What's your favorite non-famous game?


Site Owner
Nov 7, 2004
Golden Watering Can
Red Pansy
White Pansy
White Pansy
Red Hyacinth
Yellow Hyacinth
White Hyacinth
White Rose
Purple Violet
White Lily
I'd have to say mine is Gladius. It's pretty cool. It's a turn based game based where you run a gladiator "school" and it's great. :gyroidveryhappy: (for GCN, XBox, PS2)
Niche games, you mean? Oooh, I really like this. I love Gunstar Heroes, Ristar, Ice Hockey, Fire Emblem (not sure how niche this is, but meh), and others I can't think of right now.
Bulerias said:
Niche games, you mean? Oooh, I really like this. I love Gunstar Heroes, Ristar, Ice Hockey, Fire Emblem (not sure how niche this is, but meh), and others I can't think of right now.
A lot of those... especially FE, are famous enough!

Iunno. Electoplankton? It's the only non-famous game I can think of. And it's pretty famous >.>
[quote="Shadow_] Uh....

Iunno. Electoplankton? It's the only non-famous game I can think of. And it's pretty famous >.> [/quote]
If I know what it is, it's probably famous! :0
I doubt many of you have played Star Control II, or the oldie Sam n' Max Hit the Road... you may have heard of them, but prolly not played it.


Those are great "non-famous" games.

other than that... umm... Wizards and Warriors for the NES was pretty sweet, I don't see many people talking about that or Silkworm.

yeah... I could name all my old NES games all day, but I won't.
Oh! I just remembered a game I used to play for the SNES, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV. That was fun =D
Bulerias said:
Niche games, you mean? Oooh, I really like this. I love Gunstar Heroes, Ristar, Ice Hockey, Fire Emblem (not sure how niche this is, but meh), and others I can't think of right now.

FE is famous for sure. If a series has 8% of the characters in SSBM, it's "famous".

Also, Gunstar is borderline... I know a lot of people have never heard of it, but like some of Treasure's other games, it is pretty well-known and appreciated for its greatness.

@Fish - Wizards & Warriors was pretty popular back in the day I think.


Anyways, I'd have to say mine is either Blast Corps for N64 or Thunder Spiritis for SNES.
Wait, I've got a better one. Startropics for the NES. Bet none of you will know what it is without searching for it on Wiki.
Baten Kaitos 1 & 2,

Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney , and its sequel, Justice for All. Got them recently, been playing nonstop. THEY OWN!
Bulerias said:
Wait, I've got a better one. Startropics for the NES. Bet none of you will know what it is without searching for it on Wiki.
I've heard of it! I'm not exactly sure where... but I have... and all I could've told ya is NES game.


First one who can name this game gets a cookie the size of Antarctica. And just as tasty!
I'm gonna take a wild guess and say something that no one would think of....

The Movies?
The Movies was actually a very documented game back when it was still scheduled to be released on consoles.
A post of mine was deleted that had the truth...hmmm....

Well, Thunder Spirits is my favorite non famous game.

Umm....never mind about the deleteing the post thing

:p I got a little confused.