Your newbie mistakes when you started ACNL

I... I'm sorry guys... I didn't know... I wasn't on TBT yet... I didn't know about dreamies... and I... what I'm trying to say is... I... I... AW JEEZ GUYS I VOIDED PUNCHY OKAY GOSH JUST STOP JUMPING DOWN MY THROAT ABOUT IT UGH
For New Leaf:
Accidently selling rare furniture that cannot be re-ordered.
Putting my hotel too close to the cliff.
Answering Rover's questions without a second thought that it would alter my face.
Selling the perfect cherry I got to start out with (thankfully, I got one from another town).
Running for the first few days while not knowing about grass wear.
Selling the cardboard closet I got from shaking a tree.
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I voided Erik because his laugh was annoying to me, and I wanted to see what other villagers were out there. I hadn't joined this forum and had no idea you could adopt villagers between towns! (No concept of villager popularity, either.) I still feel bad, because I could have gifted him to someone if I'd known. :eek:

In City Folk, my kids and I let every villager that pinged move out. We didn't realize you could actually stop them. So we had a revolving door going!
I ate my stupid ****ing perfect pear. I didn't get perfect pears until I found this site, even though I tried regrowing it SO HARD. I also sold unorderables, not knowing I could sell them here if people wanted them because I'm a dumbass. My map turned out nearly perfect, luckily, it's just Retail is on the bottom instead of near the train tracks. :/ Was good for when I was bughunting though. Also. Another rookie mistake. Letting Nibbles go. I had wanted to see other villagers, and I... I... ;_;

[never let you go by third eye blind playing in the distance]

Also voided Bluebear, didn't know her popularity >: She was cute too QQ. At least I have Nibbles in Arendele though!
I forgot where I planted my perfect apple... And built my campsite over it.
Naming my town something as boring and uninspired as "Treetown". I was in the middle of a reset spree to find the perfect map, and I foolishly thought I'd just have to reset again so I didn't care what my town name was. And, naturally, I found the map layout I wanted. Of course. ><;;

Curse you, Murphy's Law!
I probably should've done research on the faces but I'm happy with what I got anyway (and probably would've chose my current one). Uh... I ate my first perfect apple. I didn't do many silly things as I've played Wild World and City Folk but oh my gosh one thing I did in Wild World for ages was selling my fossils without getting them identified. My brother and I both had the game and we thought fossils and pitfalls were the stupidest things ever because you couldn't even get any money from digging them up. Then one day when one of us were donating fish we realised the 'assess a fossil' option and it went from there haha.
Selling some of the Sloppy items, and not putting the Beautiful Ordinance on (I had to water tons of flowers every single day...)

When I went to the island for the first time I put all of the bugs that I didn't want in the basket (I thought it acted like a trash bin) and lost all of the ones I wanted ;-;
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I think the worst mistake I made was selling unorderable furniture to Retail. I also remember seeing sloppy furniture in Retail and I'd either get villagers to buy it or leave it there until the villager who put it up moved away because I didn't know it was rare and didn't want it at the time.
my first game was wild world and it just came with those R4's for the DS

i was super confused and I didn't know how to water flowers cause I thought you had to fill it up with water first so I kept going up to rivers and the beach trying to fill it up?? plus back then the flowers didn't sparkle when you watered them so HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW


first time I went to the island I sold all my stuff to Leila????? because I thought you couldn't bring them back
I kept wondering why people recommended catching beetles in the island and selling them cause I kept getting like what 32 bells for a golden beetle or something smh
I bought the game at launch accidentally spelled my name wrong. Didn't notice for 9 months which prompted me to restart. =/
I had some cardboard and sloppy stuff I sold, not understanding about unorderables. But, the main mistake was refusing to have paths and thus placing PWPs in spots that seemed okay but turned out to be horrible when I actually did start pathing. I have since demolished and rebuilt tons of PWPs, but my original town (Pangola) is now my least favorite town.
sold my perfect pear, sold unorderables to reese, didn't know you could reset for other maps and chose the first one (i dont regret it though :) ), sold stuff to leila, didnt know you cold plot reset, (oh jeez im the n00biest of them all...)

Wait people actually care about filling up the museum? I dont care at all xD

- - - Post Merge - - -

sold my perfect pear, sold unorderables to reese, didn't know you could reset for other maps and chose the first one (i dont regret it though :) ), sold stuff to leila, didnt know you cold plot reset, (oh jeez im the n00biest of them all...)

Wait people actually care about filling up the museum? I dont care at all xD
Not plot resetting these two villagers that came in the first few days. I put my house in a really weird spot, and the campsite :[ I think I picked a good map though. Luckily I didn't get the game until the end of December, so I knew a bit/watched LPs about it before hand 0005-1.gif
I ate some foreign fruit that my villagers gave me before I knew anything about planting it for trees.
Well, I've been playing AC for years and years, so no huge mistakes here. I did sell a piece of sloppy furniture however, I didn't know it was rare :<
well, even after watching about a hundred gameplays of it...

-left boots on the ground
-tried to breed flowers in my house
-thought sea bass were valuable because they were big shadows hahaahah
I didn't know these thing:

1. That you can choose your face. I got lucky and ended up with a good one, but yikes, it could have gone so very very wrong!
2. That my house size would grow. So I placed my house where I wanted, but as it grew bigger, now it halfway blocks a ramp to the beach. That just kills me, because I have to go around it and it just looks so awkward.