how good are you at saving money?

I've always been good with saving money. Of course, we spent a lot we had saved for our wedding which was planned for. So, while our savings isn't necessarily where I want it at, I'm not concerned that it will take us long to saved back up to what we had and more.
When I put things into my savings, I generally just don't even look at it as a possibility to withdraw from unless for something big planned (aka wedding, house, etc). Taking money out of my savings actually puts me in a bad mood lol until I replace it back. I think I get much more satisfaction from seeing it grow lol.
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I'm so-so. I tend to get really stingy because of it :/ Like, one moment I'll convince myself that I n e e d this expensive item/thing, then I'll cave and buy it and be stingy for the next few months. Or, if its something I want but not to a high extent, I usually just wait it out and buy it on sale. I've had a lot of the same clothes for years. When I buy clothes, I try to make sure its something I really like and my style hasn't really changed much. I try to invest in purses or shoes that hold value over time and don't lose style (ie Chanel). For video games, I usually try to torrent them or wait for sales.
Pretty good, I think *glances at TBT sidebar*

Since I got into BTS, I've been worse as I'm convinced into buying a load of merch and albums as soon as it comes out, though. Overall, I'm better than the average person, in my opinion (not that I know much about other's spending habits all that much)
I tend to be pretty impulsive with my buying habits, something I need to stop doing for sure. But I usually have some restraint for things, at least giving it a day to think if I really want the thing I'm going to buy.
I TRY to save money, but I end up spending the said money on either Starbucks, gift cards, or dr. Pepper. I'm really trying hard to save up on the switch. I have 120$ RN ;-;
better now than i used to be. mostly i'm afraid of losing my job and not having money to make my car payment until i find another job, so i like to have at least a few months payments saved just in case. i also grew up in a pretty financially unstable home & the thought of being completely broke again devastates me.

since i'm back in school now, though, i'm not spending any money excluding commute expenses.
Terrible. I'm quite the impulsive buyer.
I mean not terrible but not great. I have 5k+ in my savings but as an adult that's pretty terrible lmao
I'm kiiiiind of good at it? as a kid I think I have a fair amount saved up, but on occasion I'll blow a bunch of money on something like amiibos lmao
incredibly well. it helps alot in the long run. i can pass on games and spending money for socializing and dates for a few months and get a brand new fancy laptop.
Pretty good. I saved $11k in roughly nine months without trying too hard. If I was motivated, I could save a lot more, definitely. I can make $100 last two weeks.
yes im very reluctant to spend money so i spend way less than i get. my parents pay for expensive stuff i need like jackets and shoes and sometimes even clothes, but i buy clothes very rarely so it's not something that they worry about (my mom rven forces me to buy clothes sometimes because she thinks i need new ones but i'm not buying any lmao so it isn't a problem that i buy a ton of clothes.)

i don't have any hobbies that regulary require me to spend money and i never meet friends or whatever lol and i don't really buy snacks or drinks in school which a lot of people in my school do. i have a friend who is always having money problems because she buys really expensive coffee for 200-300 sek (25 to 37 usd) every month. she doesn't get her entire studiebidrag (???? money you get from the government for going to school, around 1100 sek (140 usd) every month.) so that's like.. almost all her money or at least half of it every month ???

also !!! a great way to save money is to b depressed and lonely, losing interest in doing things is a great way to spend less money on it and if you never go out or meet friends you don't have to pay for activities it whatever, i really recommend it 2 anyone trying to spend kess money
Short-term saving wise, I'm good. I've managed to save for plane tickets to visit my partner in Canada, for example, but I've never managed to save long-term. Right now I'm not in a very good financial state, in fact, I'm in a pretty dire financial state, after moving into my own home, and sadly I don't have the ability to put any money away right now. I wish I'd had the sense when I was younger to put money away for my for my future, but I grew up in poverty for a long time, so when I finally started getting money of my own, saving long-term didn't really strike me as an idea.

If I have money though, I can save, no issue there.

Ah I feel ya. I'm going through a similar situation. I work and earn salary, pay rent, spend minimally and only on necessary things like food, but I can't seem to save up long term. I also help my family out financially so there's not much left after that. I have money for the present I guess, but it's hard when there's so much bills to pay. Hang in there tho <3
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I'm pretty sure I keep a UPS driver in business, bringing packages from Amazon to my house, but I figured out a great way to pay for things I want from there.

I love to read (if you're not a bookworm, pick another hobby/activity you enjoy) and started "paying" myself for each book I read. This year, I cut back on how much, because of other stuff going on, but I will probably end up with 75 or so books read. I have a big piggy bank my mother bought me years ago, and I put $10 in it every time I finish a book. Once money goes in, I am not allowed to touch it.

At the end of the year, I take that money and buy Amazon gift cards (you could do iTunes, sports places, whatever suits your interests) and use that to buy items. Throughout the year, I put items in a wishlist, so after the holidays (I usually get cards then, too), I can go pick up things that I want. I might buy some new books, a movie, something a bit frivolous, but it doesn't carry any guilt. Last year, between what I saved and gifts, I had close to $1,000 to spend. I just redeemed the last of it.

If you're worried you'll raid the cash stash during the year, you could trade it in for cards earlier. Those can be tucked away until the end of the year, and you still have a large amount to play with.
I'm pretty good at saving money, tbh. I love spending it too, though! I usually set aside a specific amount of money every month on an account I won't touch until I move out.

However, I don't have a job right now so that means I don't have an income either. So now I'm not saving anything, but not spending anything either unless it's for something important.
I do spend money every now and then, but I'm also really good with making money, so it cancels itself out, and I can save up what's left over.
I'm pretty good at saving money. I buy myself big items often (game consoles, transatlantic holidays lol) but I never buy myself small items. Buy all my clothes on sale. I never allow myself to spend more than 10% of my currently saved money either.

I'm not stingy, I often bring my family out for dinner and get them nice gifts on birthdays and other occasions (graduations etc) BUT I just don't spend money on myself unless I planned it months in advance haha.
Not really, but I'm trying to start cutting back majorly. Giving myself a weekly allowance.
I'm actually in between ahahahahaha sometimes I could save like a friggin pro but other times I would spend almost everything I've got...