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What are you passionate about?


AroAce, ASD, and Proud ^^
Oct 31, 2015
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I am passionate about spreading awareness, kindness, happiness, and world peace.
I want to do this by writing books (education/non-fiction) about topics that pertain to me/have affected me

I love to write. I find it very comforting and cathartic. I do not want to go into all of them, since some of them are controversial or considered eccentric by outsiders and I don't want to cross any lines or worry about any arguments starting, so I will only go over a few books I plan to write ^^

Autism Spectrum Disorder (will also cover other mental/neurodivergent disorders like ADHD)
As some of you know, I am on the autism spectrum/I have ASD. I do not know where specifically I am on the spectrum, but I feel like Asperger's is probably what I have. And for the longest time, I never thought about the possibility of having ADHD, but this past year, I started to think more and more that I could in fact have it. I starting realizing that a lot of my behavior corresponds to a lot of symptoms of ADHD. I think the hardest thing about living with this ASD and possibly ADHD is that people can be ignorant and insensitive about it. I also feel like ASD can be misunderstood even by people who themselves have it; they don't understand that ASD is very broad and that it can vary greatly from person to person. Different people struggle with ASD differently. It is by no means a cure-all solution, but if people where more understood and knew how to accommodate to us better, it would make a world of difference. I know books about developmental disorders already exist, but this one will be from my point of view and will cover topics that a lot of people still don't take into consideration.

Mental Health and Happiness
Thankfully, I never really struggled with mental illnesses (I wouldn't really consider ASD or ADHD illnesses), but I know a lot of people do...and I know how greatly it can affect a person...and I know that it can be a struggle for these people to manage their mental health. Some people who are going through hard times (be it mental health or because of other problems) tend to project/take it out on others. This is the position I feel like most of us (if not all) have been in, myself included (not the one doing it, I mean the one having it done onto us). I know I cannot cure people of their mental disorders, but I would love to help give people tips on how to manage it, and help them to alleviate it.

I am so grateful that I have good mental health. Sure, having ASD and possibly ADHD can affect it to some extent (like getting anxious easily and getting unpleasant thoughts), but I know things could be way worse.

The School System
I graduated seven years ago (June 2016), but my opinion on the school system has not changed. I feel like kids learn a lot of useless stuff in school, while they could be learning about stuff that will prepare them for the real world. Now only that, but schools assume that every child learns the same way, when we all know that is not true. I am also against giving out homework (unless it optional/extra credit, making up work you missed, studying, etc.)

I also feel like people overlook the fact that people have a hard time paying attention (especially if they have ADHD) to a topic that will not pertain to them in the long run.

I think school should be structured around the following things: What we are interesting it, what we need to know when living in the real world, and classes that pertain to dream jobs we have.

Having all these classes that don't pertain to students can/will lead to apathy, poor grades, and inattentiveness.

Life Tips
This will not cover a special topic, rather it will cover a broad range of topics and just give little tips and reminders like "It takes less energy to be kind than it does to be mean", "age is just a number", "we are all emotionally wired differently", "life is easier when you mind your own business", etc.
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I'm passionate about a lot of things. Video games, martial arts, being kind to others, anime, and more. I believe life would be really boring if there were no passion in it.
I’m passionate about sports (mainly hockey) and traveling. I don’t have a lot of interests, but I’m passionate about the interests I do have. I believe that’s most important.
I'm really passionate about a few video games, my OCs, nuclear physics/radioactive substances/disasters etc anything under that umbrella, and EGL. I have a lot of things I like.
I'm passionate about art in all its forms, linguistics/languages, rabbits, the environment, and I guess social issues?? Funnily I haven't talked much about any of these things on here, if at all.
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i’m passionate about all of my hobbies and interests, amongst a few other things, but i’ll just talk about a few of the things that i’m most passionate about c:

writing is one of my biggest passions as well, and has been ever since i was a kid! i’ve never been the most talented or creative person, but writing is one of the only things that i’ve ever felt halfway decent at. it is so therapeutic to me, and it allows me to get my thoughts and feelings out in a way that i’ve never been able to do verbally. i’ve dreamed about being an author so much in the past, and it’s something that i still think about from time to time, but i don’t see me ever writing an actual book. i’ve had a few book ideas over the years, but never any that i actually knew how to write haha. my passion is more geared towards short stories, poetry, and journaling— the things i’ve written about are more personal than creative, but i do love creative writing as well 🩵 i sadly don’t write as much as i used to since the past few years have honestly turned my brain to mush and killed a lot of my creative spark, but i still love writing and hope to be able to return to it more presently one day!

photography is another one of my hobbies/passions that i’ve had for several years! the way i got into it is honestly kind of silly haha, but i was really into taking photos of littlest pet shop toys when i was a kid (i even had an insta account dedicated to it 🤣), and it just kickstarted my love for photography in general! i’m not into taking photos of toys anymore, but i still love taking photos of beautiful and interesting things that i see while i’m out and about, or really anything that i see that i want a physical reminder of! my favourite thing to photograph is the sky (and my cat hehe). though, my old littlest pet shop account is actually still up, and i was looking at my old photos for fun last year— they were actually really cute, i was lowkey slaying LOL 👀

and for funzies, here are some of my favourite lps photos 🤣

my favourite tv shows and movies
i‘ve always been a more casual enjoyer of my favourite shows and movies, but i’ve always been very passionate about talking about them, learning and consuming media about them, and my favourite characters from them! i’ve always been more interested in the storylines and the characters than the actors/actresses who play them and their creators, so i never drag them into it or harass them don’t worry lol. my current biggest hyper-fixation is the last of us (specifically the show, but i love the games as well), but i’m also very into the hunger games, wandavision, fleabag, and stranger things! (i have other favourites, but these are the ones that i’m currently most passionate about)

i have no words to express just how special animals are and how important they are to me, i love them so, so much. i am very passionate about the fact that all animals should be treated with love and respect, and they should all be in settings that best suit their personalities and needs. i of course respect those who aren’t big animal lovers, but it absolutely breaks my heart that there are people out there who abuse or mistreat animals, either their own, someone else’s, or those out in the wild. animals are beautiful, living beings, and they would never be the subject of abuse, mistreatment, neglect etc if i had anything to say about it. i would love to work with animals in some way one day, either as a pet groomer, in an animal rescue/shelter etc. i also did co-op at a pet store pre-pandemic and loved it, so i would totally be down to have a job like that again as well (though please adopt your animals from shelters instead of pet stores if possible 🫶)!

kindness and being kind to others is something that is beyond important to me. i grew up with judgmental, miserable, and honestly lowkey racist and sexist parents, who believe that their misery and their pains in life give them the right to be rude and miserable towards other people. i take pride in the fact that i’m not like them, and strive to be as kind as i can be every single day. i’m a big believer in the saying “you never know what someone is going through, so always be kind”, and i do my best to live by that. nothing makes me happier than being kind and helpful towards others, and i will never pass by an opportunity to make someone’s day a bit better or easier if i can. there are so many of us struggling, and while i can’t take away anyone‘s pain as much as i would like to, i can treat people with the respect and the kindness that they deserve. like i always try to tell my parents— it is so much easier to be kind than to be hateful 🤍

@Shawna your book ideas sound so lovely, i hope they all come to fruition one day! i’m especially interested in your school system book, and 100% agree with the thoughts that you shared! i finally graduated from high school in june, and i agree that school really does teach you a lot of unnecessary and useless stuff. i’ve found cooking classes and certain math classes that teach about taxes, budgeting, loans etc to be useful, but beyond that it’s all a lot of stuff that didn’t really prepare me for the real world. homework being optional would also be fantastic— it’d be great for those who need/want the extra practice or the completion marks, but school already takes so much out of a person’s day, there’s no reason there should be more for them to do once they’re home.
Here's a few things I can think of that I'm pretty passionate about!
  • Showing kindness, human rights and freedom, fairness and equity, utopian futures (don't mind me, just lumping together several lofty concepts—)
  • Storytelling and character design—lately more from the appreciation angle than the creating angle, thanks to some mental health issues/burnout/existential dread, but I'm not giving up on fully regaining my passion for creating as well 💙
  • Animal rights and welfare
  • Taking care of the environment
  • How stories/video games/etc. that are primarily directed at women or people with interests considered feminine are often stigmatized, mocked, and treated dismissively. this is my soapbox don't let me get on it
  • My favorite books, video games, and anime, as well as my favorite genres of those things
  • My comfort characters!!
My passions are music, music boxes, fashion dolls, drag queens, Pokémon, and Harry Potter. I am very knowledgeable about music and love listening to it and my taste in music is really good. I collect music boxes and probably have close to two hundred or more by now. I have some extremely rare songs including some that you might not realize have a music box movement rendition such as 9 to 5 by Dolly Parton or the Rocky and Bullwinkle Theme. I even have a musical lazy Susan tray and cover. With fashion dolls, I am very good at identifying late 80s to mid 2000s dolls and outfits.
Here's a few things I can think of that I'm pretty passionate about!
  • Showing kindness, human rights and freedom, fairness and equity, utopian futures (don't mind me, just lumping together several lofty concepts—)
  • Storytelling and character design—lately more from the appreciation angle than the creating angle, thanks to some mental health issues/burnout/existential dread, but I'm not giving up on fully regaining my passion for creating as well 💙
  • Animal rights and welfare
  • Taking care of the environment
  • How stories/video games/etc. that are primarily directed at women or people with interests considered feminine are often stigmatized, mocked, and treated dismissively. this is my soapbox don't let me get on it
  • My favorite books, video games, and anime, as well as my favorite genres of those things
  • My comfort characters!!
I definitely agree with the first and last things 💖💖💖
i have a few passions, but my biggest passion is Professor Layton. To make a long story short, i found the game series when i was younger, and in a constant bad state of mind. it not only cleared my head, but changed the way i view life even to this day.

i am very passionate about this series, and collect various merchandise for it. i am a video game collector, but Professor Layton is what started my collection, and my love for games as a whole. i used to think of video games as a way to kill time. now, to me, they are opportunities to meet new characters and experience new stories.

... oh, and you could say im interested in trying to understand (usually) fictional characters. i write alot of character analysis essays in my free time. i enjoy knowing more about complicated characters and understanding why they are the way that they are. i am an unusually understanding person.
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I'm passionate about...

Art/Crafts... I like to draw and paint but I just never do it anywhere near enough and that's pretty silly. My perfectionism can be crippling at times and I don't challenge myself enough. But I'm always thinking about art, always looking at art by other artists, always writing ideas down, etc. I think my favorite thing to draw (aside from AC stuff) would be realistic portraits of people (or cats). I was consistently drawing quite a few portraits a year ago but then the whole AI art thing exploded which made me feel a lil obsolete when it came to drawing digital portraits so I stopped.. But I would like to return to it! Though I would ultimately like to get back to traditional art.

Sewing... It's expensive man, but it's fun and challenging and is in itself a different way of thinking. I haven't made much since buying my sewing machine a few years ago because of how pricey materials are but I love (attempting) bag-making. I love finding free tutorials on youtube and trying them out, and even altering the pattern a little bit. Not too interested in learning to make clothes/tailoring, but maybe someday that will change. Sewing is extra hard for me because of all the measuring and math involved.. I am pretty sure a 5th grader could easily out-math me, in all honesty. 😎

Music Videos... I've always enjoyed watching music videos, I used to watch them every day after school as a kid in middle school/high school. IDK, I just like them. I prefer the music videos that have at least somewhat of a story going on!

Cats... I love cats. They are probably my all time favorite animal. I wish there was a shelter close enough to me that wouldn't be a pain to get to via public transportation; if there was I would definitely volunteer, just so I could help out some kitties. If I were a multi-millionaire I'd probably start my own shelter just for cats!

Animal Crossing... Obviously!
Spirituality. I think it is important to connect to the Creator.
My spouse. Cheesy sounding? I love spending time with him and it's important to spend time with those you love.
Animals. I do well with animals and I find them interesting.
Video game development and art in general really.
Playing games, whether video game or a physical plastic game.
A newer one is gardening. I think it is important to know how and how nature works.
  • The ever so broad topic of philosophy which extends from semantics to culture to introspection to hypotheticals. This used to be what I live off and it still drives my thinking (at least when I’m doing better). I need to indulge in why is this, how does this work, what if this. How things relate. Impact. Understanding. Ideas. Etc. Playing around mentally. This is as infuriating as it is enlightening, since only my psychologists seem to have been able to keep up! But I keep it largely to myself now. I’m not saying this makes me the most emotionally mature by the way, passion doesn’t necessarily mean skill. Overall my musing probably hasn’t paid off extrinsically but I genuinely believe I’ve done some good with it.
  • Art obviously. This is kind of my ride or die over philosophy now. A favorite form of expression, can be really rewarding, aforementioned philosophy goes in HERE to make something tangible. Every time I look around me I observe everything in an artistic lens. Sucks where it’s at right now for me but oh my god. It’s about how can I reshape this or that, or capture my love for this or that, hopefully for myself.
  • Anatomy. Kind of started when I studied this for art but it’s beautiful how it works. Definitely not an expert but love observing it.
  • Interior design. I blame Animal Crossing for this one but it is incredible artistic inspiration regardless of subject, and another great form of expression. Plus I love the idea of just… exploring the different places and expressions looking at interior design, it kinda takes me to another place. I gotta overhaul my own room personally.
  • Birds :) friends. Second life around. Just so fun and intelligent and pretty. I love cats and octopedes too. Bees also high tier.
  • music. I don’t make it. I just mean listening, I genuinely seek out new stuff because I love what it communicates and how it can help me feeel.
might missing something not sureeee
I always been very passionate about animal crossing, I start playing animal crossing 4-5 years ago and became obsessed with the game. I would stay up all night and play it, I would survive on coffee all morning until like 6 pm then I’d sleep for a few hours and repeat 😂. I got into animal crossing because of an old friend who had the game and I thought it was so cute I had to get me the game haha. Ever since the new horizons game came out I couldn’t find anyone who rly played on the 3ds anymore so I am so glad I found this tbt website so I can find players like me who are passionate about animal crossing new leaf :3
I am also passionate about the future and I am constantly thinking about my ideal future. I even made an entire thread dedicated to the topic.

I've talked about how passionate I am about being an author and to help spread awareness about certain topics. This something that falls under my hopes for the future. I also hope I can eventually be independent enough to get my own place later on down the road. I have nothing against my dad, but I know I will have a lot more freedom and what not, and we will not have to worry about getting disturbed by each other's commotion. The same goes for my brother, but he will probably get his own place before me, despite being younger. I will also try to avoid vacations, though I am in full support of going out to eat on a regular basis with my dad and brother. The same goes for my mom if she is living in, or living close to my hometown. ^,^

I would love to meet some of my online friends too. :,)
I'm really passionate about people with disabilities and the elderly. Growing up with a sibling who has special needs, I've always been very defensive when it comes to their rights and such. I was never allowed to have classes with my older brother growing up, because my mom feared I'd get too overprotective.. ;;
I have always been patient with people with special needs, because I realize everyone grows, works, and moves at their own pace. I always treat them like adults, as a LOT of people tend to infantilize them for being disabled. It would constantly get on my nerves when everyone would treat my 23 year old brother like a child. :^/ He is an adult, and he is human, and deserves to be treated as such. So does everyone else with disabilities/special needs/etc.

The elderly will always have a special place in my heart, especially veterans.. >_> One time an alcoholic regular came into the store I work at and chewed out an elderly veteran for taking too long to count his change.. So I did something really evil for revenge towards the regular (and sorta regret because I got in trouble for it). He is always causing problems, especially with the elderly. But he just happened to cross me on the wrong day. I also used to take care of an elderly woman as my first job. It was a private job, but I made decent money taking care of her. I try to remember the older they are, the harder it is for them to do specific things. I like to help them out whenever I can at work. Like helping them across the parking lot, or taking their groceries to their car for them. And I normally put their groceries in their cart for them as well.

With those two things aside.. I've noticed I'm really passionate about mental health, and womens rights. I've been an advocate for both since I started working jobs. I wasn't exactly the most informed growing up, even fresh out of high school. But when I started working, I learned a lot about the world very quickly. I'm passionate about a lot of topics. Mental health is a huge one for me specifically because I am mentally ill. I have BPD, bipolar II, ADHD, GAD, etc. I believe mental health will slowly affect physical health if it is not taken care of properly. I will ALWAYS put my mental health first. I hope everyone else does the same, too. And womens rights should be really self-explanatory.

Now, for interests and hobbies..? I've been passionate about the MCU for as long as I can remember. That and Pokemon, lol. I love both series very dearly ;w; I also really love k-pop, anime, and Genshin. I can talk about any of these topics for as long as someone will let me xD
I'm really passionate about people with disabilities and the elderly. Growing up with a sibling who has special needs, I've always been very defensive when it comes to their rights and such. I was never allowed to have classes with my older brother growing up, because my mom feared I'd get too overprotective.. ;;
I have always been patient with people with special needs, because I realize everyone grows, works, and moves at their own pace. I always treat them like adults, as a LOT of people tend to infantilize them for being disabled. It would constantly get on my nerves when everyone would treat my 23 year old brother like a child. :^/ He is an adult, and he is human, and deserves to be treated as such. So does everyone else with disabilities/special needs/etc.

The elderly will always have a special place in my heart, especially veterans.. >_> One time an alcoholic regular came into the store I work at and chewed out an elderly veteran for taking too long to count his change.. So I did something really evil for revenge towards the regular (and sorta regret because I got in trouble for it). He is always causing problems, especially with the elderly. But he just happened to cross me on the wrong day. I also used to take care of an elderly woman as my first job. It was a private job, but I made decent money taking care of her. I try to remember the older they are, the harder it is for them to do specific things. I like to help them out whenever I can at work. Like helping them across the parking lot, or taking their groceries to their car for them. And I normally put their groceries in their cart for them as well.

With those two things aside.. I've noticed I'm really passionate about mental health, and womens rights. I've been an advocate for both since I started working jobs. I wasn't exactly the most informed growing up, even fresh out of high school. But when I started working, I learned a lot about the world very quickly. I'm passionate about a lot of topics. Mental health is a huge one for me specifically because I am mentally ill. I have BPD, bipolar II, ADHD, GAD, etc. I believe mental health will slowly affect physical health if it is not taken care of properly. I will ALWAYS put my mental health first. I hope everyone else does the same, too. And womens rights should be really self-explanatory.

Now, for interests and hobbies..? I've been passionate about the MCU for as long as I can remember. That and Pokemon, lol. I love both series very dearly ;w; I also really love k-pop, anime, and Genshin. I can talk about any of these topics for as long as someone will let me xD
I'm all for acessbility in gaming as well too like microsoft controlers for the xbox, i ain't a xbox player myself personally im more into nintendo or sony stuff, but yah its pretty dope i think for microsoft inovating the accessibilty features for players who are special needs.

Mental health, is very important especially nowadays post pandemic wise so take care of yourselves ya'll be it physicall,mentally and emotionally.