TBT's Farewell to New Leaf Event!

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My New 3DS XL lost the circle pad because it broke into pieces and at some point I tried replacing it with my original broken 3DS's circle pad since for some reason that one was loose.
Also unrelated, my New 3DS XL has circle pad drift, actually. It's really annoying to play it.
Fortunately, I haven't had any problems with my New 2DS XL yet.
Though I forced myself to use both because I wanted to connect my towns...
Some things that bring me joy in this event:
  • Seeing posts from members that I haven't seen before or in a long time
  • The wear and tear on the 3DS circle pad joystick thingies on everyone's photos (or for some folks like me where the gray pad just fell off)
  • Reading random dialog from my villagers as I go about my tasks
  • FRUIT! - an ode to my first collectible pursuit
  • Discovering things about New Leaf that I missed because I gave up on it before the 2016 update
My 3DS joystick is still attached luckily but I have some drift, the B and A button are extra shiny from button mashing through dialogue.
How long will the event shop be open after the event ends? I'm trying to get a bunch of fruits, but I kind of need them to go after all my balloons. I don't want to have to rush all the people I'm trading with and need a specific order, so this would be really helpful to know ahead of time. 🥹
How long will the event shop be open after the event ends? I'm trying to get a bunch of fruits, but I kind of need them to go after all my balloons. I don't want to have to rush all the people I'm trading with and need a specific order, so this would be really helpful to know ahead of time. 🥹

I don't want to set a definitive date yet, but our goal would probably be to close up by the time the Easter event starts for obvious reasons.
I never knew the circle pads could even fall off. My 3ds is also pretty old though, and I will say that when I accidentally hit my screen against my desk (very lightly), my whole 3ds turned off which is definitely not normal.
Yeah that happened to my DS, it was dropped many times (I was 5 when I got it lol)
How it feel when you'all thrown beans at me:


Not saying I mind, lol its funny
I couldn't find the other thread about the servers closing, but does the server closing mean that long-distance travel (lol) - i mean, like visiting towns across non-local internet will be closed, correct? Cause I was thinking, if anyone wants, maybe I could host (keep my town open) for some days, and invite an RV truck every day, if people want to get some RV items? I dont have all RV amiibos, but I have a lot, and I wouldn't mind hosting them for people (remember, rv trucks charge you more when you're a visitor at someone's town.). but i guess a lot of us rack up quite a few meow coupons after some time. I'm a teeny bit scared, tho. I know most of you guys are super friendly, but I'm always so scared that someone will come and just trample all my flowers and wreck my town, haha. is there any way to guard one's self to that? I've only ever had local-wifi friendlies in my town, lol.

Then again, I think most people here maybe already know how to get amiibo cards (cough cough) and maybe it's not needed? just putting it out there, that maybe we can do RV hosting <3
I don't want to set a definitive date yet, but our goal would probably be to close up by the time the Easter event starts for obvious reasons.
And suddenly I’m reminded that Easter is March 31st this year. You staff really don’t have an easy load this month, oof! Please try and rest between churning out pixel images 😅
I only just found out this week about some of the collab amiibo stuff like monster hunter, and it was a ride. Love that there are still secrets to this game...
And suddenly I’m reminded that Easter is March 31st this year. You staff really don’t have an easy load this month, oof! Please try and rest between churning out pixel images 😅
And there's gonna be a full moon.
Werewolf zipper when?
to buy new collectibles or to make a 2024 isabelle lineup... decisions decisions
Maybe they'll hybridize with the cosmos and make sunflowers during the flower event.
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Mid-Event Update

We are officially halfway through our Farewell to New Leaf event everyone! The days have just flown by, but there's still plenty more to enjoy. Here's a quick few updates on the event to be aware of...

New Town Initiatives

So far, there have been 7 different tasks within the Town Initiatives event to complete, but we're doubling that today with another 7 more new Town Initiatives tasks now available! If you can maximize the rewards available for each one, that's a combined total of 48 MEOW Coupons and 96 Bells you can now earn that weren't previously available. Head over to the LaBelleFleur's post in the Town Initiatives board here to check out everything that's new -- grab your 3DS!

Upcoming Live Trivia Session

Our second and final session of Animal Crossing: New Leaf themed Tantalizing Trivia is scheduled soon for this Saturday, March 16th at 6PM EDT! Be sure to join in our Discord server at that time for a chance to win a Complete ACNL House Letter Set, or just pick up some participation MEOW Coupons and Bells.

New Bonk Reaction

You've heard of throwing beans, now get ready for hammer bonking! Since you all loved the beans just so much, a new temporary Bonk reaction will join the fun for this final week. Those who already own either the Toy Hammer or Pink Toy Hammer collectibles can enjoy this new reaction for free, but a new temporary Toy Hammer Rental item is now available in the Shop for 15 Bells if you'd like to join the fun without committing to a full collectible.

Deadlines Approach

Our entire Farewell to New Leaf event is scheduled to conclude on Thursday, March 21st at 11:59PM EDT!

In particular, be sure to finalize and submit your contributions to the following main events by that deadline:

congrats Zinnia, you own TBT now
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