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What brand of toothpaste do you use?

Favorite brand of toothpaste?

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May 1, 2020
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Anyone have a favorite brand they like to stick to or is toothpaste just toothpaste to you? Be as specific or non specific as you’d like.

I tend to stick to Colgate, no specific reason it’s just what I’ve been buying. Sometimes if there’s a good deal on certain brand toothpaste bundles I’d buy that too.
I used to be heavily Colgate (gimme those flip tops) but I really love the Crest gum health toothpaste so that’s what I use. My husband and I actually use different toothpastes! He doesn’t like mine and I don’t like his! 😅
oral b! "pro expert." ironically, my electric toothbrush is the same brand. it's the one you always see ads for here. i think someone bought me a tube years ago, and now i just stick within that brand because i'm more used to the taste. mine's for, like, sensitive teeth and gums according to the box.
Colgate at the moment, but I think I was using Crest before it ran out and I bought this one
Recently I switched to sensodyne and it really helped with my teeth sensitivity. Before I would just buy what was on sale. Either crest or colgate usually.
I use colgate, crest, and sensodyne. Whatever looks like it's on sale! Toothpaste is toothpaste as long as it contains fluoride.
i think we usually opt for whatever is on sale at the time, but we mostly use crest or arm and hammer toothpaste. i feel like i remember using aquafresh and colgate more when i was younger but we haven’t had those brands at home in a while 👀
I use Crest 3D White and also Fluoridex, the former in the morning and the latter at night. I was blessed with shoddy tooth enamel from my mom's side of the family, so Fluoridex is a prescription-strength fluoride toothpaste that I just use once a day to help protect my enamel. Any other time I need to brush my teeth that isn't bedtime I use the Crest toothpaste 😌
I like to use Sensodyne because I have sensitive teeth. Other than that as long as the toothpaste helps with my teeth I don't really care what brand it is.
Aquafresh. I tried Colgate once but I didn't like the different mint taste or the slightly different texture to the toothpaste.
I've used Sensodyne complete for years and I love it.

I've also tried a brand called 'hello' which I liked. I used it once while traveling, but I haven't seen it on my local shelves since.
I use Colgate, Crest and Sensodyne. They all work out great in the long run, though sometimes when my teeth feel like they hurt a bunch, I use Sensodyne for a little until it stops, then I go to the other brands.
Sensodyne. I wouldn't normally care about toothpaste because it's all blegh to me (not a fan of any kind of mint flavoring), but the dental hygienist I go to is really sweet, so I feel obligated to follow her suggestions.