Smash Bros Super Smash Bros. 3DS - Tourney #2 (OFFICIAL) (CANCELLED)

I've been away for the last few days, sorry guys. We could either have the two who are in to Round 2 to fight and decide the winner that way, cancel the tournament completely, or try to get these matches figured out. What do you guys think?
This is turning out to be more tiresome than originally thought. I would probably cancel, that is unless there is a sufficient way to sort out the rest of the matches.
So I'll drop from the tournament. This is just getting way too hectic to plan out. Someone can take my place to ally Mudkipz.
tfw tournament is canceled because of lack of slots, hue
So is the whole thing off then? I don't really mind. Though this was an interesting experience. But yeah, next time someone does one of these it should be 1v1 matches.
Match is cancelled. Obviously 2v2s will not be included as match options in the near future. I'm going to be putting a 1v1 tourney out soon! :)
Ok, sucks the first tourney I was in was canceled though, but there's always the next one! Trundle make sure to tell me when you make another one so I can sign up!
Match is cancelled. Obviously 2v2s will not be included as match options in the near future. I'm going to be putting a 1v1 tourney out soon! :)

I think the only way a 2v2 tourney would work is if literally everyone in it is active and online at the same time in the day. So maybe if you wanted to try it again you can predetermine the range of time and say you must play in that time. I'm guessing less people would sign up though.