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What are your hopes for the AC Direct and upcoming updates?

I want a nook's cranny upgrade and enough new furniture to make an upgrade worthwhile.

Katrina and Gracie back in basically whatever capacity. Gracie in particular is my Brewster.

New DIYs.

Most of all, just some idea of what the future looks like. A road map... So we're not in the dark again after November.
In all honesty?
  • First off, I don't want this update to be so huge that there's nothing else left to add into the game afterwards (glancing at you, mysterious datamined island). On the other hand, we've had 2 very small updates covering the space of 4 fairly in-depth ones, and 2 updates where no new NPCs were added at all... so it's got to be a decently large size.
  • I hope the Series 5 amiibo cards have, alongside the 8 new villagers, either the 67 villagers (that aren't promo ones, sorry Meow and Bow) that have been cut since DnMe+, or that it's a mixture of cut villagers and brand new villagers created specifically for this run of cards.
  • A Gyroid exhibit was datamined 18 months ago, so I REALLY hope it's going to be the case, if only to give them an actual purpose other than decoration and to hold off my imminent completion of the museum (although that's just art atm, which is kind of a hassle), as well as linking into Brewster and his interest in them.
  • There's a load of cut NPCs that I can't see them finding any function for, so I'd like for them to just go "screw it, they'll make cameos in the Roost" and add them in in this update... but that also comes across as a last resort, so I'd also like to be proven wrong there?
  • I'd like Nook 'N' Go (or something like it) back, with a load of new furniture. No idea what furniture specifically, although I'd also like some stuff to return, as well as a load of new stuff.
  • More Turkey Day and Toy Day items, and especially some new toys. Give us some retro Nintendo stuff again!
  • They've missed DnM's actual anniversary, but I'd like to have some GameCube-era stuff added into the promotional tab of Nook Shopping to celebrate (it's going to be DnM+'s anniversary in December, and the next one's probably not going to be til January, so it's the perfect time anyway?)
  • I'd like for them to at least hint at what 2022's updates involve, given I'm confident they don't want anything like this filler update drought to happen again and they want a decent amount of features stockpiled up. Kapp'n's tropical island? The city? Zelda and Splatoon stuff linked to BOTW2/Splatoon 3's amiibo?
  • One final thing is, after two giftless updates, they mail us something to go "hey, you updated, nice one!"
Realistic Things I want:
-New Items, hoping mostly for the return of old New Leaf & previous game sets
-Nookling Update with a space for Lief
-New Holiday Items

Possible but I won't get my hopes up:
-Gracie visits and will eventually move into the Nooklings for a final expansion
-Mini Games/Tortimer island-ish area
-More farming items/crops
-Able Sister's Update with a space for Label, and a final update with a space for Kicks
-KK permanently moves to the Roost (can you tell I hate visitors in the plaza lol)

Far Fetched but I can dream:
-New villagers (new species too)
-5 new villager plots (optional if you want them)
-Pocket Camp Item DLC
-The "new items" I listed above to be like, thousands of items. Like hit us with all the previous sets at once. Our towns need it, everyone's is starting to look exactly the same.

Mostly I just want more communication as well. This was nice to let us know there is a direct next month, and I wish they'd be more transparent about updates sooner too. I liked how at the end of the update videos we would get last year, they'd say like "Next Update Coming in late December" or whatever. I knew something was coming and it didn't feel so hopeless lol
My top wishes are (though I feel they may be unrealistic lol) to have more villagers, even just 2 more optional plots would be awesome & for more interactive objects like in Pocket Camp, it's disappointing when a cute item is just for display.

And for Brewster to offer more than coffee, like tea or in a friend's case, hot chocolate. If not those, at least several types of coffee to go would be nice.

Or if we can get the food items that the villagers enjoy like the sandwiches, donuts, etc. I mean even the NPCs in New Leaf have suggested to Brewster to offer some food and he was just like nah lol.

Edit: I want to use the cellphone to find out where the heck a specific villager is!
The ability to have at least 5 more villagers.

Unlikely tho...
If there are indeed new villagers coming and they're new character types, I could easily see us getting a slightly expanded ability-- say 12 slots instead of ten to accommodate one each of two new character types. Pure speculation, but not totally implausible!
Yay, I haven’t been playing for few months now but I’m coming back again scenes I heard about new updates
i realized when i originally commented here, i only said what i expected in the direct/update, not what i want from the future, so:
  • most, if not all, items from NL returned. that game had some super cute accessories and dresses that i miss. not to mention the furniture. (princess series, my beloved.) PWPs fall under this too. where is my windmill, nintendo? and the wisteria trellis and picnic blanket.
  • katrina, gracie, kapp'n, the pelicans and shrunk are my main NPC wants. (although i would love harriet, the HHA crew and police dogs as well.) some people find the luck mechanic boring, but the only time it ever bothered me was the tripping days once in a blue moon, and the solution there was easy: don't run. much better than NH throwing me to the ground because i dare to hold a balloon or drink. i miss katrina's tent and her astral void and her fortunes. gracie and kapp'n feel like a no brainer. i always preferred getting emotions from shrunk. the performances, while crummy, gave them more character, and fetching him fruit made me feel like i was earning it more than my villagers randomly running up to me. mail doesn't feel right At All without the pelican crew. i still can't believe how dirty nintendo did them. opening a gift/mail shop with them on the right after x amount of flights/letters sent seemed So obvious imo.
  • club tortimer and resort minigames. don't remember the last time i went to anyone's island or had someone come to mine because there's Nothing to do. this game's multiplayer was literally DOA.
  • celeste's observatory. (or a gift shop.) to balance out the upcoming asymmetry of the museum. if it's the former, it could be a "final" reward for learning all her recipes, and she could still come outside to roam during meteor showers. if it's the latter, it could be a reward for completing at least 50-75% of each museum exhibit. (i didn't say 100% because redd is a trashcan.)
  • more direct-related, but: brewster's cafe mini-game returned, maybe revamped, preferably with more common sense this time? i.e. every time you learn and/or correctly guess the ingredient(s) of a villager or NPC's order, it's saved to 'memory' so next time they come in, a thought bubble will display above their heads showing what you already know about it, e.g. "blue mountain, ???, 2 spoonfuls of milk." would save me having to pull up a guide every damn time, which i'm sure they know 99% of people did. would also like to see additional items for sale, such as the snacks and drinks our villagers are seen carrying. little donuts and sodas (could include the ones from towns with different native fruits at a more raised price) and, of course, the return of to-go coffee.
  • additional villager slots, in the event that the series 5 card theories turn out to be true, with new and/or old villagers being introduced. do i have room for two more houses? no, not really, but other people do, and i'd like the option.
  • QOL things like bulk-buying, shopping cart at ables, some indication of tool deterioration, a less clunky dialogue tree for the airport, the nook stop not throwing me out of the menu if i buy something with NMTs, being able to use said nookstop on other people's islands because what an oversight, mable not sending my clothes to storage if i wear what i buy unless my inventory cannot hold them all, being able to store flowers and bushes, etc.
I could make a huge butt list like everyone else, but I'm going to keep my expectations realistic for the direct and future updates.

I want Brewster/Roost to be back and to be able to work/take orders. And everyone has a certain way they take their coffee. Which with new dialogue we learn through the grapevine and then there will be random islanders and special npc that can take coffee to. Just like in NL.

Gyroids to make a come back with Brewster. Maybe he can store them to keep down our storage space this time. And maybe instead of finding them during rain (since it rains so much in this game) they will instead be DIY cards that we can craft with clay because they're essentially made that way. And since clay is a ready material source that barely is used. Which would make sense if that was their plan all along but they were just really slow to get it out.

Maybe the alleged giftshop will be on the left side of the museum and somehow be like what Celeste did in NL. And so she will always be on the island and if you don't see her in the giftshop during one night you know that it's because she is stargazing. I would love to see her have an observatory like in WW, but a datamine reading a museum section as giftshop kind of implies it's going to be more like what she did in NL.

Now what I really want and I don't know if they will do is another Club Tortimer. Doesn't have to be exactly like it. But most of us want the mini-games back. And I can't blame them. There's not a lot to do when visiting friends. Heck when my friends visited during launch month, it didn't last very long and they were done.
I highly doubt it would ever happen but I’d love to be able to customize the exterior of the current buildings (museum, resident services, even the shops potentially, but *especially* the museum)
And maybe instead of finding them during rain (since it rains so much in this game) they will instead be DIY cards that we can craft with clay because they're essentially made that way. And since clay is a ready material source that barely is used. Which would make sense if that was their plan all along but they were just really slow to get it out.
If they come when it rains I really don't want to see them.
If they are DIYs that you get from brewster, I would readily welcome them back to the series
If they come when it rains I really don't want to see them.
If they are DIYs that you get from brewster, I would readily welcome them back to the series
lol that's why I suggested my idea. NH is such a rainy game. Especially when we picked it up at launch. We got it right at rain season. It makes sense because I remember Googling why does it rain so much in BOTW and someone had an answer that it was due to Japan's main weather around that time of the year. It's very humid and rainy during spring/summer.
Very unlikely idea/wish I got from a YT commet: Combine the city from city folk with the shopping district from HHD. Since hearing about the villager school uniform and hospital attire datamine, a possibility would be to be able to build a city area that you can fly to from your island and give your villagers jobs like they had in HHD. Someone like Digby or Lottie could be in charge. It would certainly be something that would get me back into the game.

Realistically, they’ll probably show off the Roost and jobs you can do there along with bringing back gyroids.
Very unlikely idea/wish I got from a YT commet: Combine the city from city folk with the shopping district from HHD. Since hearing about the villager school uniform and hospital attire datamine, a possibility would be to be able to build a city area that you can fly to from your island and give your villagers jobs like they had in HHD. Someone like Digby or Lottie could be in charge. It would certainly be something that would get me back into the game.

Realistically, they’ll probably show off the Roost and jobs you can do there along with bringing back gyroids.
You know speaking of the City, since we have an Airport would it make more sense if we can fly to City and go to all the buildings which is just like City Folk? It would really make up for missing NPCs and there is a lot of buildings you can enter. I always felt that the Airport could've had more potential.
Its getting closer to October! I've been playing other games in anticipation for the upcoming direct. I'm so happy that Brewster and The Roost are added, however, I feel that there could be many more additions that would renew my interest in NH.

High Chance:

1. Gyroids
This is because Brewster is often associated with gyroids. Gyroid hunting would certainly give more things to do. Hunting down my favourite gyroid set would certainly give me reason to play more.

Moderate Chance:

1. Nook Expansion
Nooks needs an expansion. A dire need. Compared to NL, NH in-game shopping is very boring and limited. Mostly relying on "cataloguing islands" so you can shop for yourself on Nook Shopping. An upgrade with more features could be interesting, especially if some merchandise can't be catalogued.

2. Vegetables
Since Turkey Day is in November we could see the reveal of the rest of the veggies. This means a less boring Turkey Day for those who have already collected last year's DIYs.

Hopes/Dreams/Slim Probabilities:

1. Tortimer Island / Activity Island
Some sort of fun Tortimer-esque island where we can do fun activites. This would be great for players who don't really feel like decorating or terraforming and want more options for activities. This could also give meaning to the dock whose some purpose at the moment is a location for fishing certain types of fish.

2. Return of Katrina
I would love Katrina to return in some form. Luck mechanic may not be in the game, but fortunes could still play a different role that could affect things. Maybe a "good" fortune will produce perfect fruit? Who knows? I just want Katrina back.

3. New Leaf fruits
I want the tropical fruits introduced in NL to return. Mangoes, lemons, bananas, durians, lychees and persimmons. I also want grapes and maybe new fruits added as well.