what color are your eyes ? what color have you always wanted ?

My eyes are brown and I’m okay with them. If I ever decide and have the money to cosplay though, I’ll probably wish I had different colored eyes then since I don’t like contacts so colored contacts lens are out of the question. 😅
I have green eyes 💚 💚 💚 I am Italian so all of my family members have brown eyes besides my mother who has blue.
So I have always liked my eye colour as it was so different to all my family
brown eyes, I'm cool with brown eyes
nothing the matter with em (well I have glasses but), I can see outta them and that's what matters :)
I have brown to black eyes, well mostly black but a bit brownish i think. I love them :>
My eyes are this beautiful dark green with flecks of blue, despite my whole family having either brown or blue eyes. I love my eyes, they're awesome.
Blue eyes. I always wanted brown eyes when I was younger because I thought they'd match my warm skin tone better but then when my life became mainly based outside of Europe I came to really appreciate the relative rarity of blue eyes so I love them now.
My eyes are green and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m the only one in my family without glasses and also have the recessive eye color (both my parents have blue eyes so the ratio was 99% blue to 1% green). I really love that it was rare for me to get this color and thank the eye gods for giving me great vision otherwise. 😁
Some people say my eyes are blue and some say they're grey. But they're actually dark blue.

I'm the only female in my whole family with blue eyes (though a few of the males have blue, but lighter), with everyone else's being green so I went through a phase of wishing they were green to match, but eh, not anymore.
Dark brown. I like them, never had any thoughts about wishing I had a different color
for the most part I don’t like blue eyes. Green eyes arent bad though
I have pretty mid-to-dark brown-ish eyes, with some darker splotches here and there. Always wanted even darker eyes though!
Mine are hazel, but mostly green with a star of brown around the pupil. They actually change color depending on my mood. If I'm more happy, the green squeezes out the brown and intensifies. If I'm more mad or sad, the brown squeezes out the green or dulls it.

My eyes are grayish-blue. I wouldn't want to change them, though they're suuuuper sensitive to the sun lol. I'm always sneezing at it
I have blue eyes and I like them. Don’t think there’s any other color I’d prefer for them.