Auction Poppy the normal squirrel!

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Sailor Moon

mayor of la moon
Nov 22, 2013
Silver Mailbox
100% (61) +
My girlfriend's Poppy is moving out soon and she's looking for a new mayor!
Starting bid: 500k
Buy out: 10 mill
Minimum increase: 500k

Ends: 12/10/2013 @ 12:00 AM EST (It's currently 4:38 PM)

*Her move out date is the 2nd of December (currently the 29th of November in game)
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No problem :) If no one else replies may i have her please? I want her soooo bad >.<
I'll have to ask my girlfriend! There was one person earlier who she was planning on giving Poppy to but they haven't responded back yet; we're giving them about another day or so considering it was our fault they didn't get a reply back quickly. (We were exhausted and sent the person a message then fell asleep for 10 hours. x____x)
but if you don't mind that, then of course poppy will go to you next if there are no other bids/this person falls through like we're assuming.
I'm the "other person" hahaha I thought you forgot about me. Im in the gmt+1 timezone
Poppy has been traded to Chessa who is the person who originally wanted Poppy from Reddit!
Take great care of her. >u<
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