Selling NA Club Nintendo Download Codes Zelda Games, Mario Games, Super Punchout and Others

Around how much were you looking for on the 200 coin games? I'd offer but I'm not sure how much you value each coin as.
Well, these games usually go for around 8.00 so, I'd say around 10 tbt per coin. Like other download codes such as Earthbound go for 5k. Smash Demos went for 1.5k. What were you thinking of?
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Well that's' for the club Nintendo codes not the rewards. :p Also a lot of people don't have club Nintendo accounts. This is what download codes go for sadly.
I get what you're saying but these are download codes and there are many people without club Nintendo accounts. You also have to do those surveys. Remember all the conundrum that went on for the smash demo? 0.o This is a download code and sadly it's what they go for. Also I would rather keep my coins then sell for that low. I have 975 coins atm so I'm hoping for something like the luigi statue for smash bros.
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