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What national or global issue matters most to you right now?

Exactly. It's become more of a thing where people who are afraid of contradictory opinions can shield themselves from beliefs they don't agree with (typically conservative beliefs).

Precisely, and it comes from a fundamental misunderstanding of what education is supposed to be about. It is supposed to be difficult, you're supposed to disagree with things, you're supposed to be challenged. If you're agreeing with everything it's probably not education, but indoctrination.
They're not, though. It is usually a bunch of infantilizing horse pucky where they have therapy dogs, play-doh, etc. where people go and hide when a speaker that they don't like is on campus. You make it sound like a Black Students Association or a Gay-Straight Alliance, or something, which is not what it is at all.

And if people playing with play dough and having therapy dogs is bad because...? Maybe those things seem like "horse pucky" to you, but for them it makes life easier for them. Why is that bothering you? And likewise with hiding from speakers, is there a reason they have to listen to them? Not dissing you here, I'm honestly curious.

Exactly. It's become more of a thing where people who are afraid of contradictory opinions can shield themselves from beliefs they don't agree with (typically conservative beliefs).

Can you give me an example of one of those beliefs that people are shielding themselves from?
I dont like politics at all. In fact I utterly despise them. But if there's one thing that gets my goat it's censorship. Censorship, at least in my opinion is a load of cheap. I could go into detail about why I think this but really kids, as much as i don't like kids shouldn't have certain things hidden from them, they should know what and what not do do but they should also be knowledgeable. It's a long long debate i could go on for hours about. I'm just not good at making points lol
And if people playing with play dough and having therapy dogs is bad because...? Maybe those things seem like "horse pucky" to you, but for them it makes life easier for them. Why is that bothering you? And likewise with hiding from speakers, is there a reason they have to listen to them? Not dissing you here, I'm honestly curious.

Can you give me an example of one of those beliefs that people are shielding themselves from?

If you haven't heard of people using safe spaces so they're not called out on their baloney, then you've been living under a rock.
Beliefs such as; There's only two genders
Rape-culture doesn't exist
Reverse racism isn't a thing.
Black people (or other races) cannot be racist.

Also, if people want help because of how hurt they are by whatever- they should go to therapy to deal with their problems if they're that major that they need to flee elsewhere.
If you haven't heard of people using safe spaces so they're not called out on their baloney, then you've been living under a rock.
Beliefs such as; There's only two genders
Rape-culture doesn't exist
Reverse racism isn't a thing.
Black people (or other races) cannot be racist.

Also, if people want help because of how hurt they are by whatever- they should go to therapy to deal with their problems if they're that major that they need to flee elsewhere.

How is the belief there are only two genders wrong or triggering
If you haven't heard of people using safe spaces so they're not called out on their baloney, then you've been living under a rock.
Beliefs such as; There's only two genders
Rape-culture doesn't exist
Reverse racism isn't a thing.
Black people (or other races) cannot be racist.

Also, if people want help because of how hurt they are by whatever- they should go to therapy to deal with their problems if they're that major that they need to flee elsewhere.

Although I agree with you, let's get back on topic.

So my top issues is on healthcare and political correctness. But in case of global issues, it would have to be the conflict in the Middle East. For entertainment issues, it would have to be how Nintendo is doing poorly over the years. But they have improved since the Switch came along. For site issues (on Bell Tree), it would have to be the fact that nobody else wants to add silly apple tags or the lack of activity in the TBT Marketplace.
I just can't agree with you on some of these points.

Of course, they are a minority. I never said that they weren't. There will be men and women out there who desperately need help to get away from that kind of life, of course, but the ones that quite happily do it by their own will should not be shamed or persecuted for the decisions that they have made.

I understand what you're trying to say 100%, and I agree with you, but I can't help but feel like you're generalising too much. Not everyone who works in that industry hates it, has a drug action, and is on the verge of being homeless. I know quite a lot of people who do it, actually, and underneath they don't see it as anything more than a hobby.

Just because a law is misinterpreted doesn't mean that it shouldn't be there. That's like saying the legalisation of transgendered men in women's bathrooms will somehow legalise child abusers on the side. It's a separate issue that anyone with a half brain would recognise as illegal and wrong, pressuring vulnerable women into doing things they've made clear they don't want to do.

Again, I agree that there are an uncountable amount of people in the world who need desperate help, but you can't generalise everybody like that. It's not always black and white.

I honestly don't think you understand how legalization for the minority who enjoys it WILL hurt those suffering.

You literally cannot legalize this work without people suffering. There is no way.

People will be coerced into this to meet the demand and they will wrongly be labeled as those who felt empowered and choose this job. Of course they defend their job and act really excited on porn about how much they love being brutalized! If not they're out of the industry, homeless, and unable to ever return to normal work because their reputation as a porn star will chase them everywhere.

Hell, there was even a law somewhere in the nordic countries that basically allowed women to pay drivers ed with sex. Sounds great right?

But do we know what goes behind the scenes? How do you know she isn't manipulated and poor into doing it with the instructor because she can't pay in any other way and she wouldn't have done it in the first place if she had money. It's the exact same with porn by the way. I have many testimonies of ex porn stars who come out traumatized, with STDs, and who lied on the camera to say they loved their work.

Creating support systems for women to leave this work should be the goal, not legalizing it.

I'm sorry, but the answer is clear in who I support and prioritize. Sure, not all of the industry is evil. But you have 0 way of telling whether or not you're sleeping with a girl who wants to be there, is poor and hates her life and trying to feed her child, or is being enslaved by her pimp.

The more we push the idea that some people enjoy it and thats okay is going to hurt the other 2 type of women.

Like, sooooo many johns (buyers of sex work) are deluded into thinking their girls enjoy it. They even demand cheaper prices because "why do YOU get free pleasure and i dont?" because they seriously think the girls enjoy it. They begin to become more demanding from the girls because they actually believe the women choose it, therefore it is a negotiable playing field.

It was so much easier for them when johns assumed the women didn't want to be there and didn't lie to themselves thinking they're not contributing to women suffering.

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It's wrong because there are only two sexes, not only two genders.

Only sjws believe that....lmfao

Like his whole post doesn't make sense because he mocks all sjw beliefs but lists one.
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Only sjws believe that....lmfao

Like his whole post doesn't make sense because he mocks all sjw beliefs but lists one.

I'm too exhausted to read through 10 paragraphs tonight, if I'm honest with you. I think I've made my opinions on sex work as clear as I can. Feel free to private message me if you really want explanations.

But I don't really know why you're trying to put me down for what I said about genders. It's true. Gender is what you think you are, and sex is what you physically are. Look it up if you must. I'm not a SJW or any other labels you wanna chuck on my head.

I also can't recall ever mocking SJW beliefs, but that's a whole other story for a whole other time (hopefully a time that never comes, 'cause I'd hate to have to go over all that again, frankly).
Also, the idea of a safe space is supposed to be a place of healing.

Like, I hate the idea of modern sjws crying they have PTSD because its absolutely insulting to me and everyone else I know who suffers from it. Their source of PTSD comes from living a pampered life free of abuse, drug use, poverty, so they create these bull**** ideas that they too suffer so they say they're like, asexual demiromantic demigender faegender with self diagnosed autism, DID, PTSD, BPD, etc.

Safe spaces were always supposed to be therapy places for a group of abuse survivors to come and meet and talk and cope with abuse. It was always supposed to be a safe space to vent about your abuse in your family, discrimination at work, etc. With no one there to make fun of you for being abused.

Unfortunately the definition of abuse has been warped and now includes a parent yelling at their kid every 5 months.

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I'm too exhausted to read through 10 paragraphs tonight, if I'm honest with you. I think I've made my opinions on sex work as clear as I can. Feel free to private message me if you really want explanations.

But I don't really know why you're trying to put me down for what I said about genders. It's true. Gender is what you think you are, and sex is what you physically are. Look it up if you must. I'm not a SJW or any other labels you wanna chuck on my head.

I also can't recall ever mocking SJW beliefs, but that's a whole other story for a whole other time (hopefully a time that never comes, 'cause I'd hate to have to go over all that again, frankly).

What is gender? Define it please without using stereotypes of both genders.

Sex exists. But gender is a bull**** concept. There is no 1000000 genders.

Gender is not a feeling. It's a social role. You can't just make up social classes.

you know "gender is how U FEEL INSIDE!" is a western concept made by college professors.

No one in the third world will take you seriously. My family will not take you seriously. You cannot just make up a gender and identify as nonbinary to escape sex based oppression in Nigeria. They don't care. They never will.

And no, native americans did not have concept of "nonbinary genders". That's a lie and many two spirit natives disagree.
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Only sjws believe that....lmfao

Like his whole post doesn't make sense because he mocks all sjw beliefs but lists one.

Actually, I just did some research on who believes there are more than two genders, and I learned that the Democratic Party in general believes there are more than two genders (ever since gender identity became a political issue). Those who believe there are only two genders are usually affiliated with the GOP. Not that the DEM or GOP should be ashamed for believing what they believe about gender, but I'm here to clarify that more than just SJWs believe there are more than two.

But can we get back on the topic of top issues?
I think the reason "gender identity is an issue is because this generation thinks they don't have enough problems so they add onto it by making up bull****.
I read "my family will not take you seriously" and stopped reading. Do you honestly think I would care if your grandma or your dog agreed with me on gender? Man, I don't know why I bother.
Actually, I just did some research on who believes there are more than two genders, and I learned that the Democratic Party in general believes there are more than two genders (ever since gender identity became a political issue). Those who believe there are only two genders are usually affiliated with the GOP. Not that the DEM or GOP should be ashamed for believing what they believe about gender, but I'm here to clarify that more than just SJWs believe there are more than two.

But can we get back on the topic of top issues?

Every issue is important to someone, there is really no special or more important issue.

Fighting over sjws ruining most colleges (berekley) is an issue. This is important to many college age students who feel demonized in their own university for speaking out.

Sure, okay, like global warming is way more important than a triggered sjw. But you know, sex slavery is more important than whether or not we create unions for people or something. It's all subjective.

People dying in Syria may be more of an issue to you than like, circumcision or something.

Doesn't mean both sides don't have a right to discuss them, granted they are actually serious and not madeup.

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I read "my family will not take you seriously" and stopped reading. Do you honestly think I would care if your grandma or your dog agreed with me on gender? Man, I don't know why I bother.

Because your beliefs are not held by the majority of people on this planet. It's coddling. My family of immigrants and third world will not ever take you seriously.

A little girl cant say shes nonbinary to escape the reality of sex. "Gender" as we know today by college liberal professors is a western privileged concept.

It's denial of science. (No, people do not have lady/male brains and that is a result of how we raise children, they are not born like that naturally).

Like, I don't understand how creating gender is going to help anything. No one is saying you can't express yourself and dress as however you like. But you don't need to make up something to justify who you are.

What happened to being tomboys? What happened to being gender non conforming? Like, why do we even have to create genders anymore? Why can't we just get rid of the whole make believe and realize this - there are two sexes, and nothing about our sex determines our personality or intelligence. It only determines our physical makeup and attributes.

So uh, people definitely have a right to be concerned about this new idea of gender. It's....not realistic. No one can remember your pronouns or 20 genders, especially for example a random immigrant who came from Nigeria who can't comprehend the concept we have of gender by SJWs today.
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Wait a second. You think that I think that there are female and male brains? That's not what I meant at all. In fact, I meant the opposite to that.

I'm not big on gender. I'm really, super happy with having being born a guy and can't relate to anybody who thinks they are anything other than a man or a woman, but at the same time I understand that there are people who do and I can sympathise with them 100%. There's nothing wrong with feeling like you are unlike everybody else.

Just because you have your life together and know who you are in life doesn't mean to say everybody else does. Show some respect.

What I'm noticing in all of your posts is that you're talking about your concerns about gender identity, not anybody else's. Not the person who feels that way, not the person who is bullied at school for being unsure of who they are, just yourself and your family.

Nobody cares whether you can memorise 20+ genders or not. I know I couldn't, but I fail to understand why you'd need to. You make it sound like not identifying as male or female is gonna ruin your life or something. People are not all the same. They come in all shapes and sizes and, yes, they aren't all going to be certain whether they're a guy or a girl, and that's fine. That's their life, not yours. Just like with sexuality, it's none of your business.
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Wait a second. You think that I think that there are female and male brains? That's not what I meant at all. In fact, I meant the opposite to that.

I'm not big on gender. I'm really, super happy with having being born a guy and can't relate to anybody who thinks they are anything other than a man or a woman, but at the same time I understand that there are people who do and I can sympathise with them 100%. There's nothing wrong with feeling like you are unlike everybody else.

Just because you have your life together and know who you are in life doesn't mean to say everybody else does. Show some respect.

What I'm noticing in all of your posts is that you're talking about your concerns about gender identity, not anybody else's. Not the person who feels that way, not the person who is bullied at school for being unsure of who they are, just yourself and your family.

Nobody cares whether you can memorise 20+ genders or not. I know I couldn't, but I fail to understand why you'd need to. You make it sound like not identifying as male or female is gonna ruin your life or something. People are not all the same. They come in all shapes and sizes and, yes, they aren't all going to be certain whether they're a guy or a girl, and that's fine. That's their life, not yours. Just like with sexuality, it's none of your business.
//assuming none of us have gender identity problems is kINDAAAAAAAA CONTRADICTING YOUR POINT.