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  • I know you never post there, but all the stuff in your art thread is so adorable! I love it so much!
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    Reactions: Xara
    ah thank you so much!! means a lot. 🥹 hopefully i'll have some new stuff to post in there after the tbt fair! forum events are my biggest motivator to create new art hehe
    GROUND HOG so cute 😭😭😭😭
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    Reactions: Xara
    GROUNDHOG!!! my mom and i turned a corner and there they were!! i thought they were fat squirrels at first 😂
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    Reactions: S.J.
    Hi Xara! ::naurr:: I hope you’re doing okay! I had so much fun the other day playing Mario Party with you & @S.J. :D Maybe another time we could try hide and seek (i could ask @skarmoury and a couple others too), and/or splatoon? 👀 No pressure ofc! Just thought it’d be fun to do more games together in general :D
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    Reactions: S.J. and Xara
    ohhh your air conditioner breaking during hot weather is the absolute worst, but i'm glad you were able to get it fixed quickly!! i don't have ac in my room, only in the living room, so being in my room (where i feel most comfy) has felt like being in a sauna LOL. i can't wait for fall and cooler temps. 😩

    i'm glad you and the babies are doing okay!! 🩷 Bonk and i send lots of love to you and the babies as well, please give them both a kiss for me!

    hang in there 🫂. I didn’t have one in my room originally either but then my mom got me one that sits in my window 🙂.

    I will! :D Give bonk a kiss and hug for me too! Adorable Bonk! 😻😻😻
    Hi friends! 💗💞 I'm down for both Hide and Seek and Splatoon 3! I would of course love to play more games with both of you. 💗💗 My (limited 😭) schedule is basically the same for the foreseeable future lol (available Fridays and Saturdays from 3 PM-ish EDT), but it's of course ok if you both have other times that are better to play, and it works out better for you and others!

    It is winter here, so I currently have no air conditioning complaints. I hope you are both staying cool, and not dying from the heat or humidity! 😭💞 I feel for you both! Pictures of cold things to help cool you down 😭💗: 🧊🍨🍧🍦❄️
    Hey Xara, I know this is a bit late, but Happy Birthday to Bonk! The pictures are very lovely and I enjoy seeing you post about her daily silliness and pics. It's always a highlight of the forum! I hope you have been having a lovely weekend!
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    Reactions: Xara
    hi!! late is better than never hehe, she says thank you! i love talking about her and sharing pics of her, i'm so happy you and others love seeing and hearing about her as well! 🥹

    i hope you're doing well and having a nice weekend! 🩷
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    Reactions: -Blue-
    Loved the photos of Bonk from your groomer!
    Happy birthday Bonk!😻🎉🎊🎈🎂
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    Reactions: Xara
    aren't they so cute!! i always love the pics her groomer takes of her. Bonky says thank you!! 🩷
    Happy Birthday Bonk. Hope she had a great day.
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    Reactions: Xara
    she says thank you!! she had a pretty good day; lots of new toys for her to play with! 🩷
    Your welcome. Glad she had a good day. 💜
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    happy late bday to bonk!! my cats bday was actually on the 11th (she turned one) so her and bonk's birthdays are so close 🥺
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    aw happy belated birthday to your kitty!!! they grow up so fast. 🥹 i hope she had a good birthday!! 🩷
    • Love
    Reactions: jiny
    i hope bonk had a good one too!! they really do 🥹
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    Happy Birthday to Bonk! She's so lucky to have a wonderful owner like you to celebrate her birthday with! 🧶🍰🐟🐈🎈
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    aw thank you!!! Bonk says thank you, too 🩷
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    Reactions: -Mars-

    This picture is the best thing I’ve seen in my entire life lol thank you for blessing me this image 🥹

    Also, happy birthday Bonky!
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    isn't it adorable!!! her groomer always takes silly pics of her when i take her to get her claws trimmed, i'm very happy she took some birthday-themed pics this time (like i was secretly hoping she would haha)! 🩷
    Hi Xara! :D I hope you’re doing good today 🫂💜💜
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    i'm doing okay!! i hope you and the girls are doing well! i'm so excited for mario party with you and SJ tomorrow!! 🩷
    I’m glad you’re doing okay 🫂💜💜. I’m doing okay thanks ☺️ and my girls are too! I’m excited too! I had so much fun last time :D
    Love your lineup, the colors work so well!
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    thank you!! I love yours as well! blue/purple is a goated colour combo, I always stop to admire your lineup whenever I see you around hehe

    congrats on your Celebrating Diversity win btw!! very well-deserved, your crafts are always incredible! 💜
    You're so sweet, thanks xara! ❤️
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    Reactions: Xara
    Hi, hope you’re feeling better. Me and Aurora send hugs.
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    Auroraaaaa!! hi baby!! 🥹 please give her a kiss for me!!

    i'm feeling okay right now, thank you! i just woke up a little while ago, so i don't think i'm awake enough to feel sick yet haha. i hope you and Aurora are doing well! Bonk and i send love and hugs 🩷

    I will give her a kiss for you. Glad you’re doing better. Hi Bonk. We are good. Hope you both have a fantastic day. 💜
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    I feel like this isn’t the best time to post this on your profile, but I know you also like this movie and I REALLY want to tell you how I felt about it.

    This movie was really good! It was so funny, but also heartwarming. For some reason, even though Fletcher is every single bad character trait someone can have, I lowkey kind of felt bad for him when his son started to hate him. It was so sad even though he’s a horrible person.

    You don’t have to reply if you don’t feel like responding, I totally get that. 😌
    • Love
    Reactions: Xara
    no you're fine!! i'm really glad you liked Liar Liar! it's my favourite Jim Carrey movie, and one of those movies i can watch a million times and never get sick of! it really is the perfect combo of heartwarming, funny and downright stupid LOL

    i always feel a little bad for Fletcher as well, especially when it comes to him and his son. he's selfish at the start, but you can see that he never truly means to hurt Max, especially as the movie goes on. Fletcher's character development by the end is so nice to see, though!
    hi loveeee I hope you're okay, I know you've been dealing with a lot lately and you've been in my thoughts 🥺💓🫂
    • Hug
    Reactions: Xara
    hii Bug, i'm doing okay 💜 i'm not 100% yet and there's still some unpleasant stuff i'm dealing with, but i'm doing better than i was last week at least.

    i know you've also been dealing with some stuff, and you've been in my thoughts as well. sending you so much love 🥺💜🫂
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