Your newbie mistakes when you started ACNL

On AC:WW :
Time travel ruined my turnips. Little stupid me probably wasn't listening Joan when she explained about it. I wasn't serious about it though.

(I was never an Animal Crossing fan, why did I buy New Leaf again?)

On AC:NL :
- Not knowing about receiving villagers via StreetPass. (darn it Sylvia! Why do you plot your house in front of the Roost, of all places?!)
- Not knowing that cedar trees can't be planted on the south. (I don't know how many saplings I tried to plant...)
- Not knowing about cycling and trading villagers. (There were some good villagers that I just voided. Not much of a loss, but still...)
I made flowers conquer my town.

I had no idea how to landscape.
I sold perfect fruit and un-orderables, and voided really popular villagers like Tia and Beau. ._.
Oh yeah, and I called my towns really stupid names so I had to keep re-starting. x_x
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Yeaaaah, some of these sound very familiar to me =P Wish I could replace my house as well...

I also sold my perfect fruit on my first day, but I reset that town, and this time I planted the fruit, only to have Fang plot his house on it 2 days later...
I gave my first perfect pear to my friend while she gave me her first perfect apple. We thought we could plant them and make loads of money with our non native perfect fruit trees... It took weeks for another perfect pear to spawn in my town. X.x I also had no clue about plot resetting, so my villagers plopped their houses behind Re-Tail and in front of the town hall.
I got a treasure chest for free, and I sold it for 5K. It's worth 200 Tortimer Medals. And I sold my motherly statue by accident. I also killed off all my grass through time-travelling - with the Beautiful Ordinance on too.

Oh, and I built everything along the river. Including my campsite. Now I can't build any bridges at all. ._.
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When I first started my first town in New Leaf, I think I sold my perfect fruit? I didn't know about perfect fruit (I didn't even know the game was coming out until a week beforehand, ahaha). It took until October to get another perfect fruit to grow in my town.
Placing my house near a river that would have been better suited for a cafe. I didn't keep that town. I had never placed paths until after checking some towns in the Dream Suite.
I ate my only perfect fruit just to see what would happen. I still don't have any perfect peaches because of that.
I used to sell what I caught on the island to the little girl that pays **** for everything until someone on TI told me of her rip-off nature.
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Wait, not plot resetting is considered a "mistake"? Uhhhhh.

My big mistake was eating my only perfect apple because it looked different. And I placed my house in a pretty crappy spot but it doesn't bug me too much anymore.
Getting a bad layout at first in this game.
I ate my only perfect fruit just to see what would happen. I still don't have any perfect peaches because of that.

^^I'm on that same boat except instead of eating it I sold it. LOL. i was so dumb. it took me months before i could grow my own native perfect fruit.
I sold my first perfect orange. Still trying to get another one, lol. My layout isn't all at great, but it's acceptable.
I used to sell what I caught on the island to the little girl that pays **** for everything until someone on TI told me of her rip-off nature.
Awwwww, that's too bad >< I noticed it because I sold her my sea bass, and I got like waaaaaaay less money than at retail, so I only sold her my cheap stuff.
I did always think that at some point she would do something different, like, opening another spot at the Granny sale or something, after you've sold her enough...

And so many perfect fruit mistakes! Guess most of us have been there, done that...

But now we all know better! =D Although I do wish that I would get a perfect peach again T_T
I didn't know that you need a really big amount of space with no PWP/buildings to build a bridge.
The problem in my very first town was that I placed my house near the part of the river where the bridge should go and of course I couldn't do anything against it :/

I also didn't donate bugs and fish to the museum when I catched them for the first time. I just sold them (like in all the other Animal Crossing games).