• Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!

Giveaway Goodbye Giveaway

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I wish you the best of luck! Although we don't really know each other but I do know u as one of the og members of tbt.
Wow 20k posts is nothing to sneeze at. Wish you all the best for your future offline, you are taking a big step that you should be proud of. <3
Thank you for hosting this!

I want to wish you a happy and healthy new year as you continue to embark on your life long journey to try new adventures and experience new memories!

I don’t think we’ve ever crossed each other’s paths, but it sounds like you have been an amazing person. You are doing something your future self will be proud of.
I wish you the best.
Hey, I'm sorry to hear you're leaving! Wishing you the best in your future endeavors. I think this is a brave first step to be taking, and I think you'll absolutely be able to grow and learn and be your best you.

I wish you happiness, luck, and health in all of your future endeavors. I am proud of you for being able to reflect on your health and long-term goals. Continue to love yourself!

Stay safe and remember all the fun you had here! :)

Sorry to see you go :( it sounds like what you are doing is positive though and I wish you the best for the future! take care!
We haven’t spoke except maybe in passing, but TBT is going to miss your upbeat presence. ❤ You’ve made your mark here in a positive way and I do hope that you’re successful in everything you want to accomplish. taking the time to focus on yourself is never something to look down on. Good luck and take care! ✨
Don't think we ever talked all that much, but six years is quite a long while, and I understand that things change! I hope that your future endeavors are fruitful and spread happiness, wherever you may end up. ✨
Six years! That's insane. And although I'm sad to hear you are leaving, I'm sure many opportunities and experiences are waiting for you :)
Thanks so much for staying on the forums for so long. It's people like you, that when I first joined would go to for help and aspired to act as kind as, as I progressed on the forums myself. Wishing you nothing but happiness love and good health. I'm really glad that I was able to catch you to say goodbye. Whether this was for a giveaway or not I would still have loved to express my gratitude! Sometimes myself and other can feel like a tiny fish in such a big ocean but without you, there would be such a big change of events that would have shaped what we experience today!

Taking time to focus on yourself is so very admirable and something that I had to learn the hard way. I have much respect for you and wish you success moving forward! Lots of love!
I'm sorry to see you go, but wishing you the best of luck! I still appreciate you helping me get a bunch of frags during the fair; thanks again! Take care.
Sorry to see you go, don’t believe we’ve met but your ID looks very familiar to me, so it’s sad to know an active member of the community will be leaving. I myself went on a 4 year hiatus due to things happened in life that I cannot disclose, so I know that knowing when the stop online presence is very important. You gotta do what you gotta do and looks like you know exactly what you are doing. So best wishes to you! And know that if you do ever decide to come back, the community is still here for you!
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This is surprising news that l did not expected. Well goodbye and hope rest of your future turns out the way you wanted it to be! It is always good to take breaks from social media, it can help with more positive things in life when taking a break.
It’s sad that you’re leaving my m8, I’ll miss chatting with you about Pokemon but I guess you have you your reasons for wanting to leave. Take care & best wishes Sophie <3 and a Merry Christmas and happy new year! :)
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I don't think we've ever spoke, but I recognize your username and am sad to see you leave. I hope 2021 is a good year for you, and you knock all the habits you hope to be free of. Happy Holidays!
Wishing you the best in whatever the future may hold for you! I've only joined the forums earlier this year, but I've seen you around quite a bit. I think we've traded once in Sept and I've joined a few of your giveaways (this one included) so thanks for those. I don't really like talking politics, but I do enjoy reading what others have to say about it. So again thanks for your interesting threads and posts. Good luck to your new beginning and happy holidays!~
I'm sorry to see you go, but I think what you are doing is awesome. One day I hope I too can change my life habits and say goodbye to certain websites for good (Tumblr). Thank you for doing this giveaway, and I wish you all the best in life! You can do it! <3
I'm sorry to see you leave! I've seen you a lot throughout the forums and you will definitelty be missed! I wish you the best and I hope 2021 will treat you well!
We've bumped heads before but I wanna wish you the best of luck on your next adventure. Your reasonings for leaving seem to be maturely well thought out! Who will take your place and be TBT's resident hardcore conservative though? I'm just joking of course.. I hope 2021 is a better year for you.
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Hey, although we don't know each other well, I want to congratulate you on taking the next step in your life. It isn't easy to break our habits and to cut off dependencies. You have a lot of strength. I wish you nothing but the best & just in case you do ever come back to TBT, you're always welcome. Do your best out there!
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