Sorrel’s Golden Chocobo Thread 🐥


Shall I give you dis pear?
Nov 26, 2023
Red Envelope
Fortune Cookie
Holiday Candy Cane 2023
Tasty Cake
Pear (Fruit)
@LoyalDragonfly wanted me to make a classic Final Fantasy mega-thread, so here it is!
In my mind, classic FF includes I through X and spin-offs.
I feel like modern FF, FFXIV, and FF7R need their own threads made by people who are more passionate about them, as I’m not interested in them. ^ - ^
I’ll make a Kingdom Hearts one soon as I do love it. <3
The first Final Fantasy game I ever played was Final Fantasy Tactics, when I was a kid. I found the story to be sad and a little confusing, but I mostly just loved the appealing art and character design and the gameplay so much, especially the job system and getting to make my own characters. One thing I loved in particular was getting to invite monsters to join the party. Years later, I was over at a friend's house who happened to be playing FFVII at the time, and I was looking at their guide book, perusing all the monsters and thinking "Wow, that's so many to choose from!" I was so crestfallen to learn that you can't actually invite them to join the party. It was a surprise to me that FFVII was nothing at all like Tactics. I even asked what "job" Cloud was, just assuming that changeable jobs was just a Final Fantasy thing in general.
I really need to play FF Tactics, it looks so good. I need it to be on Switch Online GBA…just like Chain of Memories…and Pokémon Emerald…
Nintendo please

And classes usually are an FF thing, but FF7 specifically shook up the formula a bit. As did some of the others.
There’s really very few things that are definitely FF…moogles and chocobos, I guess, if you consider kingdom hearts to be a final fantasy.
Tactics is still one of my most liked games even now. I definitely recommend it. The War of the Lions remake was good for a portable (if you can find it and have a PSP) although it has some annoying slowdown issues and, unfortunately, some items are locked behind multiplayer (why, Square, why?!)

Of the mainline Final Fantasy games, my favorite is and will probably always be VIII. It was the first one I ever played, even though it took me years to actually beat it. I adore the art style and soundtrack of this game, and even the menu screens and sound effects make me feel incredibly nostalgic. I used to keep multiple save files before my favorite cutscenes so I could just watch them whenever I felt like it. I love Triple Triad and being able to change the rules via the Queen of Cards. The optional side content is fun as well, with lots of hidden things and many GFs to collect. As time has gone on, though, I'm just really happy that they decided to go with a love story for this game. It makes the ending so very sweet; one of my all-time favorites.
Would you kill me if I said I actually don’t like FF8 as much because it’s a love story? Haha I’ve got no patience for romance, it bores me unless it’s pulled off very well. Although, Sora and Riku in Kingdom Hearts don’t bother me. I dunno.
FF8 in general has a unique feel to it. I’ve heard it described as a game with no equal. A lovely work ^ - ^
Triple Triad is just wild.

Ugh I hate when games lock things behind multiplayer. Everything should be available in both modes :(
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I'm thinking of borrowing my little brother's PSP so I can try the FF7 copy he has (giving a 6-year old a final fantasy game ain't a good idea)
Six?! Good Lord. No, no, no, no, no.

Honest question: was the OG FF7 ported to PSP? I know Crisis Core is a PSP game, but my memory is fuzzy on if the original got a PSP port or not.
For all of Crisis Core's (mostly) lighthearted tone, it dealt with some really heavy subject matter. It mood-whiplashed between lighthearted and pitch-dark in an almost KH-esque way.
And the OG FF7 is just a hard no for that age demographic lol

Didn't the PSP have some kind of parental lock feature? Maybe turn that on haha
I don't know if it has a parental lock, may need to tell my parents to keep FF7 out of his reach for now.

le edit: I google searched final fantasy 7 and playstation portable is listed under platforms, so I guess a port exists? I'll check to see if the copy my brother has is Crisis Core or OG.
edit 2: From looking at the boxart for CC, I'm guessing the copy my brother has is of a PSP port of FF7, as the boxart differs from crisis core's.
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Yeah if it were CC I feel like you would have mentioned it, CC is pretty substantially different.
And I would second keeping it out of his reach ‘til he’s a bit older and can appreciate it more.
Actually didn’t know FFVII had a PSP port lol I learn something new every day
I checked the disc yesterday, and it's apparently a port of Advent Children. not sure if that's better or worse than base FF7
oh that's the sequel film of...interesting quality and dubious canonicity

it's mostly a fanservice film (not in the dirty way, just in the panders-to-ff7-fans way) but it's rather violent so the point still stands
and here I was thinking advent children was an add-on to FF7 that got a movie adaptation lol. pretty funny in retrospect.
Yeah. A lot of people think that that would have made it better tbh but AC is singularly a movie.

AC itself did get remade in 2009 in a sort of director's cut thing however

Reno is my favourite FF7 character and I’m crying on the floor over the new plush of him
He is so cute
I'm both excited and worried for FF7Rebirth since I'm still not sure how to feel about them changing so much of the original story. I haven't played the demo yet since I want to play it completely spoiler free but the trailers are really getting me hyped. My personal theory is that
Cloud will try to stop Sephiroth from killing Aerith (or Tifa maybe?) since it seemed like at the very end of the most recent trailer Cloud's Buster Sword and Sephiroth's katana clashed as Sephiroth was descending.
But's that's just a theory. A game theory, even.
I've also really been wanting to replay FF6 lately but I'm just too busy with work and school to find the time or the motivation to do so. Probably the best classic JRPG ever made (maybe, Chrono Trigger is also really good.)