do you drink tap water?

do you drink tap water?

  • yes

    Votes: 50 60.2%
  • no

    Votes: 33 39.8%

  • Total voters
no i only drink fresh texaas oil comin' straight outta the ground because it's the purest thing god bless america
Yeah, I don’t really like the taste of purified that comes out of those big machines in the store (also money) and why buy bottled water when you can buy a reusable one and fill it with tap
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no i only drink fresh texaas oil comin' straight outta the ground because it's the purest thing god bless america

I found this to be especially hilarious. Drinking oil would kill you, lmao.
I was going to say no because I def don?t trust it at home, but I do drink it at work. It?s just filtered there.
I live in Florida and it's preeeeeetttty dang nasty here. I usually drink bottled spring water bc I'm a diva
I get water from a well, so there?s no reason not to drink it. I will also drink tap water from McDonald?s or something if I?m thirsty but don?t wanna eat there because it?s free. Can?t be picky when you?re short on money.
When I lived in countries where you can drink the tap water I always preferred to do that. But in my home country, you get straight up sick if you drink from the tap. I?m used to it now, so it doesn?t do much to me (if I cook with it or drink smoothies etc. lol) but I know a lot of foreigners who visit who get really sick from eating out and accidentally drinking water with bad ice in it or something.
Here in New Zealand you can drink tap water cause it's treated, but I normally don't drink it unless I mix in some juice powder to make some black current drink or some syrup stuff to (once again) make juice.

The tap juice here (What my dad calls tap water) is pretty good once the water's been flowing for a bit otherwise it tastes a bit metalic from the stuff they treat it with.

Sadly the water in most of nz used to be super pure and you could drink and swim in any stream without worrying, but now because of the amount of dairy animals that poop nearby some streams are umswimmable let alone drinkable. It's a damn shame that our 100% pure image isn't quite true, but atleast we have some of, if not thee best dairy products in the world.

Plus I'd rather play on my switch while eating a good nz ice cream or chocolate then go swimming in a stream, potentially bumping into an eel ^-^

Edit: if it's super hot outside I like to drink when I have a cold shower. Chilled water is 10/10!
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yes!! recently i?ve been trying to kick my diet soda habit (aspartame is addictive af) by replacing it with water. i ALWAYS use tap water. did you know 1 plastic bottle takes 400+ years to decompose, and that 2.5 billion tons of plastic we use ends up in our oceans, killing marine life? it?s so sad. i don?t even use plastic straws, i?ve bought metal reusable ones. #savetheocean!
i prefer sparkling water but the tap water here is really nice and safe so i will drink it when there’s no sparkling water available. i used to drink it all the time as a child, though.
I live in a place where the tap water is safe, so I drink tap water a lot, but I recognize that's a pretty big privilege, lots of places in the world, like Flint, Michigan, have really terrible water quality and it can cause a really big impact on peoples' lives.