Giveaway {Winners Anounced} 5000TBT Give away! In the spirit of christmas!


False tears bring pain
Aug 1, 2016
New Horizons Token
Red Candy
Yellow Candy
New Leaf Token
Waluigi Easter Egg
Waluigi Easter Egg
Red Feather
Blue Feather
100% (55) +

And here are the winners! The bells have been sent out, Thanks for the patience I was a bit bussy these days. Thanks everyone for entering. I loved reading alll the stories. Nice or Sad.

I would like to wish everyone on this forum a Merry Christmas <3

1 LambdaDelta

2 Idfldnsndt
3 Alolan_Apples
4 rianne
5 Jacob

6 Snowesque
7 Pansie
8 *Maddy*
9 ThatOneMarshalFangirl
10 King Dorado
11 Eevee23 (Happy belated birthday!)
12 Stalfos
13 Giddy


I'm Back at it again!
1000 TBT for one lucky Winner.
500 TBT for 4 Winners
250 TBT for 8 Winners

Just type somthing Nice,Funny,Sad about a christmas memory and i wil pick a winner from a random name generator who met the entry requirement.

ONE ENTRY PER PERSON - Every one needs a fair chance to win :)

The winner will be picked 23th of december. Good luck y'all!

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wow you are the most generous person on tbt!!!

my best memory is when me and my siblings gave each-other gifts the night before christmas, the gifts that we could afford from the dollar store anyway XD
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Well, one of my favorite things about Christmas is how much my grandpa enjoys it. It's his favorite holiday. (,: One of my fondest memories as a child is waking up on Christmas Day to hear his Christmas CDs blasting throughout the house. Then we'd watch his favorite Christmas movie---Home Alone.

Happy holidays to you.
This is nice of you!

A lot of my favorite memories of Christmas involve my family in the living room. First we pray. Then share what we're thankful for, and our hopes for the new year. Then my granddad, one by one, would read out the names of all the To's and From's on the gifts and I'd hand them to the recipient (which can be funny at times as there's a bit of a language barrier lol). Then we eat! We've been doing this for the longest time, and it means the world to me <3

Also, as a child I used to love to lay under the Christmas tree and just watch the lights dance around with the music that plays out of the light wires. And the kitties would join me and play in the tree. Honestly, I'd do the same thing if we still had a big tree lol. Maybe this or next year xD
I think one of the best Christmas memories I have is from 2016. It was Christmas Day and we had just finished opening our presents. I had gotten pretty much everything I asked for so I was satisfied. My parents turned on Home Alone after everything was cleaned up so we watched it and assumed the day was over. However, my mom reached into the closet in the living room and took out two more presents: one for me and one for my brother who is 4 years younger than me. They were from “Santa”. Of course my brother and I were quite confused because we had already gotten just about everything on our lists. When we opened them, though, our eyes grew wide. Inside each box was a New 3DS XL. Since we had only had regular 3DS XLs before this, these gifts were quite amazing. My mom explained that she had hid them because she wanted us to truly appreciate them. That New 3DS XL is the one I have to this day and it’s served me quite well these past two years. :)

Thanks for doing this, by the way!
One of my favorite Christmas memories was that one of my Christmas presents was placed in a bag. I originally didn’t want a present bag for Christmas like how we have present bags for birthdays, but the reason why it was put in a bag is because it was a Cosmog plush, referencing the events of Pok?mon Sun and Moon when Nebby didn’t want to be put in a bag.
Wow your very generous!

my best memory is when me and mum stayed over our friends place and we opened some Christmas presents there and played games and watched Christmas films. :blush:

Wow this Giveaway finishes on my birthday :D
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Thank you so much for doing this!!

My most memorable Christmas memory was when I was around 6 or 7, we had just gotten done frosting thew cookies with cream cheese frosting (favorite tradition of mine!) and my family and I decided to go for a drive around the town to look at lights. Our local park had just put in a new installment of various colorful lights on the trees with a fun little ISpy game to play as you walked through the park. So my brother and I went ahead with the paper that had all of the little ornaments listed on it and went around trying to find all of them. Finally we all ended up in the back field and had one of those movie-scene snowball fights as a whole family where everyone was laughing and grinning ear-to-ear. We would all tackled each other and shove snow down each other's coats. Finally when we decided it was time to head back home, we stopped by Dunkin Donuts to get hot chocolate. The night ended with cuddles by our fireplace and watching Christmas classics on our box TV. The next morning when we woke up the living room was flooded with gifts, but there was one gift I was really looking forward to getting, a Wii. More importantly I got a game called Animal Crossing City Folk, and that was the first time I ever fell in love with a game series.
thank u for the giveaway :)

my happiest christmas memory was probably when i was 4 or 5 yrs old and on christmas eve we set up lots of food, decorations, presents and letters for "santa" (my mom) at the front door. on christmas morning i was super happy to see that the food was all gone and that ""he"" wrote a letter to thank us. i thought """his""" handwriting was beautiful
This is really generous of you!

I have so many memories of christmas with family, though nowadays we just keep it casual and just invite a few other family members for a christmas dinner and watch TV. However the best was christmas last year, I got back home from a house party and I saw the living room lit up with candles and such. My partner heard me come in and said he cooked christmas dinner for us, I wasn't expecting any suprises or anything just enjoying dinner, giving each other a gift, watch movies etc. After we finished dinner he went to another room and came back hiding something behind his hands, then when he shown me it was a small box with an engagement ring in it! so yeah he proposed to me and here we are a year later aaaaaa
Wow, that's so nice of you!
I remember that when I was little I got a very small present, but it was something I wanted and I was jumping from excitement and running through the room because I was so happy, until I fell and the toy fell out of my hands, I was crying (because I was little xd) But then mu dog came up to me and she gave me the toy, and I instantly stopped crying :) RIP Elle the lil' chihuahua
I used to be absolutely afraid of Santa. I always made sure locked all the doors on Christmas, bathroom and all, since we don?t have a chimney. I would always cry on Christmas just because the ?evil man? (as I used to call him) managed to get into our house. To add onto that, my dad?s whole side of the family gets together on Christmas and we have usually my uncle or my cousin dress up as Santa and give gifts to all of the kids. Every year, I always asked him, ?How do you still get into my house?? He would always say magic which in turn, made me cry. Dumb, I know.
This isn't any specific memory, but I remember as a kid, my family liked to drive around town at night to look at all the Christmas decorations. I always enjoyed seeing all the different lights, and there were some very impressive displays in some neighborhoods.
This is so sweet <3
One of my favorite christmas memories is from when I was really little and at my dad's house for christmas! While at my mom's house, we'd always get up at like, three am to open gifts, but my dad liked to sleep in until noon, so it was extremely frustrating for me! So one year, I went out into our family room and wrapped up some of my dog's treats for him before letting him 'open' them, because I figured at least he should have an exciting christmas morning. And after that, I sang him Christmas carols and tried to get him to bark along, but he didnt lmao.
This is so nice of you!

My Christmas memory happened before Christmas, by a single day. I was downstairs on my laptop, thinking it was gonna just be another day. My mum comes downstairs looking really sad and she makes me pause the video I was watching to tell me that my dad went to my nan/grandads house (at the time she was really sick and had cancer)because my nan had died...

It's a memory I'll cherish, yet one I want to forget.
Thanks for doing this!!

One of my favorite Christmas memories would just be spending time with my family and playing games every year. We always spend the whole day together eating cookies, playing games, and watching Christmas movies and it's always what I remember the most about each year, and also the thing I look forward to the most! :)
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Thank you. During Christmas one year I got my first Pok?mon game which was very nice. It was Pok?mon Sun and Moon bundle and it came with 2 exclusive codes! I completed both games lol. I was so happy to have both solgaleo and lunala.
Thanks for doing this. :)

One thing that sorta sticks out to me, is that one year my mom wanted to open something.
She didn't really want anything, so I made her a card, then wrapped it in a present for her to open.
She sort of cried when she opened it, as she wasn't expecting to get anything that year.
i hope this counts as funny but one christmas my dad's aunt who we all hate since she's super rude and pretentious came and brought her own teabag (which is the exact same tea we generally serve at christmas) with the reasoning "since tea seems to be a big issue here!" and my mom banned her from our house

she also once complimented our peas and our mustard (seperately) as if they were high end like "oh this is delectable you must not have cheaped out this time" and they were literally just frozen peas and french's mustard