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  • Sort of on an unintentional break but I’m still checking in. I will definitely return. Could be next week or next month but I’ll be back 💜
    I'm a little late, but Happy Birthday Doo! I enjoyed being on the Squirtle Squad together for TBTWC! 💙🐢 I hope you had a wonderful day! 🎉🎉
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    Reactions: Doo
    Thank you! 💙
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    Reactions: S.J.
    omg happy birthday, Doo!! you've been such a delight to have around the forums these past few months. your kindness and empathy is a light in this community, and i hope you know it doesn't go unnoticed or unappreciated! it has been lovely getting to occasionally chat and play games with you, and i'm very grateful for all of the kindness you've shown me. 🩷 i hope today is as wonderful as you are!
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    Reactions: Doo
    Thank you so much Xara! 🩷
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    Reactions: Xara
    Hi! :D I hope you’ve been doing good!
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    Reactions: Doo
    Hi Dun, thanks for messaging! I’m doing okay 💜
    Also just wanted to say I struggle to focus on multiple things at a time, so you’re definitely not alone in that. I get really fixated on something and it’s the only thing I do, then it randomly switches to something else 😂
    I’m glad you’re doing okay ☺️💜💜. Yes! same! that’s exactly what happens with me. It’s not the worst thing since I’m still having fun, but it can be frustrating when I want to do other things 😅. Thanks for sharing that with me 🙂; I hope you’re having fun at least! :D
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    Reactions: Doo
    How are you getting on with Let's Go! Pikachu? I recently restarted LG! Eevee and having a lot of fun with it! Just reached Saffron City.
    Hi, I’ve been really enjoying it! I haven’t played it for a few days so I’m not entirely sure but I think I’m about to go to Lavender Town? 😂 If you need Pikachu version exclusive Pokémon, I can give you some - I haven’t unlocked them all yet though. I hope you’re feeling okay now.
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    Reactions: Chris
    Not too far apart then! I finished Lavender Town this afternoon. And likewise: happy to help you get the Eevee exclusives. I've come across all except Alolan Vulpix, Alolan Meowth, and Pinsir. Also, can I be cheeky and ask to hit you up once I've evolved my Alolan Geodude into Graveler? I forgot that Alolan Golem is also a trade evolution. 😂

    Still suffering, but playing Pokémon is definitely helping to keep my mind off of it!
    • Hug
    Reactions: Doo
    Thank you, and of course I’ll help you with that other trade evolution. It means I get them in my Pokédex anyway 😂
    I hope you feel better soon!
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