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do you buy physical or digital games?

I try to buy physical copies of games whenever I can; I've always preferred having a tangible good rather than spending the exact same price for something I can't resell or touch. In addition, physical copies have the benefit of taking up way less space on the console (especially on the Switch), so it's beneficial in that sense as well.

The only exception is of course if the game is exclusively digital, or if physical copies are no longer being made for a certain game, such as ARMs or the first Dragon Quest Builders.
I prefer buying physical for gaming consoles. A few years ago, the memory card for my 3ds corrupted twice. Only one game was saved. Ever since then I only buy the physical version of a game.

My PC is the exception though, because most of the games are sold platforms like Steam.
I usually buy digital unless they are Nintendo games! I've started to play a lot of "indie" games that I don't think have physical copies? Or if they do idk where to get them, especially since I'm still sort of quarantining myself
I do a good mix of both. I see the pros and cons of both, but if I had to choose, I’d go with physical copy’s only because it takes less space on the system vs downloads which needs lots of space for the software. Zelda botw is a great example. Physically the game takes megabytes vs the download taking 14 gigabytes.
I basically only buy physical copies of games. Generally the only time I don't are if they're just not released physically, or if their physical releases are legit limited editions (like some indie games for instance) where they're either sold out, or too expensive.
I used to buy physical copies of games. I liked having them, and they looked nice on my bookshelf. But, the older I get, the more I think that digital copies are a better idea, so I only buy digitally. Mostly on Steam. They use less resources to produce, don't take up physical space and are more convenient to access. I want to amass fewer material goods as I go on, because I realize it isn't important to me anymore. The experience of playing a game is more important than the possession of a physical copy of the game.

I'm probably just old and not thinking straight. 😆🤪
usually digital because I'm impatient and don't want to order the game and have to wait for it to arrive lol. I also don't know where I'd keep physical copies!
I buy physical mostly. I think all the digital games I have I only bought digitally because they didn’t have a physical release.
Hmm good question. I mostly buy my games on physical copies, but recently I bought 2 games digitally on my Switch which were Super Mario Maker 2 and Animal Crossing New Horizons. I guess the only time I get physical copies is if I see a good price for a game that has a good discount I will get it. Very rarely I see that with digital games since its still new to me.
If it's for Playstation, I buy digital because that way me and my boyfriend can share the same copy of the game. Sometimes if I do find PS game from really good sale on market I buy it then, if it's the game I have interest to.
Switch games I buy physical except few of them I bought from eShop.
I buy physical games for my playstation. When it comes to my Nintendo Switch it really depends on the game, if it's a game that I know I may play often and don't want to have to continue to switch out the cartridge I will buy digital that way all I have to do is click on it and play. I do like having something physical in my hand as well.
Physical. I can still have them if my console breaks or if I want to change my account.
I try to always go with physical purchases because I like having the box simply for its cool artwork and to feel like I actually own something. Physical copies feel safer to have because I don't have to worry about losing the game if I lose/damage the console. All that would be lost is the save file, but that's only if I didn't save a copy into the cloud. I'd rather lose hours in a game rather than the $60 game I decided to get digitally.

If I have no other options, then I go with digital purchases for the sake of convenience, or if it's only available via Virtual Console. Games I bought digitally include:
  • Spyro Reignited Trilogy (Switch Version)
  • Super Mario Maker 2
  • Stardew Valley (Switch Version)
  • Doraemon Story of Seasons (Switch Version)
Virtual Console on the Wii and New Nintendo 3DS:
  • Paper Mario N64
  • Mario Party 2
  • Yoshi's Story
  • Super Metroid
  • Earthbound
  • Pokémon Crystal
  • Metroid NES
  • LoZ Link's Awakening DX
  • LoZ Oracle of Ages/Seasons
I only buy physical, except if it doesn't exist. I really enjoy being able to display them and it's also better in case you want to resell it later.
The very first Switch game that I bought is sadly only as digital version available >;
it depends on a few things for me: the game, its size, & how much space i have available. i used to vastly prefer physical copies, but now i way prefer digital in most cases if I’ve got the space on my device for them.

And of course if it’s a game I Really Want and it has a limited physical edition, i am Getting that limited physical edition instead. otherwise digital if i have space on my system & physical if i don’t have space.
When it's some "special edition" I might go for the physical one but for my switch I'm more and more moving over to digital games from the eshop since it's just so much quicker & easier to play on the go (not having to constantly switch the game cartridge).