A Million Dollars, BUT

Nope. You'd probably never leave a couple of those countries once you entered...

A million dollars but you can only travel by tandem bike moving forward...and you have to try your best from the back seat.
No way, back problems are sure to follow

a million dollars but you can only read words that have been misspelled.
a millon dollaa by yo ca onl red wors tha haev ben mispeleed.
I think I’m going to pass. But if I did, at least I’d actually be able to understand 50% of YouTube and social media comments!

A million dollars, but it’s located deep inside a forest, and you have to find it yourself. You have a map, you’ll just need survival skills.
If there aren't any bears, yes.

A million dollars but you have to convince ratigan to hand it over. (from the great mouse detective).
As a human, I'm sure I could find some way to persuade him, so yes.

A million dollars but you have to stay in a buried coffin for 24 hours. You do have air.
No, I probably wouldn't make it

A million dollars but you have to work at a maid cafe for 2 years.
*chuckles* Yeah, no.

A million dollars but you’ll always sound sarcastic. You could be at a funeral and tell someone how sorry you are, but you’ll sound like a complete jerk. It’s kind of like that South Park episode.
Ye (guess I'll just keep my mouth shut in those types of situations).

A million dollars but you sell your soul to the devil for it (if you don't believe in souls or devils, then just pretend you do for the sake of this scenario, 'kay?).
Nope. I’m hesitant to even use the phrase ‘I’d sell my soul for…’

A million dollars but you have to wear some kind of hat everywhere now (sleeping, showering etc.)
Nope. Hats give me a sensory overload.

Million dollars but you must act like a duck whenever you go out in public.
That's life ruining. No.

A million dollars, but you must take care of 10 puppies for as long as they live.
Ommygod YES😭 with a million dollars I could pay for all the necessary care and veterinary expenses, also since I have never had pets I could get help from experts to educate them (in case I had difficulty). My dream since I was a child HAHAHA
(and then I could buy a house with a huge garden for them to play✨)
Edit: I forgot to say mine LOL
You have a million dollars but you have to take a bath with cockroaches (with a protective suit on)
Nope. This would creep me out way too much, even if I was wearing something.

A million dollars but you have to eat five living roaches.
Tough one...money may become pointless in that scenario. I think I'd want to see the dinosaurs more than the money, so yes!

A million dollars but your elbows now bend the opposite direction.
Answering my own so the thread doesn’t get buried. No.

A million dollars but you have to walk backward everywhere.
Sounds hilarious and like it would confuse the HECK out of people, so sure.

A million dollars, but every time you talk a crow flies out of your mouth.