Food that you could eat every day for the rest of your life?


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Jul 20, 2016
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Golden Watering Can
We have a favorite food thread, but I recently had a discussion with a coworker where we considered an even harder question: Is there a food or dish you could eat every day for the rest of your life?

You can eat other things, but you have to eat this food at least once every day.

I think for me it would be either potatoes or a veggie soup. It would probably start to get a bit boring after the first week, but I still don't think soup could ever fail me. So long as it has onions and garlic in it!
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Pasta! I would try a different pasta dish every day, but if I only had to eat one variety of pasta, it would be spaghetti with marinara sauce and Parmesan cheese.
Pasta! I would try a different pasta dish every day, but if I only had to eat one variety of pasta, it would be spaghetti with marinara sauce and Parmesan cheese.
Haha, my little sister said this too, and I think it's a good answer! A classic.
pasta! i’m a sucker for mac and cheese, chicken fettuccine alfredo, and spaghetti bolognese especially, but honestly any kind of pasta is good. i’d even be content to just eat buttered noodles with parmesan cheese on the regular! pasta is my beloved fr. 🤤

runner-ups are pizza and chicken noodle soup! both of them are top-tier favourite foods of mine, but i feel like i would eventually get sick of them if i ate them every day. still beyond yummy and comforting, though!
It's not exactly a specific dish but whenever I want something quick and easy I make rice and vegetables with some kind of protein and whatever sauce or spices I feel like using that day. It's really versatile and always tastes good so I never get tired of it even though I eat it multiple times a week. I'm pretty sure I could eat it every day if I had to, especially if you're allowed to change the ingredients slightly. There are so many different combinations you could make.
It's not exactly a specific dish but whenever I want something quick and easy I make rice and vegetables with some kind of protein and whatever sauce or spices I feel like using that day. It's really versatile and always tastes good so I never get tired of it even though I eat it multiple times a week. I'm pretty sure I could eat it every day if I had to, especially if you're allowed to change the ingredients slightly. There are so many different combinations you could make.
I agree, this is a great combo! Especially when you are poor LOL love me some rice and veggies!
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pasta! i’m a sucker for mac and cheese, chicken fettuccine alfredo, and spaghetti bolognese especially, but honestly any kind of pasta is good. i’d even be content to just eat buttered noodles with parmesan cheese on the regular! pasta is my beloved fr. 🤤

runner-ups are pizza and chicken noodle soup! both of them are top-tier favourite foods of mine, but i feel like i would eventually get sick of them if i ate them every day. still beyond yummy and comforting, though!
After much thought, I think I would have to say pizza. It's easy to digest. Load that baby up with veggies and you have a balanced meal with the bread and cheese. I like onion, bell peppers, mushroom, and even banana pepper, and chicken. Lots of different flavors on one item.
Different colored bell peppers have different nutritional content even though they pretty much taste the same. So go all in!
Definitely some kind of stir-fry with rice or noodles. Red/green bell pepper, carrot, spring onion, pak choy, celery, maybe broccoli.. And chicken. All stir-fried with some kinda sauce mixture, maybe teriyaki or sweet and sour..

Then again, cheesecake exists 🤤
CHICKEN. I LOVE CHICKEN. Specifically, my boyfriend makes this herb roasted chicken that is DIVINE. I had it for 9 days in a row once. He was like "are you sure you don't want anything else?" Yes I am so damn positive. Put those herbs in the chicken and blast it in the oven right now.
If I had to eat it for every single meal, I don't think there's anything I wouldn't get tired of. I'd resent not being able to eat other things, and I'd quickly feel sick. If I just had to eat it every day, though . . . well, I pretty much do that already. Scrambled eggs for breakfast with strawberries and a plain bagel with butter. Sometimes I swap out the strawberries for an orange, or have toast instead of a bagel, or fry the eggs, or add bacon, but the core combo of eggs + a bread + a fruit is something I'm consistently excited to eat.
I think being forced to eat any food for every meal for the rest of my life would be hard for me no matter what it was but I would probably pick sushi if I had to. It's one of my favourite foods, healthy and pretty well balanced (has carbs, protein and usually vegetables). I think I would definitely begin to get tired of it after a few weeks though.
If I had to eat just something for the rest of my life I'd grow sick of it. Plus it's probably not healthy depending on what you end up eating. I think Thanksgiving dinners are great. Turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, stuffing, gravy ect. Heck I end up eating a ton of it the following days so it doesn't go to waste. Towards the end of this I end up getting tired of the same meal, but I just keep eating it so I don't waste food that is fine.
I think being forced to eat any food for every meal for the rest of my life would be hard for me no matter what it was but I would probably pick sushi if I had to. It's one of my favourite foods, healthy and pretty well balanced (has carbs, protein and usually vegetables). I think I would definitely begin to get tired of it after a few weeks though.

After peer review of similar comments like these, I agree, it would be too much to try to eat the same for EVERY meal. So I changed the post: you just have to eat that food at least once every day, and could still eat other stuff.

Probably either potatoes or veggie soup for me still!
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truer words have never been spoken

toss up between sage and onion stuffing, roast sweet potato (fries or wedges) and mulligatawny soup. all warm tho!!
Pasta is my number one answer. I may love pizza, but I have not liked pizza all my life and have gotten tired of certain types at points, but I’ve loved pasta since I can remember, and probably always will.