• Guest, can you feel the love in the air? Valentine's Week at The Bell Tree has begun with a new mini-event featuring four activities to enjoy -- new and returning collectibles are up for grabs! Dive in to the love here.

TBT's Earth Week 2024 - The Natural World

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Senior Moderator
Jun 11, 2013
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Heart Dust
Blue Toy Car
Orange Coin
Galaxy Pizza
Red Toy Car
Red Coin
Old Gameboy
Chomp Call
Golden Salmonid Egg
Smash Ball
Tera Orb
Valentine's Rose
Valentine's Rose


To take a photograph of something in nature, with the objective of celebrating the beauty of the natural world. This could be anything from a close-up of a bee on a flower to a landscape shot taken at the beach.

Some examples of acceptable photos:

You are welcome to use filters if you feel these will enhance your entry. If you choose to use a filter on your submission, we'd ask that you please not include the same filter on your name card (proof) photo just so that we can gauge the changes you've made. This event isn't about who is the best photo editor, so please don't feel pressured to make any changes whatsoever.

All entries must be submitted by 11:59PM EDT on April 28th 2024.


  • Entries must be your own photography.
  • Entries must fit the nature theme.
  • No collaborative projects.
  • A reasonable amount of effort should be put into your entry. We are hoping to see well-thought out and considered entries, rather than photos quickly taken solely for participation bells.
  • All entries submitted are final. Please do not edit your entry after submission unless asked to by a staff member.
  • Your username must be visible somewhere in your submission.
  • Keep all creations appropriate for a PG-13 audience.

How to Submit

Submit your entry by posting it in this thread by 11:59PM EDT on April 28th, 2024. Please also include a second entry with your username visible on a name card (or even just the back of your hand) as evidence that you took the photograph yourself. If you choose to use filters to enhance your entry, please ensure your username picture is filter-free just so we can see how it was modified. Please be aware though that this is not a photo editing contest - our focus is on celebrating the natural world as it is.

Submission Checklist:
✅ Your entry meets the nature theme.​
✅ You have attached your photograph and checked "entry" on the attachment thumbnail. (See the post below for more details.)​
✅ You have attached a second photograph that displays your name card.​
✅ It is no later than 11:59PM EDT on April 28th, 2024.​


80 TBT Bells
Staff Favourite:
Lily of the Valley collectible

Frequently Asked Questions

How will staff favourites be selected?
Staff favourites for this event will be individually selected by several of our staff members. When selecting staff favourites we will be most interested in entries from users that clearly took care in selecting their subject matter and framing the shot. We're hoping to see some beautiful and creative submissions, rather than a photo of the first thing you saw that fit the requirements.

Can I include animals in my submission?
We'll accept animal photography if taken outdoors and it's clear the subject isn't a pet, e.g. a photograph of a squirrel on a tree, or a fox taken at a distance in a woodland setting, would be considered acceptable; a picture of your cat/dog would not.
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Hello everyone, for this event we are testing a new feature that will help facilitate forum events. This is starting as a simple addition to the event entry submission process, but it will be expanded in the future, so your feedback is appreciated! Also, please bear with us while we work out any bugs.

  1. You must upload your main image entry to your post (using the regular image inserter), so do not use an off-site image host. However, event threads will now allow images to be attached with a larger file size: up to 5 MB.
  2. Once you add your image(s) to your post, check the "Entry" checkbox for your main image entry. As Chris mentioned above, this particular event asks you to provide two images. Please only check "entry" on your main image.
  3. Submit the post and it will be marked as an event entry at the top.


Please be sure to check the Entry checkbox on one of your images so it can be approved. We're adding this feature for the following reasons:
  • To ensure that all event images are hosted on TBT, so there's less chance of losing them in the future.
  • So that event entries are clearly marked in event threads that contain posts for both entries and discussions.
  • So each participant has a single selected image that can be used for easier staff favorite selection and for setting up the closing ceremony thread.
  • To expand into a more sophisticated event system in the future.
Please let us know if you have any feedback or questions. Thanks!
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I'm not sure if this the right place to ask this but I have a question. Can the photo be dated to before the event? If so, how am I supposed to show my name tag?
Same. I really want my morel photo to be submitted, but I didn't know the tag was needed. I photograph nature a metric TON so it sucks that I can't use this years spring photos.
I'm not sure if this the right place to ask this but I have a question. Can the photo be dated to before the event? If so, how am I supposed to show my name tag?
I have a question, but does this need to be NEW photos taken within this week, or can it be something we took a photo of in the past, as long as it fits the other requirements?

As with all our events your entry must be created for our event. Unless you've a name card we have no evidence that your entry is your own.

I've removed the one entry so far of two different photos without a name tag so people do not misunderstand the requirements.

Can we only submit 1 entry? (so 1 photo + that same photo with name tag?)
Yes, one entry. The second image is your name card shot.
Can a sunset be considered a nature photo? Or does it have to have a beach or trees in foreground?
We'd be looking to see more than just the sky in the shot. If you Google sunset photography you'll see all the top results have something in the foreground. :)
If your picture was of say a lamb jumping, a butterfly on some flowers, would the proof picture still need to include said lamb jumping or butterfly or just the same area the picture was taken?
As long as we can tell it was taken at the same location and time we can be lenient on non-human subjects moving!
Ooo I love this event! Kind of sad since I’m currently residing in an apartment in the middle of a bustling city so I can’t find any good nature spots. My family house though is in the middle of a rural area and we live lakeside among fields of crops and trees, it’s so beautiful and peaceful there. I wish I could take pictures of my home this event but alas I don’t forsee myself going home any time soon 😭 Regardless, I’ll do my best to look for something to picture this event! 🍃
I'm excited to participate in this. I love the photo activity. I haven't participated in many TBT events but it seems throughout all the events this year, there is a concentrated effort on having a variety of activities, and that's really cool. I'm gonna go find a pretty place to take a picture!
I have a qestion about the nature photo.

I understand that there is one photo with the nature in it and then another photo with our username.

Let’s say I take a picture of a fox in the woodland and managed to take a photo. But won’t have enough time to whip out my username in the second photo with the fox still in it. In that event, do I STILL take a picture with my username in it even though the fox has now run off (with the location being the same but no fox)

Or is this photo combo no longer allowed (as in the fox has run off before I could take a secondary proof photo with my username)?

EDIT: I see the question was answered further up about mods being lenient on animals moving about
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