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Unpopular gaming opinions

My biggest unpopular gaming opinion is an opinion I have of the film industry as well: where are the people of color and diversity? Gaming really suffers from catering to the white male who has masculinity insecurities.
Tetsuya Nomura (SquareEnix) is the single most overrated person in the gaming industry.
I would like to see a female Link one of these days, even if it's only in a spin-off.

I'm hearing that more and more....But I feel that if I legitimately said "I want a male Samus or Lara" I would be greeted with a bunch of replies like "there's enough male characters!", "you have Nathan Drake!" or "something something sexism and privileges!".

I just think rather than changing existing established characters, there should be entirely new characters.
I can't get into a game if I really hate the character I'm playing. I just lose any motivation to keep them safe at all.

I'm also not a fan of the ultra-realistic art style a lot of games are coming out with now, because it seems like so many of them look the same. Realism is actually kind of limiting.

I also don't like how fast Nintendo is going through new consoles, and how a lot of games only have 1 or two new games for the same console. I hate having to spend a ton of money on an entirely new system just to get a continuation of the same story.

I think people whine too much about family-friendly games being "too easy." If you want a really hard game, get a really hard game. They exist. Or come up with your own challenges to make the game harder. Every game does not have to cater to you specifically.

And while I liked Fire Emblem: Awakening for a lot of things gameplay wise, I absolutely hate a lot of the character designs. I'm not a big fan of its art style, and I feel like, story and character-wise, the Tellius series was more enjoyable. There are some things I liked in Awakening in terms of story, and how many supports you could have, but I didn't really care about a lot of the characters, and I found a bunch of the designs to be really unappealing (especially the armor). Tellius had some ridiculous designs, too, but there were a lot more good designs to make up for it.

Also on Fire Emblem: I think shipping wars are totally ridiculous. This goes for stuff outside of gaming, too, though: I've seen supposed "best friends" totally turn on each other because one of them didn't like the other's ship.

I'm the kind of person who, when I get into something, I really get into it, so I understand why gaming is such a huge deal to a lot of people, because it is to me, too. Games aren't just a side hobby I indulge in over the occasional weekend, they're also a huge part of my career, so I get it. I just really don't like how hostile various parts of the 'gaming community' can be, and as much as a lot of people want to deny it, I do think that the gaming community has some pretty big issues with bigotry - and this is coming from a white guy. I understand not wanting to be painted with the same brush as someone else, but at the same time, I think more good comes from actively trying to improve your community and making it more welcoming than just whining about how unfair it is that people think your community is racist, sexist, or trans/bi/homophobic when a lot of the most prominent or vocal people in it actually are. It's true that the world is more quick to notice negative things over positive, but I still feel that people who actively engage in the community do have some responsibility in how it looks to those outside of it.

As much as people don't want to think of themselves as being an "-ist" or a "-phobe," we all make mistakes, and it's better to be aware and trying to improve than it is to just ignore the problem and pretend that you never contribute to it.
I can relate to this so much. *Yeah, I'm looking at you, Tidus* :mad:

Yeah, see, I could play a total jerk as long as I can in some way like or care about that jerk, but if I'm playing a character that I just can't force myself to like, I'm totally willing to let terrible things happen to them if possible.
I agree with realism, and it make the games really graphics heavy so it's like.. dude stop. Tbh I prefer cartoon/anime games lol
I agree with realism, and it make the games really graphics heavy so it's like.. dude stop. Tbh I prefer cartoon/anime games lol

I can enjoy a game that isn't especially cartoony, but I think for me, I just really like a unique style. While I haven't played every game in the franchise and even dislike a few that I have, one thing I could say that I like about the Legend of Zelda series is that you could show me a screenshot and I could easily identify which exact game it is.

Realism is cool at first, but the style wears off pretty fast when so many other major game series look almost exactly the same. On the one hand, it's amazing how far we've come with realistic visuals, on the other hand, on the other hand, we're starting to reach a point where there's not much further we can go with it before it gets stale.
My biggest unpopular gaming opinion is an opinion I have of the film industry as well: where are the people of color and diversity? Gaming really suffers from catering to the white male who has masculinity insecurities.

i want more lesbian games. lety me be gay. DA is okay but like all the gay choices (besides DA2) sux. like in DAO alistairs romance story is so much..cooler i guess? you can become a fricking queen. but you can totally forget about leliana and leave her in lothering and zevran you can kill right away. YES i know all companions besides alistair until the kingsmeet can leave but still. havent played DAI but ive heard sera is a horribly written character and you can basically kick her out right away

yes im happy i have these choices but still i wish they were written better
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I find games with guns stupid as old hell, same with modern era games. Especially FPS games. I reaaaaaaaally hate those.

I find stitches very yucky looking, as well as Kid Cat.

Bioshock infinite wasnt all that great, nor was FF7.

I dont understand the big deal with the pokemon in gen 5/6, with gear pokemon and trashbag pokemon. I mean alot of the 1st/2nd stuff was kinda bland.

Minecraft shouldnt be as popular as it is.

I'd like to see a Gerudo Link in the legend of zelda series.

I dont see the draw of dark souls. So what, they made the game hard, big woop.

Can the trend of white male protags with brown hair, brown eyes with a 5 o'clock shadow in the middle of nowhere or in a stereotyped badly country just stop? please?
I'm hearing that more and more....But I feel that if I legitimately said "I want a male Samus or Lara" I would be greeted with a bunch of replies like "there's enough male characters!", "you have Nathan Drake!" or "something something sexism and privileges!".

I just think rather than changing existing established characters, there should be entirely new characters.
I agree 200%.

Also games with bullet sponge bosses suck and I don't know why games still have them.
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I probably just suck at learning controls quickly, but if anyone plays the Assassins Creed series..you'll know that in the first game, the controls are really crappy > in the second game they improve by so much and are a lot easier to use > in the third game is when I start having issues. I'm so use to the second game's simple controls that even while I'm at the end of the third game, I can't even counter attack properly. Heck, I find myself just jabbing into random keys on the controller because I never got use to the controls for the third game. I didn't have much troubles for the rest of the games though
Why are shooters and horror games always so dark, you have to adjust the settings on your TV to have any sense of direction. Can the great minds of gaming not think of scary situations with lightbulbs? The creators of RE4 succeeded in that.....

I mean if I wanted black and white, I wouldn`t have bought a colour tv.
I don't get the appeal of Kingdom Hearts gams. Leave Crapney characters out of the games please.
Shadow of the Colossus is over rated as hell. It's a pretty horrible game.

There's so much padding in that game, it's a pure joke. The 'huge open world' is just utterly pointless and only serves to needlesly inflate the amount of time you play the game by forcing you to run in a straight line on that damn horse for 10 minutes between every colossus. It's not even exploration, there's nothing to explore, you can't get lost or find something neat, the only exploration is literally finding the area where you fight the next colossus which is done by "go straight in X direction". It's the most linear open world game I've ever seen. I wouldn't mind if there were actually something else to do in that world, but there isn't, it literally just exists to add another 1 or 2 hours to the play time.
If there were a few little enemies to defeat it would be excusable. If there were some other climbing sections, fine. But there isn't, your default attack is literally never even used. There's only about 4 places in the game you even climb (discounting the colossus themselves). What's the point? 95% of the game is 'nothing happening'.

And the actual killing of the colossus? The only reason it's remotely challenging is because your character controls like utter ****. That boy has no sense of balance or sense or urgency. I understand that you'll get knocked around or have to hang on tight with the colossus's but damn, that boy would get knocked flying across the floor during a light breeze. Trying to stab the weak points of the colossus is one of the most irritating things I've ever sat through since you can get to the weak point with a full stamina meter and waste it all without ever stabbing the damn thing because the guy flails and stumbles around if the colossus so much as blinks, stopping you from ever being able to actually stab it. He also takes his sweet time to do anything.

Even with all that, every colossus took 5-10 minutes to kill, which is a joke considering they're literally the only part of this game that is a game.

The entire game isn't a fight against the colossus, it's a struggle against the awful controls, physics and mechanics that somehow get praised in that game. Even the damn horse is annoying. Want to stop moving? Nope, the horse won't do that, it wants to start waking backwards instead. Want to move forwards? Well, you're gonna have to spam X and kick the crap outta that horse before it even gets up to a light trot.

Hell, I even got annoyed at the options menu of all things! Why the hell are the camera and the aiming controls two separate things? Why is 'normal' for the camera controls actually 'inverted' but 'normal' for the aiming controls actually normal? I had to go into the options initially to change to 'inverted' on both since left was right and up was down. Why isn't it left is left by default anyway? Then I had go back to the options since I realized 'inverted' for the camera was different. I shouldn't have to go and change the options twice. It's a nitpick, but how friggin' stupid does a dev have to be to **** up such a simple thing like that?

If you removed the useless parts of the game (which is most of it) and improved the controls and mechanics, the game would be about 30 minutes long.

I'm glad that both you and the horse die in the end.