How often do you get your hair cut?

Very rarely, like once every few years or something, I should get it trimmed soon because I have a lot of dead ends, but I avoid getting it cut a lot because I don't trust anybody to cut my hair, you say just a trim and they hear "Oh six inches lopped off?"
Every two months or so. My hair is thick and grows fast. I'm going to get it cut on tuesday. :cool:
not often. last time i cut it was in september 2015. i would like to say i cut it in the summer
Once a month or two or three. I try to avoid getting a haircut because its a time waster.
Once every 2-3 months. I'm a guy with pretty long hair, so when I do get a haircut I get only a little cut off lol.
once a year maybe, i have naturally curly hair so i dont like getting them cut
I never get my hair cut, I've learned to cut it myself. Much cheaper that way.

I cut my bangs about once every two weeks, and the rest of my hair once a month (I have long, straight hair, so it's not too hard to cut when you know how to).
cut, maybe every month or two depending on how healthy i think it is. i get it coloured every 6 months