Which villager was the first villager you caught cooking in their home?

Lolly was busy making snack bread. I caught Flora making seafood pizza sometime later.
I must be doing something wrong no one has made anything else there are only doing stuff at the work bench I have the cooking app on my phone
Beau! He was making Potato galette. I swear, all the little food items in this update are so cute! And it's super fun imagining the villagers cooking in their houses.
Fuchsia, my resident sisterly, was making a mushroom crepe. It's great that she's the first one because she kind of has a reputation on my island for loving to cook... and inevitably messing up the dish. 😅
Pierce making Fruit Crepes in the morning time, likely before his morning exercise routines.
I caught someone making pumpkin pound cake. I forget who :/ but that was my first recipe from a villager