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Legends of the Creepy Hollows

The Legend of the Shadow Canna Monster

Legend has it that there is a shape shifting shadow monster that lives in our canna lillies. It takes the form of random things at all different times of the day but always takes the form of something more sinister during the day when it’s shadow is most prominent to attempt to scare people . It is said that if you try and cut them back or dig them up, they will always grow back. Each time it grows back, it gets stronger and has the ability to shape shift more often.

(I am including extra pics of the shadow monster in action. These are ACTUAL pics I’ve taken over the years, btw which gave me the idea to tell you guys the story of their legend.)



^Nighttime rooster looking into our window

^Daytime alien contemplating his options on how best to invade.
Fairy spirits: In the daylight the Fairy spirits hide unnoticed in their Mushroom houses. They may look cute, but as darkness falls they wreak havoc on the neighbourhood tormenting pets, breaking windows and digging potholes on the roads.
Beware the darkness! (and the potholes)

fairy garden.jpg


In the early hours of the morning I can hear weird sounds coming from under the bed, I wake up and turn to see two glowing lights I slowly look under the bed to see this scary creature staring back at me.

This is the Night Shadow !!!!! Legend says The Night shadow appears in the early morning and if you let the night shadow touch you, you are never ever seen again.....

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That crane's been there for almost a decade now. I heard the construction was halted because of an accident. They left the building unfinished and kept the crane towering above the town.

It was only 2 years ago when they kept that crane lit. Because people were afraid. Before that, some people say they see a silhouette of a person hanging. Few saw someone jumping. Sometimes, the crane turns to point at you. And sometimes, you won't even notice it was gone.

I lived here fore more than 20 years, but I never once visited that part of town. And now I have more reasons not to.



Once a year, my grandmother asks me to fetch a jar from her pantry. She must prepare the jar to can the fish before they rot. But oh, I do not want to go there! Something deeply cold and vast dwells there in the corner, waiting for unwise feet to tread close! Year after year it spreads... I feel it tickling my ankles right now, oh, Oh, OH

it is actually just a multipurpose room (usually the laundry machine is placed in this room, but many families also put an extra burner here to cook smellier foods like grilled fish). I believe the scariest thing actually in that room are mosquitos (dead and alive).
this is a place of complex machinery, of mechanical whirring and strung wires and tapes. it can only be spotted within the crevice of an unsuspecting plastic mass out in the open. what goes on in here, you might ask? no one is exactly sure. upon first glance it looks confusing, but it may serve a simple function. the sounds which it makes are reminiscent of a futuristic torture device. perhaps the spirits of the future dwell within it and live among us? nobody, as of yet, has been brave enough to solve the mystery.

in case you're not sure what it is... it's the inside of one of my VCRs 😂

edited w Pyoopi's permission bc the images broke :)
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Legend has it that the dust bunnies in this house were left for so long that they became sentient. It doesn't matter how many times you vaccuum, the hairy dust balls will reappear in unmanageable numbers. Slowly the dust bunnies take over, suffocating all who reside in the house.

I was warned, but I did not listen. How could I? With such a beautiful view awaiting me every morning as I step out into the balcony, letting the cool breeze caress me, taking my loneliness away with it. It was as though I came upon a new world each time, just for me. By morning one way, but by night another... My world transformed before me. And in the distance, a wail cuts through the wind and straight into my heart. In the distance, an entity decides to show itself on moonless nights, just beyond the trees, beyond the gateway that separates their world from mine. Such a bewitching red glow... Legends say not to gaze upon it for too long, but how could I not? And suddenly, I felt a lovely chill wrap around me...


By the time I went to grab my camera, the entity disappeared. Perhaps I should have listened to the legends, after all...

Legend says that this space in the basement is haunted. For a long time it was covered up, and the previous owners didn't know it was there until they were doing some renovations. They had always heard strange sounds from the basement and felt a chill when they passed near that wall, but they had always chalked it up to their imaginations. When they finally found and opened the space up, they discovered a human skeleton inside. It was determined that the skeleton was that of a young man, but his identity and what happened to him has never been determined. To this day I sometimes think I hear the sounds of weeping and banging coming from the basement.

Your proof image is scary, lol. I wasn't expecting to see the eyes following your nametag. I have to ask, is the proof image unedited? I don't know if you're using a camera that's in greyscale or something.
If not, could you just post the unedited version (and its okay if the creature isn't there) with your nametag again?
Your proof image is scary, lol. I wasn't expecting to see the eyes following your nametag. I have to ask, is the proof image unedited? I don't know if you're using a camera that's in greyscale or something.
If not, could you just post the unedited version (and its okay if the creature isn't there) with your nametag again?
Haha sorry for the fright. I have just fixed that up thank you :)
This chute has seen a lot of rubbish, but there is a dark legend that haunts it. Legend has it that if a child throws away a plushie that was given affection down this chute, it will come alive and seek out the child in revenge. Strangely, the doll or plushie will always smell like either expired yogurt or brussel sprouts.

An abandoned game console...decades old... it sits there, in a dark corner, waiting to be played with again, thinking about the happy past when its owner would spend hours on end playing games. But now it just sits in that corner, without use, waiting in increasing agony, maybe waiting forever...


Here is a sacred place that must not be breached. Do NOT break the seal on the gate. For at the end of those steps is the pool of the black lagoon, and at night an UNSPEAKABLE monster made of water comes out.

The monster looks like a human, but it's not, and it is super dangerous. You have been warned.


They say when someone cheats Death, he sets down his red lantern, to stalk them under the cover of darkness.
If on your evening walk, an eerie, vermilion light comes into view... run. As fast as you can, as far as you can, away from the lantern's glow.
For if Death's quarry escapes him, he'll return for his lantern. Death may be cheated, but he never loses - the nearest soul will simply have to take the place of the one who slipped his grasp.


It would either focus on the background shot, or the name card, but refused to do both D: If this isn't enough proof, I will take a photo during the day time! but obviously the light will not be glowing lol.
Disoriented, you wake to find yourself in an unfamiliar room. A door muffles the clinking and clattering of what sounds like iron smacking stone. A bridge made of narrowly lined 2x4 boards are all that exist between you and the door. You wonder what lies beyond, but you hesitate to find out. You feel an impending sense of dread wash over, as you study the feral interior of your new surroundings.

What will you do next?
