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Do you prefer voice chat or text chat in games?

Text. And I'm so happy (kinda?) to see I'm not the only one being scared as HELL of voice chat, like even with people I met online and I'm friends with I have such a hard time talking through a mic. And even more in english as I'm so scared of making mistakes or not understanding what the other person is saying.
text chat 100%. it might be a bit more difficult than voice chat whilst playing a game but i really don’t like the sound of my voice and i find it easier to talk to people via text rather than through voice chat ;-;
I normally do text chat. Sometimes I'll do voice chat with streamer friends since it avoids the latency of the chat where i'll be responding to something that happened a minute ago 😅
Text chat for random people I don't really know or just doing deals

voice chat for when I'm talking to friends or just other people at times
Some quick one-liners I'll type but typically use voice chat as I play with people I've been friends with for years. I find it easier and a lot more fun.
Well I only mainly play on console so there's not a whole lot of text options. The ones that do have it take too long to type. I would say neither and just go with a good in-game communication system like Overwatch and APEX Legends. I guess I would pick voice though. The reason I don't like it as much though is I would only do it with friends and sometimes they talk so loud I can't hear the game and focus.
I'm way too insecure to use voice-chat in games, so text all the way. I literally sound like a 12 year old pubescent boy on the mic.
Actually, I prefer no chat at all. If I had to pick one however, then text chat. I'm more a writer than a talker.
Text for casual games, voice for competetive ones.
Both options should be available all the time, though.
Mainly text chat because voice chat moves too quickly and I like to have even just a little more time to think of how I want to word whatever I'm saying.
i like my voice a lot, but it sometimes brings unwanted attention so i never use voice chat with strangers. i voice chat with my friends all the time though
text chat text chat
im way too self conscious and awkward to use voice chat LMAO
Text definitely. I hate phone calls like a lot of people and the idea of doing that with strangers is extra frightening, especially for something that's supposed to be fun. I'd hate to make an association in my head between the game and my phobia!