What is your favourite flavour of milkshake?

What is your favourite milkshake flavour?

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i like chocolate flavour milkshake 🤗 provided they aren't too strong 😯
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Banana is my favourite as well! I’ve been getting banana milkshakes from Dairy Queen the past couple years, and they’re really good— it’s not artificial banana-tasting at all, and I love the chunks of banana in it! Homemade banana milkshakes are by far superior, though. So simple yet delicious! 🤤

I also tried a banana and nutella milkshake for the first time a couple months ago, and it was delicious! Not as sweet as I was expecting it to be; nutella and banana is an underrated combo!

Vanilla is my second favourite flavour! Chocolate and strawberry milkshakes aren’t my go-tos as chocolate is a little too rich and strawberry is usually a little too artificial for me, but there’s honestly no such thing as a bad milkshake imo.
Banana is the correct answer! I hate how the UK has banana milkshakes at McDonald’s and somehow the US doesn’t. Shameful.
Banana is the correct answer! I hate how the UK has banana milkshakes at McDonald’s and somehow the US doesn’t. Shameful.
It was actually a craving for McDonald's banana milkshake that inspired me to make this thread. 🤭
strawberry for sure. restaurant near me serves strawberry milkshakes with cheesecake bits in it and its so good shbaskmdkasl
I like all of them but if I had to choose: plain chocolate, or oreo, or peanut butter chocolate. I had oreo milkshakes from Dennys recently. They were like $9 for a two pack of milkshakes I ordered for delivery along with some food. They were so good, I can't stop thinking about them and it's been like 3 months since I got them, they left that good of an impression lol
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but there’s honestly no such thing as a bad milkshake imo.
Agreed lol
Some combination of peanut butter and chocolate, though my real favorite is closer to ice cream (due to the pieces of chocolate candy in it) than a milkshake but it can still use a straw.
oreo milkshakes and biscotti milkshakes are my favourites, both are very yompog
I haven't had a lot of milkshakes, but I tried strawberry, mint and banana and my favorite was strawberry!
Would love to try other flavors soon!
I haven't had a lot of milkshakes but anything fruity usually hits. Vanilla would be second & Choco is typically a last resort / I'd rather have water lol
Vanilla and Oreo.

My brother bought me an oreo milkshake when we were hanging out for my birthday last year. It was a great day.
Definitely Chocolate. I've also had cheesecake shakes before. Those are pretty good.
I choose other, but the flavors mentioned are very good choices because:

I just wanna share with you
a chocolate shake that's made for two. 🤝
I don't want the kisses though,
I don't like their taste. 🤢
The HERSHEY'S kind, you rabbit-head,
yours go on my face. 😘

How 'bout something sweet and red
A strawberry shake for your 5head. 😜
You'll spit out the seeds at me
like you're a spoiled child. 🙄
Maybe I'll touch hands with yours
and maybe you will smile. 🤭

If you're feeling Curious George,
banana milkshake we'll engorge. 😋
I'll make funny sounds at you
and act like a baboon. 🐒
Maybe we would share a straw
or maybe we would share a spoon? 😉

If there's nothing else to pick,
I hope vanilla does the trick. 😐
Wait a second, this is milk!
I can't drink this stuff! 😱
Let's go home and share our warmth
until we've had enough. 🫂
As much as I love a chocolate shake... strawberry is my favorite! Especially with whipped cream and a cherry 🤤
birthday cake/funfetti milkshakes are good! my friends like to tease me and tell me it's childish but i don't care, it's tasty.
i also really like vanilla!
I treat it kinda like an ice cream, so my favorite milkshake flavors are also my favorite ice cream flavors, those being cookies ‘n cream and vanilla. Due to the poll’s nature I chose “other” for cookies ‘n cream.