Giveaway 🎂 Birthday TBT Giveaway 🎉 ~ CLOSED ~

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Sep 20, 2013
97.7% (42) +
My birthday is a little over a week away. I’ve decided to host a TBT Giveaway. I’ve been obviously hoarding bells with the intention of spontaneously giving them away overtime. There will be three winners of 1,000 TBT bells each!

~ ⟡ ~ Rules ~ ⟡ ~
• This will not be decided based on RNG.
• You will write at least one paragraph telling me about a dream travel destination or somewhere you have always wanted to visit.
• Three sentences is the minimum, but you can write more if you wish. Explain why you want to visit and why that destination appeals to you.
• I will like your entry as it is accepted.
This will end on January 14th, 2023 at 11:59 PM (Eastern Standard Time).

Almost wrote 2022 there, oops.
This is so generous of you, and happy early birthday!! I have so many places I’d like to go, but I’m a sentimental person, so I have one that sticks out more than the others.

My husband and I got married in May of 2019, and while we were planning our wedding and honeymoon to the Bahamas, we found out our son was going to be born with Spina Bifida and would benefit from fetal surgery. So, we canceled our honeymoon, and instead started planning a month long hospital stay out of state. We got married on the 19th, drove to Philadelphia the 20th, I had pre-op the 21st (also my mom’s birthday), and had surgery on my son’s back while I was 5 months pregnant with him on the 22nd. One day, I hope for us to be able to go to the Bahamas to have the honeymoon we wanted, but never got to have. That being said, even though it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done and ever been through, I’d do it all again because of how much it has saved him from having to go through. 💖💕💖 I think the Bahama’s appeals to be because of the clear blue water and white sands on the Caribbean side.
this is so generous of you, croc! thank you for doing this! 💙

it’s a huge dream of mine to travel to nevada, las vegas one day, though it’s not entirely the destination that appeals to me, but rather someone who’s there lol. my best and closest online friend of nearly 6 years lives there, and i would absolutely love to go there and meet them one day. i’ve never been good at maintaining friendships, so the fact that they’ve been my closest friend for half a decade now is insane to me. they mean the world to me, and we’ve seen each other through so much. they’ve seen me through the last 5 years of my family drama, my name change, the loss of my grandmother and 3 cats (one of whom was my best friend), losing my last group of irl friends etc. from thousands of miles away, they taught me what a healthy friendship is supposed to look like, and i’m a better person for having met them.

i also want to go just because of how vibrant and energetic it seems in las vegas! i wouldn’t engage in stuff like casinos or partying haha, but just going there for the experience and to see as many sights as i can would be a dream. i’d also love to bring my mom there, because she missed out on a trip to vegas before i was born, and it still bothers her to this day. i’d love for her to finally get to go there as well. <3
Thank you for hosting this Croconaw! 💖

I've (embarrassingly) never been out of my country, New Zealand, so I'd love to travel overseas one day. It's hard to choose a destination as there's so many places I'd love to visit. One destination I'd love to go is Japan! I love love japanese food, if I could I'd eat it every day. And obviously being a big fan of Nintendo, I'd love to see/buy a lot of merchandise that I can't get here. I'd also live to visit Super Nintendo World as it looks so awesome! Japanese culture has always fascinated me as well, and I'd love to immerse myself in it. My brother is also a big fan of Nintendo, Japanese food and culture, so I'd love to take him along too! 💜🫂
Thank you for hosting this giveaway, that is very generous of you!

Do luxury train rides count as a travel destination?

I love being on trains -- it just appeals to my brain a lot for some reason. Being able to just sit there, listen to music, and zone out while looking at beautiful, changing scenery... It's probably the ideal vacation for me. I've never been on a luxury train though; I don't think I've even been on a train for more than a few hours. There are many famous luxury train rides around the world but I think the first one I want to go on is The Ghan Expedition in Australia, which is a four day train ride that goes from Darwin to Adelaide. I haven't been in that part of Australia before (haven't been outside of Queensland aside from flying on a connecting flight through Sydney once) and I think it'd be a cool way of exploring more of this country -- especially the desert part which the train travels through. The train stops at several places and allows you to look around if I'm not mistaken. I think I'd also get to see Uluru (along with other natural wonders) on this route which would be pretty neat! In conclusion, I think going on a luxury train ride like The Ghan Expedition would be an inspirational journey, and I'd definitely take lots of pictures. It's expensive as heck though, so... maybe some day.
Thank you for hosting such a generous giveaway! Happy early birthday, Croconaw!

I've never been outside of North America. In fact, I've hardly left my own province. Generally, I'd like to see what European culture is like, but one place in particular that I've always wanted to go to is Paris, France. As someone who's from a French Canadian province, the idea of visiting someplace where I've essentially originated from is quite pleasant. There's so much I'd want to do there - Try the pastries, see the Eiffel Tower in person, visit the Louvre Museum, and interact with others. Overall, Paris just seems like a wonderful place. I get exposed to more culture as my French improves, and I'd love to experience that to the fullest someday.
Thank you for hosting this giveaway mate this is very generous of you! And happy early birthday! 🎂

I’ve never been to anywhere in America well to be honest I’ve only been to Turkey and Greece abroad. Well anyway I’d love to go to Universal Orlando Resort in Florida, USA because they have a Harry Potter bit there and I love Harry Potter so much I’ve only been to the Harry Potter Studio in the Uk so that would be lovely to go a different country to see more Harry Potter stuff :)

Wow, this is, as others have said, very generous! I'll give it a shot!

I wouldn't mind going back to Japan. I was there once many years ago, and I had some of the best meals in my life there. There's so much good food in Japan that's nearly impossible to find anywhere else. And I wasn't there very long, so there were lots of foods that I didn't have a chance to try. I'd also like to go to Disneysea in Tokyo, since it's a unique Disney park not found anywhere else in the world, and I love theme parks. I'd also like to go to Universal Studios Japan, because you can go to Nintendo World and ride the Spider-Man ride all in one place. They're several thousand miles apart in North America, at Universal's two parks on either coast. But the theme parks would just be a bonus. It's really all about that amazing Japanese food. 🍱🍜🍙🍣🍛😋
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You are always so generous, thank you. I hope you have an amazing birthday 🥳

The one country I have always wanted to visit is Canada. Sadly my dad died when I was 21. He lost both parents young so I never knew any relatives from his side of the family growing up. He did have an older sister who emigrated to Canada when my dad was young. I don’t know why or how she didn’t keep in touch. It is just something I have always thought about. She will be long gone but I have family who I have never met.

Canada just looks such a beautiful country and I would love one day to visit (if I win the lottery as it’s a long way from the UK 🥺)
Happy early birthday! Thank you for hosting this. 🙂

As for a place I would like to visit, I believe it would be Hawaii. I really would like to try their fresh pineapple and see the U.S.S Arizona before it corrodes away. Their is a lot of history their on that ship and I know my dad wants to see it too, so it would be very nice to see it with him. Plus, the weather there is probably very pleasant and taking a small vacation to visit there would be very relaxing. Short story here, but a year before my family and I had to move here to California, we were originally saving up money to take a cruise to Hawaii, but then we found out we were going to move and we had to spend all that money we saved on house fixings so we could sell the house. xD
Aww thank you for hosting this, and happy early birthday!!🎉

I've never been able to travel outside Australia before, and at the top of my list of places I've always wanted to visit, it would have to be Italy. The beautiful variety of landscapes, as well as all the amazing art and architecture is something I've always wanted to see. The oldest manmade things I've encountered where I live are only a couple hundred years old, so the old structures on such a massive scale sounds amazing to see. My dad's side of the family is also from part of Italy, so I've always wanted to go visit them in their rural village on my way around the country. Saving up now, and hopefully I can finally go in the next couple years. 😊
Happy Early Birthday!

After recently escaping a troubled home that kept me isolated, traveling is one of my dreams I hope to make reality one day after I get a stable job. Now that I finally recovered my important documents, my dream destination to go is Japan for sight seeing ( I love taking photos ) or at least New York to visit time square. I heard it was very active there, not to mention my girlfriend is in NY and it'd be nice to spend time together.

I have so many plans once my first Job is settled...
Thank you for yet another super generous giveaway 💙 I hope you’ll have a wonderful birthday 🥳

Lately I’ve been dreaming of travelling Scandinavia, Norway in particular. I am quite fond of cold and crisp temperatures and I want to be somewhere remote, surrounded by nature, animals and only very few people. I am determined to use my long semester holidays this spring to do a work and travel and have been applying on all kinds of farms. There seem to be a lot of families with their own private little farms and I’m interested to learn about being more self-sufficient, how to forage in the woods and how to take care of larger animals like cows and sheep responsibly.

The landscape is very fascinating to me, so mountainous and rugged with mirror-like fjords embedded between overgrown hills. It looks truly magical, the mountains are so majestic and have such a mysterious and ancient aura.

I feel like I need a getaway from my routine and familiar surroundings and just want to spend some time in nature, away from bustling cities, to slow down and be away from the internet and media for a while. I have noticed how I’m struggling to be just with my own thoughts and in the moment, without any external simulation or input like doom scrolling on social media or listening to music constantly. I hope to regain some piece of mind by focusing on physical labour and actively, consciously spending time outdoors.

Here’s a picture of the place I applied to, it’s called Sogndal 🏔💙

Happy early birthday and thank you for hosting this giveaway!

I've always wanted to go to Japan and that dream is now a future reality. Japan appeals to me because of the interesting culture, striking scenery, and the vast technological advancements that the United States does not offer. Now that Japan is finally open I planned a trip during the cherry blossom season with some friends to celebrate a late graduation gift. My friends and I have always wanted to go together since we were in high school. I can't wait to make memories with them and experience the attractions we made reservations for such as themed cafes and theme parks (Universal Studios and DisneySea).
Hi! Tysm for hosting :)

My dream vacation is also japan! Since I was really young I've really loved the food. (especially different types of sushi rolls, sashimi, and also sukiyaki🤤) My parents are going to take me there when I graduate, and I have so much to look forward to! I really enjoy natures so the gardens there seem like an ideal place. My love for anime and art will also make all the art museums there so enjoyable! I can't wait to go there someday.
Finally been able to get on my computer, and just in time! Thank you for hosting such a generous giveaway! Happy Birthday! 🐊🎉

As a kid, I didn't have the best relationship with my dad, but it also wasn't the worst. He just wasn't around most of the time. I wanted to get to know him. And so, whenever he did stop by for a visit, one of the things he wanted me to try, as a way for us to bond, was play baseball and let me tell you, I was not fond of it. In general, I was never interested in sports. The crowds, the noise and all the rules... It made me feel so out of place and disconnected from the other kids with their parents, they were all having so much fun. But I still gave baseball a chance and admittedly, I cared more about spending the day outdoors in the wide open park just tossing that ball around in a game of catch. I remember missing the ball so many times but each attempt made him smile, which in turn would make me smile, which was a big deal for me, being such a timid kid.

Then one day, my father went away on a trip and sent me a postcard. Had I known I would never see him again I would have taken better care of that postcard and kept it as a memento. Even now I can still recall the sheer wonder I felt looking at the vista on that postcard. It was one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen. Crystal blue lagoon, an expanse of raw, untouched wilderness, tropical trees... Just imagine: an urban kid like me learning that something that beautiful was somewhere out there in the world. It's the moment that got me most interested in the idea of traveling. Years later I learned it was Costa Rica 🌴and I find myself yearning to travel there one day. The first thing I would do is go to waterfall and just surround myself in an orchestra of nature 🥰
Still a few more hours to enter!

*Just a heads up that winners will likely be decided sometime tomorrow morning after I sleep for today, because I’m just lacking motivation today.*

The deadline still remains.
This is a really generous giveaway, thank you for hosting! Hope you have/had an amazing birthday! 🥳

There are so many places I'd love to visit but one place I've always to see and have the chance to explore is Peru, where my dad lived with his family for around nine years when he was very young. Despite been a long time ago he still has fond memories and stories to share about his travels and time there, from flying out in a civilian version of a Lancaster aircraft (fortunately air travel has come a long way since!) to spending many years of his childhood building memories in a place full of beautiful scenery and history to taking the long and fascinating trip back home via sea through the Panama Canal. I've always loved hearing the stories and been able to enjoy the videos my dad still has but wish one day I'll have the chance to visit the country myself.

If I ever do get the chance to visit then top of my places to see would be Machu Picchu, very stereotypical for a trip to Peru but having the chance to make the trek and see somewhere so fascinating and full off history is an experience I don't think I'd ever be able to miss if given the chance. I'd also love to make the trip to see the Ballestas Islands in order to glimpse the large array of wildlife that live there as well as travel to Lake Titicaca to see the amazing islands on the lake. The village of Huacachina, built around an oasis amongst the sand dunes, is another place in Peru on my bucket list - the whole area looks beautiful and relaxing and the scenery reminds me of the Sand Kingdom from the Super Mario Odyssey game. Finally to top my trip off I'd like to visit the cities of Lima and Cusco, both places full of amazing culture and history, as well as fascinating architecture.
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