot done in my town and therefore I'll just keep checking in. Last time I played was when the DLC came out. I've been playing on picking up the DLC to get through the houses needed to add more to town, but that is at a later time.
@~Kilza~ That is impressive, well done! I haven't played in a couple of months. I've been playing other games, and getting more into art, so I've spent my free time doing those. I'll come back to it soon because I want to keep playing it. Just haven't gotten around to it.
The last time i checked my island was yesterday for less than 2 minutes and then closed the game. Currently not in the mood playing it but i might be more active after i finish college
The last time i checked my island was yesterday for less than 2 minutes and then closed the game. Currently not in the mood playing it but i might be more active after i finish college
This is usually how my play times turn out lol. It's like I spend more time having the game load than I do actually playing it. The load times are so horrid haha.
A few times a week I check in. Not nearly as often as I used to play. I used to play for hours almost everyday. I'm trying to get motivated to start actually making my island nice and getting it to 5 stars and also finishing HHP though so I might be playing more often soon