Unpopular gaming opinions

I don't want Sonic Adventure 3. I wish the Sonic fanbase would just stop asking for it. With how SEGA is making games now and the new mediocre voice acting do they really think it will be good?
He's worse than the other girl. Every post of his makes absolutely god damned no sense and he repeats the same messages everywhere. At least Noir can hold a conversation.

I literally always think of Voltorb & Electrode. The pokeball pokemon. That must have been a tough one to come up with.

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For real.

Get what? I'm still unsure what he's trying to say...Maybe he should tell us just one more time to make sure.
So much i could say but i will be banned so i will not

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oath stop spreading that tag or ill report you
Final Fantasy XII was frikkin' awesome!

Honestly I really like it too, I just can't bring myself to finish it. I know the cool thing to do is hate on XII, and yeah it had a bunch of glaring flaws, but it also had some pretty great characters and environments and the like. Also dig the voice acting and combat system (though it took me FOREVER to understand it back when the game first came out). Maybe one day I'll beat it... one day.

Speaking of Final Fantasy though - I'm not sure if this counts, because I don't know what the fanbase for XIII is like, but at least among people I know personally it counts as an unpopular opinion to actually like Vanille. And Lightning - apparently she's "too broody" - but Vanille more so. They find her accent and general attitude annoying or something.

I hated XIII, but I liked Vanille a lot. Still do. (And Fang, but I think it's p much heresy not to like Fang)
I don't mind characters in any of the FF games, I just hate the RTS-ish combat they made in XI and forward
I don't mind characters in any of the FF games, I just hate the RTS-ish combat they made in XI and forward

Yeah, that's understandable. XII's grew on me once I got the hang of it but the rest aren't really my cup of tea. Makes me wonder what kind of abomination we're going to get in the next FF games.
Yeah, that's understandable. XII's grew on me once I got the hang of it but the rest aren't really my cup of tea. Makes me wonder what kind of abomination we're going to get in the next FF games.

either some other pay to play MMO or just a regular one, who knows. But unless they get back to the old combat system I'm not paying
Skyrim isn't that great. It's hard to know where you're supposed to go, and there are Way too many sidequests.
I think people are too obsessed with shiny Pokemon these days. Sure there are some cool ones, but now it's gotten to the point where people want nothing but shinies in trades.
I think people are too obsessed with shiny Pokemon these days. Sure there are some cool ones, but now it's gotten to the point where people want nothing but shinies in trades.

I agree, I never really understood the shiny hype and the dedication some players have to reset for legendary pokes. Is it just for the sake of having it? Can't deny that some shinies are better alt colors though haha.
I agree, I never really understood the shiny hype and the dedication some players have to reset for legendary pokes. Is it just for the sake of having it? Can't deny that some shinies are better alt colors though haha.

I would assume that it's because it's rarer, therefore it's more desirable simply because of that.

I don't personally care about shinies. I just like having the few certain Pokemon I love on my team.
I think people are too obsessed with shiny Pokemon these days. Sure there are some cool ones, but now it's gotten to the point where people want nothing but shinies in trades.

Agree. Theres suddenly too many of them that people do giveaways of multiple shinies. A full shiny team would be cool but most of them are puke shades of green or weird pink tones. :/ Not a fan
I don't like it when people brag about shinies
Ever did a trade and your expecting just a normal one but instead the trader just show shinies and ends the trade because you don't have any shinies to offer?
I don't like it when people brag about shinies
Ever did a trade and your expecting just a normal one but instead the trader just show shinies and ends the trade because you don't have any shinies to offer?

OMG I've heard of people doing that for other reasons too, but the basis almost always ended up being just to show off and be a jerk.