• Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!

What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

didn't do anything productive today but was asked to be a participant for Nookazon's Giving Tuesday and gave out around 20-25 items for free to various users ☺️ it was fun! i sort of never want to talk to orville again though
I was busy today so I only had time to do a few things.

-Traded online with two TBT users.:)
-Gave the wallpapers to my third player for decoration.
-Bought 30 turnips from Daisy Mae for a recipe.
-Caught a King Salmon.
• There was a visitor at the campsite today: Maelle the Duck.
• Got a cool picture of the cloud formations behind my house (5:36, the clouds looked look purple towers!)
• Recieved a tailor's ticket in the mail from Label.
• Found a gyroid fragment on the beach!
• Chatted with Rhonda (making cookies) and Pietro (out for a stroll), but never ran into Francine...
• Rock update: no new appearances so far...
• Pekoe was thinking about moving away, but I was able to change her mind. Not ready for her to go yet.
• Found a bottle on the beach with instructions inside for making a mini golden dharma!
• Visited the Roost and ordered a cup from Brewster.
• Deposited a lot of bells into savings.
• Checked out even more custom designs.
Yesterday, but I did Cyrus customizations for a lot of my items to match the eventual farm area I am planning out! I also did my dailies and Kapp'n tour, and went to work and figured out that you can use music players to play whatever KK songs you want in facilites (I didn't know you could turn them on outside of the design mode? idk what it's called).
-Decorated some of the 2nd floor, basement, and back room of player 3’s house.
-Crafted and customized some glow in the dark stickers.
-Bought items for player 3’s house.
-Dug up a gyroid. It was cute.
-Sold some flowers.
Started at midnight and all Players on 2 islands caught the fish that unlocks a cooking DIY.
Main Island- Player 3 caught the last 2 fish and completed her fishing collection.

This afternoon Player 3 received the Golden fishing rod DIY. Crafted it and logged off.
It's too hot to play.
I ended up catching 4 salmon in order to unlock the 4 salmon DIYs, then made those DIY recipes to unlock them in my catalog. CJ was also on my island today, so I sold some fish to him and also gave him some Yellow Perch for their model. Another step forward towards 100%.
I decided it was time to get every DIY in the game so I ordered and received DIY's from 3 different Nooks Cranny posters here on TBT. I crafted 2 golden bathtubs, and after putting them where the plain bathtubs used to be, I ended up doing some terraforming to the river there and re-arranging of flowers, trees and bamboo. I also crafted and added three golden lucky cats to that area, which is called Dreamers Corner.

Then I eliminated a pond and placed the glowing-moss pond with a Baobab tree behind it and the Kerokerop..... bridge there, too. 😅
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9/1 (late day)
• Isabelle happily announced that acorns and pinecones had started dropping from trees. Farewell, summer (and please take the dang mosquitoes with you).
• Changed into an outfit with pants; so long, summer threads! See ya next year!
• Ran into Rhonda (out for a stroll), but didn't run into Pietro or Francine...
• Ended up agreeing to have Rhonda over for a visit tomorrow.
• Rock update: no new appearances so far...
• Dug up the gyroid fragment from yesterday; retrieved a Petaloid!
• Found Leif in the plaza.
• Changed out some of the island decor...
Yesterday I started switching things up for autumn. Gave Nook a new look for my house, took a few items to Cyrus for customizing, and swapped a couple of things out from storage. I'll do a little more tonight, and the bulk of it over the weekend.
-My island rep. reached 100,000 Nook miles.
-She also got a recipe from Daisy Mae.
-It was the birthday of player 3. I used the song that K.K. Slider gives out as decoration.
-Handed out the cupcakes to the villagers.
-From there it was the usual buy items create glow in the dark stickers for player 3.
I got a new recipe after I caught a salmon last night. I knew there were a few things I had to lap the year to catch up on from the update.

It rained all day, so today will involve flower cleanup, in addition to seasonal decorations. It'll be a busy weekend on Deilf Isle.
I've been losing track of time this week by alarming amounts 😖 my last two days ended up very short, very late, and very unproductive... Hoping to turn that around a bit tomorrow, provided I don't have other things requiring my immediate attention...

9/2 (VERY late day)
• Although Isabelle announced that Kicks was visiting today, I never got around to seeing him, due to extremely poor time management on my part. 😖
• Found a lost notebook in Francine's yard, and then ran smack into Francine. I asked her about it, and she pointed me to Pietro (who was thankfully still awake). He was overjoyed to have it back. Ran into Kitty on my way there, and ended up having to apologize for not having spoken to her in a while. Although, she did forgive me pretty quickly.
• Only realized I'd completely blown Rhonda off AFTER I was getting ready to call it for the night. I scrambled around for an apology gift to give her, then settled on making some fruit cupcakes...

• Immediately tracked down Rhonda to apologize. She was very disappointed, but didn't seem to be holding a grudge about it. (Accidentally did that to Vesta back in WW; she was furious, said she wished my house would burn down, and I felt like a HUGE jerk). She still accepted my cupcakes, though, so maybe not all hope is lost.
• Recieved a present from ingame mom, but didn't get around to opening it. Also recieved a gift from Francine, who showed concern for how well I was sleeping (I'ma be real with ya, I haven't been sleeping well lately, so the letter actually did warm my heart a bit).
• Isabelle had announced that Slider was back in, so I did stop by for the show. Unfortunately, I got distracted and didn't catch the name of what he played, but I did run into Francine while I was there.
-The usual buy, decorate, and create glow in the dark stickers for player 3.
-Had players 1 and 3 evaluate fossils and sell some gifts from the mail.
-Spent a stupid amount of time trying to decorate the left room of player 2’s house as a public restroom. I don’t really like how it looks, but it is what it is.
- Made some more progress on building my new tiered villager neighbourhood that I'd been wanting to build for ages but kept putting off because EFFORT 😣
- Made and paid off a new incline leading up to top tier of aforementioned tiered villager neighbourhood and moved my second villager into that area, Whitney.
- Went villager hunting and found Marshall so he's moving to Starfall tomorrow.
- Helped collect Wisp's spirit pieces abs return then to him and got a retro TV for my trouble.
- Shot down a balloon present which had a Tree's Bounty Mobile DIY in it.
-Moved some cedar and palm trees to their new locations.
-Dug up some fossils and gyroid.
-The right room/greenery of player 3 is now complete.
-Had player 2 decorate some houses in HHP. Only three more houses until I unlock the counter and pillar diys!❤️
petri showed up as the random visitor to my campsite today 🐁 it took a looong time but i convinced her to move in without kicking out any of my permanent villagers! pashmina is moving out now. also since celeste visited last night i was able to make my virgo harp finally...almost done with all my zodiac furniture
After few months of doing absolutely nothing with my island, yesterday, before sleep, I've finally made some actual decoration progress. I remade my vegetable garden and the process was so nice and relaxing. Now I feel that New Horizons is calling me back, but the Splatoon 3 is coming out in 3 days and I know that all my free time will be invested there.
