That Game everyone has been played but you just don't.


Vasea Mayor, Zenda Islander and Borelia Villager.
Jul 3, 2015
Which game is that one you never played before but everyone else has at some point.

Me might be Minecraft. Funny because i always want to try it out.

What about you?
Five Nights at Freddy's. My cousin used to be obsessed with those games but...I'm not good with jumpscares lol. I have watched some Youtubers play it though.
Call of Duty and GTA. Most of my friends have played those, but I was never interested in games that feature violence.
Elden Ring. It seems pretty cool, I do love open world games, and I like the souls like combat from Jedi Fallen Order, but I have a big enough backlog as is. Maybe if it goes on sale I'll buy it, but that won't happen for a while. For now I'm satisfied with what games I do have and I don't want to waste money on games I'll never get to playing
^Yeah this, I don't plan getting it but it's like everyone and their mom plays it, even putting in like "searching for elven ring friend to play ps5 with" in newspapers and stuff.

Also a lot of popular stuff like Fortnite, Breath of the Wild, FNAF etc. Also a bunch of games I've tried like once and never would buy lol.
Call of Duty and Rainbow Six Seige, it's just not my type. My brothers fricking love those games, though.
Ironically, I have played GTA before. Surprising, I know. Do I like it? Meh, I'll only play it if there's nothing else to do.
Super Smash Bros Ultimate. I've seen this game all the time but I just can't bring myself to play it because I am not a huge fan of fighting games. The one fighter game I played was Street Fighter Alpha on the PS1 but thats pretty much it.
probably pretty much any popular game you can think of, i haven’t played. i haven’t played any pokémon, mario kart or party (though, i do own mario party superstars. i’ve just yet to actually play it lol), zelda or splatoon games, minecraft, among us, or undertale, just to name a few. i’ve just never had much interest in those games or series, though i would maybe like to give a pokémon and mario kart game, among us and undertale a try one day.
Off the top of my head I can think of BoTW (or pretty much any Zelda game)—heck, most Nintendo franchise games aside from AC, most MMO/multiplayer type games, FNAF, and Stardew Valley, but I'm sure there's a few others that just aren't coming to mind for me at the moment. I've got a pretty sizeable gaming backlog and still more games beyond that I want to try, so I've gotta be kinda picky with the ones I get into. Video games can also be a little pricey, so I'm cautious about buying any that I'm not confident I'll enjoy playing, or even ones that I think I might enjoy for a bit but then put down.
There's quite a few popular games I've never touched. Minecraft, PUBG, Fortnite, Among Us, Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Overwatch, and so on. There is a common theme among most of those games, where games that are multiplayer-only or are more focused on the multiplayer aspect of things are generally the ones I don't play, lol.
Honestly like so many popular games...
I just like playing the games I already own and I don't really wanna get into all these popular games or some of the games I like are more on the underrated side.
Minecraft and Call of Duty are definitely big games I have not played. I have no interest in playing them either.
Everyone's listing popular games, but a lot of games I haven't ever played are indie games. Ones like ONESHOT or Omori come to mind in particular. Not like I never will, I just haven't gotten around to playing them.

I have never played a DOOM. And I only recently did a full playthrough of a classic Resident Evil (meaning like the fixed camera ones, like 1 and 2 and I think 3?). Also a lot of the indie horror games that popped up post FNAF. Most of them were either bad (BATIM) or didn't seem too interesting (Poppy Playtime).
Among Us. Never played it or watched gameplay. I'm aware it's like Town of Salem though.
fortnite and among us. when i was in middle school everyone loved fortnite and it’s all everyone ever talked about. i tried to play it but i never got into it, maybe that’s because they played on pc and i only could play on mobile at the time. i never played the game with anyone in my class but pc players have a significant advantage over mobile players in general. last year among us was the new trendy game to play, funnily enough everyone thinks it’s cringy now. my whole class plus the teacher played and i didn’t even try to get into it, i played it once and i didn’t like it.
A lot of the games others have mentioned here I have also not played, but a big one that comes up for me among people I know is: Genshin Impact 🤷‍♀️ never touched it and probably never will
- I can't stand Kingdom Hearts for numerous reasons, have never had interest in playing any of them and never will.

- Final Fantasy VII. Any Final Fantasy other than the early portion of VI, honestly. I wasn't interested in the series for years because of the exposure to it on the Internet in the early 2000s and have only warmed up to the idea of trying some over the years due to friends being passionate about some of them, like VI obviously. Still need to get back to that VI playthrough. Even if I get into the series, I don't foresee ever venturing into any games past, like, X.

- Not into competitive shooters of any sort; I've played a bit of Halo 3 upon the request of a few friends back when it was current and played some war game one time when visiting a different friend's place years ago (I have no idea what series it was from). That's about it. They just aren't my thing. I could enjoy something like Left 4 Dead where the enemies don't shoot back though. I sometimes think that I might want to give Splatoon a shot, if for no other reasons than because there are forum events here that involve it sometimes and because a friend has it and it would be something to play together, but even still my natural disinclination toward competitive gameplay such as this has it at like a 20%.

- I prefer to watch other people play Legend of Zelda games instead of actually playing them myself.

- Mario platforming games. Most platformers aside from like Shantae, honestly. I didn't grow up playing them and have never been good at them as a result.

- Dark Souls, Demon's Souls, Bloodborne, any of those.

- Xenoblade.

- Basically any game that's come out since the Xbox 360/PS3 generation of consoles that didn't receive a port to a Nintendo console equivalent. I've been considering getting a PS5 in the future to be able to finally play Persona 5 Royal (and because of the PS5's 4K blu-ray player), but yeah, haven't yet.

- Among Us.

- Any of the Five Nights At Freddy's series. Watched some YouTube folks play and talk about the first three games and then lost interest.

- Any mobile phone games.

- Any MOBAs.

There are doubtless others, but that's all that come to mind right now.