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What's your biggest 'unpopular/controversial' opinion?

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- I hate extreme hot and cold weather (summer and winter)
- I would rather have cloudy, rainy days than sunny days
- Pineapple pizza is the best pizza
- Reptiles make excellent pets and are very cute
- I listen to new songs on repeat until I get tired of them (I really love the 1 hour versions on YT)
- I hate the smell of petrol
Rainy days > sunny days.

Not gonna lie, pulling up into a petrol station and smelling the fumes is so nice 😂 (although not good for you).
I don't get why people think it's okay to slap passive-aggressive "clicktivism" stories on instagram in people's faces. If you want a political discussion go to a more serious place and also communicate with your followers/members no matter what. Also if people unfollow you and you whine about that yeah maybe don't post that??

On a lighter note:

- daddy longlegs and crane flies are absolutely disgusting and i don't get why people give you weird looks when you smash em.
- Agree about the clubbing stuff. I don't mind an after work or dinner etc. but just being out all night dancing in a packed area these days.. no?
- Magazine writing about sweating (armpit) issues and be like "only wear natural materials" like okay... sure the intention is good but also does it matter if it's a tiny sweat stain on someone? Perhaps a pet peeves but I also think why write that out every single time, not all garments are cotton or looks good just because of that?
- Spotify sucks. Why people even support that is beyond my ears and eyes...brain too perhaps.
- I fully support blocking ads on youtube. Sorry I wanted to hear this beautiful piece not interrupted by french fries ads.
I don't get why people think it's okay to slap passive-aggressive "clicktivism" stories on instagram in people's faces. If you want a political discussion go to a more serious place and also communicate with your followers/members no matter what. Also if people unfollow you and you whine about that yeah maybe don't post that??

On a lighter note:

- daddy longlegs and crane flies are absolutely disgusting and i don't get why people give you weird looks when you smash em.
- Agree about the clubbing stuff. I don't mind an after work or dinner etc. but just being out all night dancing in a packed area these days.. no?
- Magazine writing about sweating (armpit) issues and be like "only wear natural materials" like okay... sure the intention is good but also does it matter if it's a tiny sweat stain on someone? Perhaps a pet peeves but I also think why write that out every single time, not all garments are cotton or looks good just because of that?
- Spotify sucks. Why people even support that is beyond my ears and eyes...brain too perhaps.
- I fully support blocking ads on youtube. Sorry I wanted to hear this beautiful piece not interrupted by french fries ads.
Lol I like daddy long legs and crane flies because they're one of the few bugs that don't bite you haha. They are pretty gross though.

Also agree with blocking ads on Youtube. Honestly screw Google for taking an ad free platform, adding ads, and then offering a paid service to remove what was originally not there. I will forever boycott that.
Lol I like daddy long legs and crane flies because they're one of the few bugs that don't bite you haha. They are pretty gross though.

Also agree with blocking ads on Youtube. Honestly screw Google for taking an ad free platform, adding ads, and then offering a paid service to remove what was originally not there. I will forever boycott that.
I think I agree as well, but also screw the system they have for monetization for content creators. I always want to skip ads but then I feel bad for the person I'm supporting. If they had just done things the old way both content creators and viewers would be happy.
- I fully support blocking ads on youtube. Sorry I wanted to hear this beautiful piece not interrupted by french fries ads.
i use youtube red, family plan with a grandfathered price of $15. i dont enjoy that my money necessarily goes to youtube but i use youtube on my TV and phone where ad-blocks are not always guaranteed. i'd much much rather support creators on their terms I.E merch and patreon. its so ridiculous now because ads will be 2 minutes long, unskippable, in a row of 5 ads or any of the above mixed together. my poor dad got so frustrated wanting to watch something for plumbing and got hit with a 2 minute ad every time he tried to watch something!
basically screw ads, i agree lol.
An unpopular opinion about AC I'm only sharing here because I'm too afraid to talk about it anywhere else: Isabella is overrated.
She doesn't have much to her besides being clumsy and hardworking which I feel are stereotypical traits of japanese cute anime girls and I think the intention was that to make her super likeable but not for me. Don't get me wrong I don't hate her I am just tired of her being the spotlight every single time when characters like Tom Nook or the able sister have a lot more personality and backstory to them. As of right now she is a really boring character to me.
If one day they decide to give Isabelle a proper backstory and a lot more personality maybe I will change my opinion. Also her design is not to my taste but it not a bad design.
Since I am talking about AC unpopular opinions I wanna share another one. Sasha was overrated XD but it seems just like Raymond favorite villagers don't last long so this opinion won't age well I feel. Recently I noticed the community really loves pastel colors which I despise since I like constrasts a lot. Sasha is a character with a pastel palette so of course I really don't like it and I'm sure glad he is a lazy villager instead of a jock as some people theorized because I love jocks so my love still stands XD.
I have a theory that the popularity for Sasha also came because people thought he was a girl but it turns out he is a guy and loved him for that but then the same happen with Petri (which didn't become popular because of that) so I don't know. Sasha looks so cute it scares me, makes me feel uneasy. I hate it! XD But it is just an opinion in the end.
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I think I agree as well, but also screw the system they have for monetization for content creators. I always want to skip ads but then I feel bad for the person I'm supporting. If they had just done things the old way both content creators and viewers would be happy.
Yeah, it's a pretty big mess. I don't mind if the content creators have a sponsor in their video. That bugs me less than having to watch a stupid ad (usually multiple in a row!) at the beginning, end, or cutting off the middle of the video. Both are ads but having the content creator talk about the product irks me less for some reason.
An unpopular opinion about AC I'm only sharing here because I'm too afraid to talk about it anywhere else: Isabella is overrated.
She doesn't have much to her besides being clumsy and hardworking which I feel are stereotypical traits of japanese cute anime girls and I think the intention was that to make her super likeable but not for me. Don't get me wrong I don't hate her I am just tired of her being the spotlight every single time when characters like Tom Nook or the able sister have a lot more personality and backstory to them. As of right now she is a really boring character to me.
If one day they decide to give Isabelle a proper backstory and a lot more personality maybe I will change my opinion. Also her design is not to my taste but it not a bad design.
Since I am talking about AC unpopular opinions I wanna share another one. Sasha was overrated XD but it seems just like Raymond favorite villagers don't last long so this opinion won't age well I feel. Recently I noticed the community really loves pastel colors which I despise since I like constract a lot. Sasha is a character with a pastel palette so of course I really don't like it and I'm sure glad he is a lazy villager instead of a jock as some people theorized because I love jocks so my love still stands XD.
I have a theory that the popularity for Sasha also came because people thought he was a girl but it turns out he is a guy and loved him for that but then the same happen with Petri (which didn't become popular because of that) so I don't know. Sasha looks so cute it scares me, makes me feel uneasy. I hate it! XD But it is just an opinion in the end.
Raymond is the 🐐
I love walking around in the rain. I don't think there's anything nicer than wearing some light clothes in the spring or summer and going outside in the rain for a walk, then coming home and taking a hot shower and changing into something clean and warm fresh out of the dryer.

It seems to be an unpopular opinion because anytime I go on walks in the rain people in cars pull up to me and ask if I need a ride somewhere.
Re supporting content creators. I don't really care or watch those but honestly youtube could just have founded another financial model or put the ads AROUND the videos and sites not IN videos. Sure if there was some McD ad to the side who cares but I wouldn't care adblocking non-video stuff.

Plus I buy a lot of records/music merch and most I listen to are either niche/non mainstream stuff at least here so.. shrug.
Ok, here's my controversial opinion: I don't think Nickelback is that bad. I actually kind of like most of their songs. I don't go out of my way to listen to them. Sure, there are better songs, but there are also much worse songs. Nickelback is a nice, average rock band in my opinion.

I was driving home today and one of their songs came on the radio so I immediately thought of this thread.
Woah woah. Daddy long legs were mentioned earlier. I’m just gonna pop in and say I’m not scared of spiders at all. Pretty unpopular right? I mean, in general I find insects really aesthetically pleasing. And not just the graceful or fluffy looking ones. Plenty of people talk about them. The creepy nimbly ones. They’re like little robots. Special exception to silverfish. I hate silverfish.
Ducks are adorable. (Irl, not the game.) I love how they waddle and quack. 😭 I love the way their big feet slap as they walk around. The way their babies follow in a straight line is precious. Sure, geese parents have a leader in front of the babies AND a CaGoose in the back, but ducks are cuter. Gotta appreciate my quack kings and queens. 👑
Crocs are still ugly. They've made a comeback and everyone is wearing them, claiming they're hip now. Nah man, still ugly. Not even the tie-dye makes them cool.
Wrong crocs with socks are the pinnacle of fashion and I will fight you.
Square up. (ง'̀-'́)ง
I don't get why people think it's okay to slap passive-aggressive "clicktivism" stories on instagram in people's faces. If you want a political discussion go to a more serious place and also communicate with your followers/members no matter what. Also if people unfollow you and you whine about that yeah maybe don't post that??

On a lighter note:

- daddy longlegs and crane flies are absolutely disgusting and i don't get why people give you weird looks when you smash em.
- Agree about the clubbing stuff. I don't mind an after work or dinner etc. but just being out all night dancing in a packed area these days.. no?
- Magazine writing about sweating (armpit) issues and be like "only wear natural materials" like okay... sure the intention is good but also does it matter if it's a tiny sweat stain on someone? Perhaps a pet peeves but I also think why write that out every single time, not all garments are cotton or looks good just because of that?
- Spotify sucks. Why people even support that is beyond my ears and eyes...brain too perhaps.
- I fully support blocking ads on youtube. Sorry I wanted to hear this beautiful piece not interrupted by french fries ads.
I 100000000000% agree with the ads on YouTube thing. Ads on YT are out of ******* control. I get that it’s how they make their money, but there are other ways.

. . .

Anyway, unpoplar opinion #2: I freaking hate chain posts. You know, the ones that encourage you to re-post certain things on your accounts. It’s even worse when they try to guilt trip you to do it, like “I can see who reposts this. If you don’t repost this, I will lose all my respect for you.”, like bruh! Just because we don’t partake in chain posting, doesn’t mean we’re not against a bad topic or whatever! -_-

Not to mention, some of these chain posts can contain topics that are triggering to other people. .-.
Anime dubs are the best they've ever been and I honestly prefer them to subs now. Back around 2006-2010 kind of era, I didn't like dubs due to there only being ten VAs and the translations were awkward "Hi! How are you Saki-chan?" But nowadays there are so many budding VAs that are so talented and the writers do the scripts justice. Even their changes are epic. I hope this all keeps up!!
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