What makes you and your town unique?

Tap Dancer

Senior Member
Dec 19, 2014
It seems like most people have similar goals and habits, but I want to know what you do that maybe isn't the norm. I'm very quirky. LOL

1. I don't care about badges. It's not my goal to get them. If I do, okay. If I don't, okay. Some I won't even try for, like the turnips. I've never been interested in buying or selling them. I never did it once in WW and I haven't done it in NL.

2. I hate all black flowers, and I think gold roses, blue roses, and carnations are ugly. There will be none in my town! The same goes for bushes.

3. I don't care about completing my catalog. I'm not wasting my bells on things I don't like. I get rid of un-orderable items that I don't like. And I get rid of a ton of things.

4. No paths for me. While I've seen some that are well-designed and look nice, I prefer a natural look with lots of trees and flowers.

5. I don't care what the HHA thinks of my house. In real life and in my game, I can't stand clutter. Everything needs to be neat. I don't go for themes; I go for things that look nice together.

6. I never have and never will buy a villager. I do have some dreamies, but I don't even care if I get them. The only way anyone comes to my town is by fate or from the campsite if I have space for them.

7. I don't plot reset. Anyone is welcome to move in and put their house where they will. I don't even worry anymore if someone I don't like comes. They'll eventually leave.


8. I've never created a second character in any of my games. I always name my character after myself.

9. I actually enjoy mailing letters to my villagers. I send at least 6 letters a day. Always.

10. I hate most of the PWPs, so I only have a few in my town. Aside from the permanent ones, I have a blue bench, a street lamp, a picnic blanket, a fountain, two cobblestone bridges, and a lighthouse. I don't want anything else.

11. I don't like the train station or town hall upgrades. I prefer the look of the standard buildings.

12. Every villager has to have a bed. I can't stand walking into a house and seeing they sold or replaced their bed. When that happens, I immediately buy another one and mail it to them. I also prefer they have at least one chair or a sofa, but a bed is crucial!

13. I wish we could throw away the mannequins. I don't like them, and I'm unhappy that they've taken up 4 spaces in my closet. I refuse to put them in my house or museum because I don't want to look at them. I also don't litter items in my town.
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1 I time traveled but now am bored of it so Im slowly going back to the original date
2 I think Im one of the only people on this forum who lets my town grow and play out naturally no plot resetting I honestly don't understand or know what that is tho I wish I did because gruff lives literally in front of my house Lol.
3 I also don't have paths. I did once and it was beautiful but somehow I can never make my town as perfect as some people's dream towns on here )': I am a creative person I just don't know where to begin with decorating my town
4 I kinda randomly place my pwps Nd I don't look for pings daily I let the villagers suggest than when they want them. Although I also wish I knew moral about doing that as I wish to unlock the ability for more
5 I don't have dreamies there are only villagers I miss! I let anyone come into the town and go as they please I beg the ones I like to stay and tell the ones I don't to leave but it's fair game other than that
P.s. I am thinking about trying to keep up with a dirt path tho I feel I'll hate it later.
1. I don't time travel. I've been playing the game for almost three years now at my own slow pace.
And I feel really accomplished that way. I do not plot reset either. If someone moves in over an undesired place. I just wait until they feel like moving.

2. I really don't care what HHA thinks of my house either.
For two years i lived in one room with a bed, tv and a couple of toys.

3. I do however enjoy well made paths, decorating my town with bushes
and building PWPs in certain areas.

4. Left side of my town is like a small community where all my villagers live.
with the exception of Tangy and Flora living near me by the sea.
The right side of my town is where Town hall, police station, Re-Tail and Brewster are located. With a small park above them i have put together with several pwps. :)
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1. I don't have dreamies (anymore). I adopt whoever is available. This way, I could meet more villagers. ^^

2. I don't build permanent PWPs (caf?, police station, reset center and campsite except for the ones in the Main street)

3. My flowers are randomly planted. I don't group them into colors or type.

4. No paths for me.

5. I don't use the Beautiful town ordinance even though I have a lot of flowers. (I like Bell boom ordinance as I can earn and save more bells! ^^)

6. I don't register for Club Tortimer. I don't want to go there again.. ever!

>>That's all I can think of right now. :)
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My houses

I use odd things to decorate. Like using the fence for a chicken coop, the bus stop for a fruit stand, the dango for eggs or snow balls.

I like to see natural grass showing.

4 out of 5 of my games don't have the reset center, police station, cafe or campsite, and never will.

I buy villagers, but never sell them. I give the populars away too.
1. I made my paths instead of using someone's qr code.
2. I don't use furniture sets.
3. I haven't reset even once.
4. Most of my villagers are still the main ten I got from starting the game the day after the release date.
5. I only use one character for everything.
6. Bruce and Robin.
I have an entire story about my town and my villagers. It's kind of ridiculous how much thought I put into that, considering I won't share it with anyone lol
I don't plot reset.
I don't time travel (unless it's to move out a villager for someone else)
I don't like the look of the fake grass or water paths.
I want to try natural dirt paths but they seem like a lot of work. My current pink brick path looks awesome with the snow but looks horrid with grass so I might try the natural dirt paths.
I constantly send letters to my villagers, giving them leadership positions and whatnot. Right now, we're working on a defensive shield for the village.
The only room in my house that is at the biggest possible area is my main room, everything is small and I don't plan on changing it.
I'm obsessed with Blue Violets. They are everywhere in my town.
I try to talk to everyone in my town once a day to really achieve that status of being a friendly mayor.
This is a great thread ^_^ I love hearing about how everyone plays their game differently. As for me:
--I don't time travel. It's hard being patient, but to me, ultimately more gratifying when things happen because of the anticipation.
--I don't really plot reset. I do make sure villagers don't plop down somewhere very inconvenient, but other than that I let them move in where they want. Marshal plotted right in front of a bridge, so I just moved the bridge.
--I don't like red and yellow flowers. I've got a bunch in my town right now, but I might have a giveaway at some point just to get rid of them.
--I really enjoy fulfilling villager requests ^_^ I don't generally fulfill the fish and bug requests to keep them from filling their houses, but I think the little package deliveries are really cute. And I never turn down a request to buy something

I'm sure I'll think of more, but I'm still pretty early in my game so everything is a work in progress.
I don't care about my HHA points in either of my towns. I don't decorate rooms with whole sets if I don't like part of them. I enjoy developing my towns very freeflow. Neither were planned out before hand. I don't try and get pings, if they happen they do, if not, there will always be another day. I give lots of unorderables to my favorite villagers.
Most of the things I could think of for me are already listed in the thread, I'm not that unique I guess, hehe.

1. I design my own paths. There are a lot of much more amazing paths out there but it feels wrong not using something I made.

2. I don't have dreamies. Sure, there are villagers I like but the idea of keeping them in town forever doesn't appeal to me.

3. I like to use multiple flower types in my garden areas. I know a lot of people who will only fill their whole town with one type of flower and that seems so weird to me.
I constantly send letters to my villagers, giving them leadership positions and whatnot. Right now, we're working on a defensive shield for the village.
The only room in my house that is at the biggest possible area is my main room, everything is small and I don't plan on changing it.
I'm obsessed with Blue Violets. They are everywhere in my town.
I try to talk to everyone in my town once a day to really achieve that status of being a friendly mayor.
1. I don't have Marshal.

2. I have 2 Tier 5 villagers in my town, and they're staying forever.

3. I dunno, Punchy, I guess?
I don't plot reset, don't care about HHA points, and I have been told I have a very strange taste in villagers.
I like getting badges, but I couldn't care less about the turnips. They are just a hassle to me.
Not all of my villagers are Tier 1 & 2.

I only TT to get my dreamies. Aside from that I love watching my town developed slowly PWP wise

I never turn down any villager request.

I am building other houses named "School ,Hospital ,etc..."
This looks fun, let's see...

1. I abhor the HHA, so I'll never see that pretty gold house trophy.
2. Made my own paths! They're pretty ugly, but they're bordered and everything! ;-;
3. I always let my villagers move, 'cause I get too bored with the same ones all the time.
4. Hate turnips, I'm too forgetful.
5. Hybrid growing stresses me out, so I just shove all my flowers on the beach and water every single one.
6. Not TTing at all, it's painfully slow but I'll probably have that museum filled up rather quickly.
7. Don't plot reset 'cause it's effort and I just play for fun. :p
8. Haven't had a single person visit my town and probably never will. :X
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I guess y town isn't all that uniqe but heres a few things I do diffrent

- I don't TT (One year challange)

- I don't plot reset I enjoy working with the placement of the vilagers houses rather than spending hours trying to decied where they should live.

- I have some parts of my town filled with paths, other are "all-natural"

- While I have a few villagers I like, I mostly just enjoy whoever is moving in

- I prefer to get the furniture sets myself rather than buying them for the re-tail section

- I do pretty much every villager task