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How often do you get your hair cut?

I trim my own hair once a month or so to keep it looking neat, but I only go the salon one a year or usually longer. I like to grow my hair out and then only cut it when it's long enough to donate and not be cut too short.
Twice a year. I guess my hair just doesn't grow as fast of some of you guys! Yeah, I don't need to cut it too often.
Every once in a while, I'm gonna get it cut next week.
It's at my jaw-sort of right now, I would like for it to be near my ears.
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I take a razor to the sides of my head everyday to keep my mohawk lookin good.
Rarely because it's so expensive. Also, I like it long because I'm a metal head. Last time I had it cut (trimmed) was for my best mates' wedding, in October.

I try to trim my fringe but I mess it up. My sis said she'll do it for me next time :)
usually twice a year. my hair is really long, about waist length so I don't have to cut it that often
About once every 5 weeks, I get it pretty short though. My hair grows so fast too so once it gets to a certain stage it looks stupid
My pattern for the last few years has been cutting it every 1-2 years. I'm basically sitting on it at this point.

I get touch-ups on my highlights every 5 weeks, though.
depends on how i feel about long/short hair. the longest i've went without cutting is two years, but i was really into the short look, so i chopped half of it off despite wanting longer hair. the short look was terrible on me, so i'm growing it out again and i don't think i'll be cutting it again for another several years. hoping i wont jinx myself
twice a year. i really need to get trims more often, whenever i comb my hair, split ends fly out everywhere.
luckily i'm getting it trimmed and dyed on tuesday
i cut my own hair , usually when the ends start looking bad about every 2-3 months . i'm trying to grow out my hair until after graduation and then i'm cutting it a little bit shorter than shoulder length
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I haven't cut my hair in over a year, it's so long now!
I've been thinking about getting a lot of it cut soon but I don't know if I want to do it. I really need to get it dyed though!