The backlash towards Popular *Basic* Villager lovers


OK, it's giving Jealousy
Oct 14, 2020
Sautéed Mushrooms
Blue Train Engine
Sleek Train Car
Cute Train Car
Floral Train Car
Yellow Caboose
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Moon Bunny
Fancy Kitty Plush
Shadow Kitty Plush
Dino Plush
Its usually from being called *Basic*

Basic is my term for what popular villager owners are called, or are seen as.

Its basically a judgemental term where that person who loves popular villagers is seen as just another brick in that popular wall, and no different from the rest. They just wanna fit in, and be cool, just another one of those people who judge villagers by their appearences.

Im Basic, Ive got some very popular villagers and none that are quote *Ugly* some people dont even believe when you say you like the BOTTOM ten, because you have an island of the TOP ten.

Though I don't take it personally, alot of popular lovers do. People who've had an island of popular villagers do change that line up to something else for various reasons, and its mostly becuse they dont wanna be a brick and think they have to change their villagers to stand out. The community in itself can also be a cause of it

You can still stand out and have a bunch of popular villagers, you dont have to be preasured by yourself, and the community to change your beloved Ione, Audie, Rosie, to someone else just to believe your now standing out, and free of being called basic, even though you miss your old group.

Theres nothing wrong with loving Rosie, Ione and Audie, or having them. You love them and thats what makes them special for you.

Basic abuse, usually comes from telling yourself your just that and need to move on. But thats just harsh making people think their basic. Because stop and think,

Will you be happy without Rosie and now with Rizzo. Maybe. Rizzo could grow on you. But now the villager you loved so dearly is gone. She'll never be the same Rosie even if you get her amiibo again

But at least your not gonna be called Basic anymore. So thats good. Right?

No. Because people who have popular villagers feel sometimes preasured by community and themselves to change. Which is unfair. Because thats exactly how it goes down for if a person had Rizzo but wanted to fit into the popular crowd with Rosie.
I wanted to speak out for the popular villager lovers, because its always about the ugly villager lover abuse, but no one really talks about the popular villager backlash that we popular lovers face.

So thats from my own experience. What's your opinion?
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Well, you’re right, liking popular things get you labeled as “basic”— the same way people used to call girls “basic” for liking Starbucks, Ugg boots, and Disney movies.
I haven’t seen anyone roast someone for liking popular villagers though. Maybe subtly— like saying, “Going against the grain here to say that Judy scares me. I have no idea why people like her, etc.” But then again, that’s someone’s opinion. Having a popular or unpopular villager doesn’t change anything in the game— they won’t help you catch rare fish or give you rare gifts.
My village isn’t really popular (Shari, Flora, Norma, Rhonda, Biff, Reneigh, Hamphrey, Rizzo, Drago, and Leopold.) but I love all my villagers and haven’t traded them out. I met each one on mystery island tours, and let the first ones I met move in— not a second thought or particular search for villagers. New Horizons is my first game and I wasn’t sure how people played it usually, but I enjoy my little community lol.
I like all my villagers but Leopold is my least-favorite because I don’t like smug villagers— it doesn’t have to do with his looks.
The popular villagers I like are Molly, Tangy, Stitches, Muffy, Roald, Cherry, Ankha, Lily, and Marshal. But I’m not going to get them on my island…mostly because I like the familiarity of the same villagers.
I've felt this, especially when I was more active on social media (like Xwitter)—I think it's died down a lot since his popularity has also died down considerably, but I remember there was a strangely intense amount of vitriol towards Raymond/people who had or liked him back when ACNH first came out.

I didn't know about his popularity at first, just when I saw that a few new villagers were being added into New Horizons, I decided to look through the list to see if I'd want to get any of them. I liked a few of them, but Raymond was my favorite out of all of them, so I decided he'd be one of my NH dreamies whenever I got around to buying the game.
It was only after that that I found out he was really super popular, which didn't really bother me because hey, cool, people like this thing I like. And like, I get how when something gets super hyped up it sometimes can get a little annoying, and to be fair things may have gotten a little weird for a while with people auctioning off Raymond's fleas and stuff, but a lot of people didn't leave it at just "tbh I don't get why Raymond is so popular". People got mocked just for having him on their island, and there was a lot of hate art directed towards him and his fans too—I thankfully didn't see any of this myself, but I did see people upset after coming across what was apparently extremely violent hate art towards Raymond. I'm sorry, but that's quite frankly a downright weird amount of hatred to hold towards a video game salaryman cat, no matter how overhyped he may have been.

I still got Raymond when I finally did play ACNH and he's still on my island to this day, but I know there were quite a few players that got bullied into kicking him off their islands and regretted it, and many more who were made to feel bad for having him and having their enjoyment of the game tainted because of it. Heck, I'll admit that for a while, even I felt sheepish to admit that he was one of my dreamies, or later that I had him on my island.

I don't get people who can't just enjoy their own game and instead have to try to ruin it for others.
i’ve always been more drawn to the popular villagers. not because they’re popular or because it might be trendy to like and have them, but just because i like their designs, and i have fond memories of/with a lot of them. there are many unpopular and lesser talked about villagers that i love as well, but a lot of my favourites are on the more popular side.

my current villagers in new horizons are mostly popular; i have audie, beau, margie, whitney, sprinkle, agnes, shino, quinn, goldie, and roald, with only the latter 3 being non-permanent villagers. i’ve never been made to feel bad for having the villagers that i do, but i still sometimes feel like my permanent lineup is too “basic” or “stereotypical”. but, my permanent villagers are all special to me and i adore them, so i’m not too worried about whether or not they make me “basic” at the end of the day. i’m okay with being basic if it means having villagers that i love, lol.

this is the only platform that i use for animal crossing-related stuff, so i never saw anyone receive backlash for liking/having popular villagers, even when the new horizons community was more active. however, i know that it sadly was (and might still be) happening, especially on social media and where the new villagers (especially raymond, audie and judy) were concerned.

personally, i‘ve never understood why some people have opinions on what villagers other people have. it’s okay to have opinions on the villagers themselves of course, but it’s not okay to project your opinions on other people if they have villagers that you don’t care for. there’s nothing wrong with liking/having popular villagers, just like there’s nothing wrong with liking/having unpopular ones. i think the assumption that people have popular villagers just because they’re popular or because they’re a trend is silly, but even if that is why some people choose to have them… so what? people are allowed to enjoy their games however they want, so long as it doesn’t harm or negatively affect anyone else. people liking/having the villagers that they do affects no one, so no one should be shamed or made to feel bad for it ever.
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I'm not that basic, but I don't get the hate for people that do like popular villagers. Sure, it's an obvious choice, but still. I like to not be that basic, but there's nothing inherently wrong with it. That's essentially the same thing as hating people who like unpopular villagers. They're all opinions and you shouldn’t start losing your mind because someone loves Marshal.
There's quite a lot of villagers I like, including both popular and ones you don't hear about much. I care more about whether I'm attached to the villager than whether or not they're popular, and I don't think I go on whatever side of the internet these judgemental people are on?
I agree with @Xara never understood why anyone cares who other people have. Just be happy with who you have no matter who they are. I don’t pay attention to who is popular and who is not. So aside from a few a really don’t know who is popular. I know I have Ione and she is popular. I just really like her and she fits really well with my island of Crescent. Usually I pick my villagers on who I like or who fits the theme.
I've felt this, especially when I was more active on social media (like Xwitter)—I think it's died down a lot since his popularity has also died down considerably, but I remember there was a strangely intense amount of vitriol towards Raymond/people who had or liked him back when ACNH first came out.

I didn't know about his popularity at first, just when I saw that a few new villagers were being added into New Horizons, I decided to look through the list to see if I'd want to get any of them. I liked a few of them, but Raymond was my favorite out of all of them, so I decided he'd be one of my NH dreamies whenever I got around to buying the game.
It was only after that that I found out he was really super popular, which didn't really bother me because hey, cool, people like this thing I like. And like, I get how when something gets super hyped up it sometimes can get a little annoying, and to be fair things may have gotten a little weird for a while with people auctioning off Raymond's fleas and stuff, but a lot of people didn't leave it at just "tbh I don't get why Raymond is so popular". People got mocked just for having him on their island, and there was a lot of hate art directed towards him and his fans too—I thankfully didn't see any of this myself, but I did see people upset after coming across what was apparently extremely violent hate art towards Raymond. I'm sorry, but that's quite frankly a downright weird amount of hatred to hold towards a video game salaryman cat, no matter how overhyped he may have been.

I still got Raymond when I finally did play ACNH and he's still on my island to this day, but I know there were quite a few players that got bullied into kicking him off their islands and regretted it, and many more who were made to feel bad for having him and having their enjoyment of the game tainted because of it. Heck, I'll admit that for a while, even I felt sheepish to admit that he was one of my dreamies, or later that I had him on my island.

I don't get people who can't just enjoy their own game and instead have to try to ruin it for others.
I forgot about that mass Raymon hate, I never saw any of it. Hate art, wow. Im glad I never saw that.
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Really enjoying all these opinions on how people should just leave people alone, regarding villager choices, which is the overall topic. Popular, un popular, in the end their all the same. Its a shame people always judge others, or critique who you have

I mesn if you really gotta diss someone's line up, just wish people would keep that to tbemselves. These are all very enjoyable to read :)
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Yeah I think if you're judging someone for what villagers they like in AC, it's a silly thing to judge over. I do think there's something to be said for some villagers being more "fashionable" than others, but I think that more reflects how the game has changed over the years rather than something to seriously judge.
I agree! Judging others for liking stuff just because it’s popular is such a dumb and childish concept, I never understood why people do it, because it doesn’t make them look cooler. It’s like when people say “wahhhh, you only like this song because you found it on tiktok.” Who cares?! Your island, your playlist, your rules!
I agree! Judging others for liking stuff just because it’s popular is such a dumb and childish concept, I never understood why people do it, because it doesn’t make them look cooler. It’s like when people say “wahhhh, you only like this song because you found it on tiktok.” Who cares?! Your island, your playlist, your rules!
Exactly. For such a cozy cute game, some people take it way too seriously. I mean, I take it seriously in the aspect of, I want my island to look good, I want to finish the museum, I want villagers I like, etc. I usually don’t see that segment of the fandom, where people give themselves ulcers if someone likes a certain villager. If they don’t like all the cuteness, they should switch to a more serious, less “cute”game.
I have both Raymond and Rodney on my island. I love them both. I had no idea at the time that they were both popular and hated (in that order).

Honestly this thread makes me feel a tad bit like I am back in high school. Everyone should fall in love with any villager they bond with. Basic or not.
I agree. I am pretty "basic" and I remember seeing a thread a while ago about being harsh towards the "ugly" villagers and not inviting them strictly out of their terrible designs. I chose not to respond it because designs are partly why we are attracted to the popular and more invited villagers to begin with. No matter the situation, even if I am "forced" in having them like the games do in the beginning, there are villagers I will like over others. My first NH island had Fuchsia and Boone. No offense to those that like those villagers, but I don't like them and still don't. I cycled them out when I finally had the chance. My current island started with Pierce and Mira. I cycled out Mira when she wanted to leave. There's nothing wrong with keeping the villagers you like. Its what make AC so appealing for the many of us.
Honestly, I really don't understand the Animal Crossing community of social networks, in general I rarely use them to have conversations because I've never felt comfortable with them and I've always loved this forum for expressing opinions and seeking comparisons. I have never understood the hatred for "ugly" villagers nor will I ever understand the hatred for popular ones, in the end in any social context human beings must always vent his hatred towards something. Obviously everyone is free to do what they want, but if everyone were respectful of other people's opinions and expressed their opinions politely, there would be practically no quarrels. But it's absolutely IMPOSSIBLE. Why should one feel entitled to call the other "basic" just because he is protected by a screen? Where is the need to judge someone without really knowing them? This is true in all areas of life. Everyone is unique in their own way, let's celebrate differences and respect each other's freedom.
Maybe many people underestimate this aspect, but for younger people, certain comments could be interpreted as cyberbullying and cause a lot of damage to the individual's self-esteem.
I agree with you that everyone should have whatever villagers they like the most! I don't honestly feel like I see much of this hate--mostly just hate in the other direction toward "ugly" or unpopular villagers, but that may be because I don't use most social media sites, as all sites have their own individual culture. I always feel a little down when I see so much discourse online about whether certain villagers are "good" or "rare" where the overwhelming online consensus is that a handful of popular villagers are the good ones and all the rest are "uggos" that deserve to get smacked around with a net or whatever. Here on TBT, though, I don't see much of that either, just on YouTube or Tumblr. Many newer players seem to actually believe that some villagers are rarer or better in some way based on the online response to those villagers.

I don't feel self conscious about my villagers at all, nor do such videos affect my playstyle. But I do wonder if Nintendo is paying much attention to those perspectives. So far all villagers have been brought forward from game to game, with the exception of villagers who were cut between the original Population Growing and the release of Wild World. Since then, it's seemed like Nintendo has been invested in continuing to add to the villager roster without paring it down. But we've seen with NH that fan social media presence around the franchise can have a significant impact on game development--it was clear that a lot of people were playing New Leaf with a level of obsessive customization (plot resetting, dreamie lists, etc.) that wasn't perhaps intended, and now we have New Horizons, which leans much harder into aesthetics, customization, and control at the expense of immersive village life simulation and villager personality. So I do always wonder if the extreme lean of the AC fandom toward traditionally cutesy villagers with the same consistent round head shapes and narrow bodies will ever influence the design of future villagers, or result in some highly unpopular species like gorillas being removed from the game to make room for something more Instagram-worthy.
people gotta remember that everyone has their own vibe, and there's nothing wrong with loving the popular ones. no need to feel pressured to change up your faves just to avoid being called "basic." your island is your own personal canvas, and it should be all about what makes you happy

whether they're popular or totally under-the-radar, it's all good. embracing our unique tastes is what makes the ac community so awesome 🩷
I'm going to come out and say it: I was guilty of doing this in the past (worryingly often, might I add). In hindsight, it was indeed stupid of me.
I mean, there are popular villagers I love such as Ankha and ESPECIALLY Apollo. I love them because I have my actual reasons to do so not just because “they’re popular”.

However, there are also unpopular villagers that I love such as Velma and Rooney.

And on the flipside, there are plenty of popular villagers I don’t really care for such as Marshal. I like Diana and Raymond, but they are by no means favorites of mine.
I have nothing against people who have popular villagers, and I believe everyone should be happy with the villagers they like, even though I feel they lose their value when everyone seems to want the same villagers over, and over again...

Merengue (my most hated villager ever, personal vendetta from New Leaf.), Beau (creepy.), Fauna (also creepy.), Julian (probably dislike the least out of these.), Bob (he may be the first villager ever, but he's not a god, for God's sakes!), Whitney (she kind of has a bland design)., Fang (he's just a male Whitney.), Papi (I like the concept of an okapi, but his eyes are a little creepy looking.), Lily (she's really creepy looking.) and Molly (boring.).

I have a love-hate relationship with Julian, I love how he is a unicorn, and that he is blue-colored, but his eyes look like they were glued shut, and I hate how seemingly overrated he is, just because he has a horn, making me get tired of him quickly. He'd be most likely to be a little less popular if he didn't have a horn on his head.

But, I also like some popular villagers, not because they're popular at all, it's because I like their designs, and their names.

Marshal, Raymond, Lucky, Ankha, Apollo, Static, Sasha, Chrissy, Francine, Ione, Punchy, Judy, Dom, Sherb, Colton, Chief, Skye, Marina, Poppy, and Audie, with especially the rabbit girls and boy, being my most favorite popular villagers.

I really love Audie's name, because she was named after a then 87-year-old woman named Audrey, who went viral on the internet in 2019, after her grandson posted a YouTube video of her, showing her 3,580 hours spent playing New Leaf, she named her player character, "Audie".