List of Villagers Based on Popularity

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Top 15 predictions senpai!
1 Beau Unchanged
2 Stitches Unchanged
3 Diana Up 2
4 Fauna Unchanged
5 Merengue Up 5
6 Fang Unchanged
7 Ankha Up 1
8 Marshal Up 5
9 Zucker Down 6
10 Rosie Down 1
11 Lolly Unchanged
12 Julian Up 8
13 Molly Down 6
14 Marina Up 1
15 Chief Down 3
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It's interesting to see the most popular villagers! Many of my favorites were from the original game, and some I've never had in any AC game!
I don't mean to be rude or anything... But can't someone else just do the updates? I don't know how Houndoomed determines the rankings, but I'd be willing to help out.
I don't mean to be rude or anything... But can't someone else just do the updates? I don't know how Houndoomed determines the rankings, but I'd be willing to help out.

I wouldn't mind helping out either
Well we can't just have someone do it without Hound00m's consent, and it dosent look like he'll be back for a while.
Woah, some of these surprise me. I want Erik or Zucker to move in to replace Ribbot leaving (one of my dreamies!) but they're both a lot higher than him on the list so I'll probably have a lot of trouble getting either of them. No matter the tier, I'll still love all of my villagers the same. Flo appears to be really low but I like her and she is a dreamie of mine! <3
Her house is pretty cool and she wears a thick coat which suits her being a penguin.
The update was meant to be on the 6th, it is now the 13th...
Hound00med could at least explain why he can't update at the moment, he could get someone to fill in for him or something....
I'm just a little worried. ;~;
Maybe someone from the admin can make a TEMPORARY listing and let Houndoom change it when he gets back. I think that would be fair right? :D
Maybe someone from the admin can make a TEMPORARY listing and let Houndoom change it when he gets back. I think that would be fair right? :D

I think a new thread would have to be created. I don't know if that would be a problem; but, I figure that would protect the integrity of this particular thread and the authorship of Hound00med.
If possible could you put all the villagers in alphabeical order would help so much i think but i understand if you can't
Soleli, should be moved up, seen popularity from her recently, Flora should be tier 2.
Popularity for Flora has rises.
I'm starting to wonder how Julian ever left tier 1. I wouldn't be surprised if hes top 3 (possibly #1) @ this time.
Yesssssssss!! I have Marshal in my town and I didn't even know he was that popular. He's as cute as ever I love him <33333333!!
Yesssssssss!! I have Marshal in my town and I didn't even know he was that popular. He's as cute as ever I love him <33333333!!

Not that I doubt Marshal isn't tier 1 still (because he almost always is) but this hasn't been updated for quite some time... I wonder if he's gone up some... Hmm. I still don't see what's so great about him >_>
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Purrl needs to be higher up, shes so cute!

I know right! Purrl needs to be moved up!

- - - Post Merge - - -

It's a shame Purrl didn't move up.

Purrl should move up!!! Come on everyone who wants to help her post with me! I think she should at least move up 1/2 half tiers!! Am I right?

- - - Post Merge - - -

How is Purrl in Tier 5? She is such a cutie! One of my dreamies. ♥♥
Oh well, maybe I'll have a greater chance of getting her now... ;v;
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