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Do you ever find yourself feeling bored everyday?


I'm just a ghost.
Aug 9, 2020
Red Envelope
Red Envelope
I know things in the world have been pretty rough these past couple of years. With the whole pandemic crisis going on, everything on the news just seems to be so negative these days, getting a job is a lot of harder these days I just feel stuck right now. There are things I had planned before the pandemic even happened, but I just don't wanna do it. Maybe because I'm experiencing like emotional exhausting where sometimes whenever I try to find stuff to do, I tend to feel nothing. One moment I'm enjoying myself doing my favorite the thing and next thing I feel bored. I do things around the house but even that doesn't make me feel any better.

I tell myself "You have to take it easy, you can't be forcing yourself to do everything at once" but I just can't help it. I'm the type of person who tends to get stuff done a lot quicker and then I realize I have a lot more time to spare, but even that doesn't help. I know people always tell me "If you do this it will make you feel better" but to tell you the truth I don't feel anything. I don't know its maybe because I've grown up in such a toxic environment and I've become numb to everything. Sometimes forcing myself to be happy only damages my mental health and it just makes me feel miserable. The point I'm saying is that I feel bored everyday and I know stuff that is going on is out of my control and there is nothing I can do about it, but it sucks how this is making me feel right now.

Before anyone asks I'm 26 years old, I suffer from autism, I'm stuck living with my parents, and of course I have to always take care of them because they are getting old. I just wanna know if you guys feel the same way that I do, sorry if this got personal, but this is just what my mindset is these days.
I hope things get better for you soon.

Despite my own life being better now that I'm older, I grew up in an environment that made me miserable. It led me to neglect my own well-being and to be angry all the time. I was not a nice person growing up. A lesson I've learned from my experience is this: If your environment is bad for you, you need to remove yourself from it. If you cannot remove yourself from it, perhaps you can look forward to the day you can, plan for it and get busy planning for it. In the mean time, keep the company of those who bring out the better side of you. Acknowledge the things you can't control; do something about the things you can control.

Back to the question of boredom. I don't get bored. I'm always complaining that there aren't enough hours in the day for me to do everything that I want to do. Too many hobbies, I suppose. I've learned not to be stubborn about sticking with doing something that I no longer find fun doing. If I get bored with a game, I play a different game. If I get bored cooking dinner every day (which I do for my family), I look for new dishes to cook.

Sometimes other feelings are mistaken for boredom. Frustration with a lack of change. Or the perception that tasks which need doing seem pointless. Or the unwillingness to expend the physical effort to do something new. I don't have a solution for these situations. They happen to everyone. But I do believe that we all need to learn to understand ourselves first, to know who we are, what we need and what we want. Then to see what we can change and what we can't. And then we will know what to do with ourselves.

Okay, this wall of text needs to stop growing, so I'll stop now. 😅
I don't allow myself to feel bored, I tried to make myself useful and active thru my days because whenever I am bored my thought start to run amok and I feel into the whirlpool of depression again.
Honestly, the feelings you're describing here (personal situations aside) sounds a lot like some of my experiences with depression, especially early on. I felt numb, I couldn't think of anything I wanted to do (despite having plenty to do and plenty of hobbies), and anything I tried doing I couldn't enjoy or put my heart into, no matter how much I wanted to. I still tend to get these feelings towards the start of a depressive episode. Obviously, I'm not a professional so I can't say for certain or give advice on this, but I do think this is something you should try to get looked into. Regardless of whether this is depression or another health issue causing these feelings, you deserve to feel better, and I hope you can soon. 💛
Honestly, the feelings you're describing here (personal situations aside) sounds a lot like some of my experiences with depression, especially early on. I felt numb, I couldn't think of anything I wanted to do (despite having plenty to do and plenty of hobbies), and anything I tried doing I couldn't enjoy or put my heart into, no matter how much I wanted to. I still tend to get these feelings towards the start of a depressive episode. Obviously, I'm not a professional so I can't say for certain or give advice on this, but I do think this is something you should try to get looked into. Regardless of whether this is depression or another health issue causing these feelings, you deserve to feel better, and I hope you can soon. 💛
Thanks for understanding but its still hard for me to feel happy and I hate faking happiness.
A lot of times to be honest, but I just try to keep myself busy. I have autism as well, and people with autism crave structure, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yeah, I can relate. I'm autistic and living with an aging parent too and I feel completely hopeless. There's nothing to look forward to and every day feels like it's either going to be exactly the same or worse than the last one. I know I'm severely depressed tho so that could explain why I feel like this. It just feels like there's no point to anything.
I sometimes feel like this. It happens when I’m overthinking. I just feel unmotivated and sleepy. It’s not boredom as much as it is unwillingness to do anything.
Not enough free time. It feels great when I have nothing to do and I can just play video games, clean my apartment with music, go grocery shopping, and cook a nice lunch for myself.
Most of the time I feel like there’s so much to do and no time to do it all except for when I’m having a bad day with depression those days I don’t want to do anything. I can be fine the next day and go back to my activities as normal, but while I’m down nothing interests me.
i have infinite free time and have never done anything in my life and i am what is considered to be useless. i am never bored at home because i have video games
Not when it comes to activities. I have lots to do with both work and chores. Though sometimes I get intellectually bored- I'll want to talk about weird or complex subjects for hours and I can't find anyone who's interested! lol
I can entertain myself, but after years of depressive neeting I definitely can't take the same day over and over again anymore. Like, you don't have to drown your existential dread with consuming media. Crafty hobbies are quite rewarding, I'd recommend cross stitching because it's super easy and us nerds can just go by pixelart and create a lot of cool stuff. :)

I'm also mid-20s stuck at home as I get paid basically nothing to be trained, but I think gaining independence is an important goal at that age. I don't know your situation, but you are only responsible for your life. Your parents are adults and they can use services if needed. I think you'd feel much better if you had control over your own life, just being in your own place and learning how to be by yourself. Probably not possible financially, but I think it's a good goal to have.
Very few things truly capture me these days, youtube is my best bet I have to force myself to do anything else, but forcing myself is worth it.
It's rare I find myself bored. This sounds terrible, but when I do find myself bored it is when I'm obligated to be somewhere for a long time. Usually that requires being really social which I find draining.

At home, I am never bored. There is just so many things I can do. Clean, cook, I have little dogs to tend to, browse online, play a video game, find a book to read online, watch a movie, learn something like video game development, make some art, learn something in general because of internet. And right now I've been messing with cross stitch stuff.
I feel like growing up as an only child who was never allowed to go anywhere or do things I've mastered keeping myself entertained when I'm by myself.
Anxiousness on the other hand, that's another story. I'm not good at keeping that away.
If I feel like I don't have motivation one day or numb, I try to relax and find something to organize like a game about sorting/searching or clean.
I hardly ever get bored as I'm quite content just staying at home when I'm not at work. However I do find the period between Christmas and New Year quite boring no matter how much I try to entertain myself by watching TV shows and films or playing ACNH.
Ever since the pandemic started I’ve gotten bored more easily. I can’t even play most video games or take a walk without a podcast on in the background. Reading for more than an hour at a time makes me distracted as well. Sometimes I’m in the middle of doing something engaging I just feel like there’s nothing fun to do. It used to be worse before I got my current medication for depression and trauma. Now I’m able to fight it most of the time by constantly changing what activity I’m doing. By doing this I ensure myself that I won’t get bored. While I still haven’t applied it to studying yet, I feel much better during the rest of the day.
Yeah I have too much free time sometimes and sometimes not so it's like I basically play stuff..which I hate in a way cause it's not exactly stimulating anything for me lol. Sucks even more I have Asperger so I'm not exactly social or the spontaneous person.