Have you ever taken a ferry?


enjoying the free entertainment while i wait for t
Feb 8, 2017
Night Sky Scenery
International Space Cetacean Star Fragment
Rainbow Crescent Moon
Galaxy Swirl
Night Sky Scenery
Strawberry Doll
Quirky Doll
Moon Ball
Weird Doll
Strange Doll
I take ferries on my commute. have you ever rode one?
Only occasionally. Usually when I'm travelling, although I've driven onto a commuter-like ferry in the past, too. Where I used to live, sometimes it was definitely faster to take the ferry than to drive around.
Oh yes, often actually. I live near a large lake and you can take the ferry to other towns :)
There is one that I take very occasionally, but I don't go to that area very often. It's cool though!
Yes, when I was young I used to take a ferry quite often with my dad on the weekends to see the city skyline. I haven’t taken it in years, but I know the piers have changed a lot. Now I’m thinking of going and seeing it!
I have never had the opportunity. There aren't any ferries where I live and I've never taken one on vacation.
Nope. I don't live in a place that would have a ferry, and have never been to a place that would require one either.
I have been on a few different ferries a couple of times! I don't live anywhere near the water so for me it is kind of a fun novelty to be on one.
Yup went on one from Dover in the UK to Calais in France. Also Plymouth have ferries to get to the across the massive beds of water they have everywhere😅
Yes I have! I used to pretty frequently as a kid, but as an adult I opt to not take them because I get seasick pretty easily
I think I did but I don't remember where..
i have not. i’ve only ever traveled in cars, busses and subways, but i’d love to take a ferry one day!
Yes, when I was going to Disney magic kingdom (if that counts?) it was a short ride, but it was nice!
my family and i took a ferry to an amusement park and took the same ferry back when we went home. it was my first time going anywhere by watercraft! it was a very nice experience (y)
I've taken the ferry to Vancouver island a few times